and still the longing sings | Bramblesong


New member
Dec 1, 2022
  • GENERALwe all know how loving ends
    Fallow Heart Bramblesong
    ↪ 'Bramble' for her scars and protective demeanor, 'song' for her distinctive voice​
    cis female, she/her
    ↪ pansexual/romantic, single​
    51 moons, ages realistically
    shadowclan, perma-queen

  • APPEARANCETo live in this world, you must be able to do three things
    A large, handsome black smoke with yellow eyes and many scars
    ↪ Big paws, big heart, big Everything. A maine coon-like moggy, standing at an impressive fourteen inches tall for eighteen pounds. Looks rather masculine, with a square face and long fur. Pale yellow eyes. Multiple facial scars, torn left ears.​
    smells like moss and crushed berries
    sounds like Shohreh Aghdashloo / usual speaking voice
    IRL ref

  • PERSONALITYto love what is mortal;
    POSITIVE TRAITS: gentle / affectionate / friendly
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: pacifistic / (over)protective
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: bossy / submissive / indecisive
    ↪ A motherly cat, protective to the point of becoming stifling out of worry. She hates violence categorically refuses to fight: faced with demands she doesn't agree with, she'll always try to persuade the other to her side, but will give in despite her misgivings rather than risk conflict. The only exception to this are the kits left in her care, who she'll defend with extreme prejudice.
    ↪ Sometimes slips up and treats other adult cats like the kits she spends most of her time with...​
    Still in mourning
  • RELATIONSHIPSto hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it;
    NPC x NPC
    ↪ two deceased kits​
  • INTERACTIONand, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go.
    Tough adversary thanks to her size and past as a rogue... if you can get her to fight, which is incredibly unlikely
    will not fight, will run away
    — Physical strength/size
    — Endurance
    — Social
    — Dexterity
    — Initiative
    — Speed​
    easy to talk to, will give unsolicited advice, keeps others' feelings as a priority
    Healing, peaceful, and minor harmful powerplay allowed
  • HISTORYwhere you used to be, there is a hole in the world
    Backstory / simplified history
    — Once a rogue with a reputation for fighting
    — Caught in the crossfire of the Pine/Marsh conflict and lost her first litter
    — They say she screamed her voice hoarse in grief

    Important Threads
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    Thread Name brief description.
    Thread Name brief description.

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