AND THAT'S TWO | baby's first steps

Feb 28, 2024

The world was all so new and bright to Gigglekit, who had been around for all of a handful of weeks. Every sensation was a surprise, from discovering that her mother's pelt was gray to hearing her mother speak. There was a lot that Gigglekit didn't understand, but she found that she was alright with that for now. Happiness was her primary drive, and happiness came from nursing and her brothers and mother's presence. On most occasions, Gigglekit nestled close to the warmth of Needledrift's tummy, but a sudden spark of curiosity had awoken in the small she-kit and her paws had done the rest.

On shaky legs, Gigglekit wobbled in place, occasionally laying back down when it all became too much to handle. But she managed to power through eventually, little paws awkwardly slapping against the mossy nest as she began to toddle away from Needledrift's belly. She wouldn't go too far if her mother didn't let her - not that she would be able to get very far anyway, on such little, unprepared legs. She let out a mew of surprise as her legs buckled beneath her once more, and she stayed on her stomach on the ground, regaining her stamina.
  • ! tagging moms @FERNDANCE @Needledrift
  • GIGGLEKIT kit of shadowclan, zero moons
    blinks incessantly.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.

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With someone volunteering to patrol in the cinnamon tabby's place, Ferndance found herself in Needledrift's company that day, her head buried in the crook of her mate's neck as she watched their children sleep. It was a funny feeling - stuck in camp, the warrior had wanted nothing more than to be free. Now that she was not confined to one den, she still wanted to spend more time in it. She knew the presence of the blue she-cat made her feel that way, but selfishly, she wished she could be in two places at once - a denmother and a hunter. Her head tilted at an angle, grinding her cheek deeper into the fur on the other Queen's neck when she saw movement below. Eyelids flutter before opening fully, emerald eyes settle upon Gigglekit. "Did you just..." A hindpaw aimed to nudge into Needledrift's back gently to alert her of what was happening, if she did not have her attention on her kittens already. Ears flicked back as the lilac tabby stood once more, this time for longer, this time... with paws moving. She was walking, walking, oh how her heart fluttered - even if it was the fifth time, seeing a kitten of hers take their first steps was just as magical as it had been when the others had done it.

Gigglekit showed no sign of stopping, Ferndance's tail began to lash as she egged the little one on. "Go.... adventurer. See what wonders of the Nursery you can seeeee— oh." Unsurprising to anyone but Ferndance, 'no signs of stopping' had been synonymous with 'take a few awkward steps before flopping over in exhaustion'. Her eyes briefly wandered to the shadows on the Nursery wall where she saw the shadows of cats, some within the nursery, some swallowing the sun with their forms. 'ShadowClanners...' Came the mournful reminder as she brief tension in her muscles dissipated once more. 'ShadowClanners... not... not thieves...' She took a few seconds to recompose before smiling towards Gigglekit, her voice growing softer and quieter as she craned her head to murmur in Needledrift's ear. "Where do you think she was going?"

they came here to give needledrift some prey. it wasn't much, they hadn't caught it since they still couldn't leave camp. but this wasn't what they'd expected to see. oh, look at that little one go! they're not all too sure to do when it came to kits. they typically avoided them until they're old enough to leave the nursery, with supervision of course, but even they can't help but be proud of the little tyke.

"woah... speedy little thing, isn't she?"

they say, setting the prey down. ferndance and needledrift can share if they so wish but it was for needledrift first. their ears twitched back and forth, blue gaze unusually soft when they look at the little ones.

"you almost had it little one. next time, surely."

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    44 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
*+:。.。 Bonepaw was a step behind Chilledstar because he...well...he had nothing. He'd just wanted to come visit between chores and had awkwardly turned up a heartbeat behind the leader themself - but thank starclan he did because look! Look! Bonepaw's face lights up as he watches his sister's wobbly step end in a punctuated plop - fuck it was adorable! Bonepaw felt his heart melt as he watched the little scrap of fur take yet another - literal - step to becoming more cat than a worm. How exciting that he got to see it! He'd be talking his littermate's ears off about this historic even when he next sees them!
In the meantime though, he forgets all about his chores as he lays down on his belly, purring loudly. He wonders if she'll walk to him if he encourages her! Eager to test the theory, the boy drums his paws on the ground and chirps, "Gigglekit, keep going, you can do it!" Maybe he should switch places with one of their moms, tough he's prepared to fight tooth and nail for the honor - even against his own mother!

Ok not really - but the sentiment is still there!

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Brother to Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently

Today, with eyes alight in his newfound surroundings, Morelkit watches. Despite the call for sleep brushing against his form, he presses onward, kitten-blue eyes scanning the nursery for all to see.

And it’s Gigglekit who grabs his attention, his sister’s similar form rising to stand as their mother does sometimes, paws moving in shaky ways to pull her forward. Morelkit blinks at his sister, at this revelation before his eyes — something new. Could he do the same?

Today, Morelkit learns. The tom watches for a moment longer, a witness to Gigglekit’s stumble and to those who visit and cheer her onward. Paws seek to feel the ground below him, the spongy texture of the nest he sleeps in. Pressing downward doesn’t do much at first other than elicit a frustrated mew from the kit. Why couldn’t he do the same?

Another try. Morelkit shifts his legs outward as he pushes downward, and suddenly a milk-round stomach feels cold against the barrier of air that now separates it from moss below him. He stands.

But not gracefully. He is a fawn, legs sprawled out beneath him, his body wobbling with uncertainty of what’s next. Gigglekit, in her short walk, made it look far easier than this. Cobalt eyes look to onlooker to onlooker, a strike of fear within them, before a trembling paw is lifted high, and is set down further than its last resting place. And then another, and another, in similar fashions.

Before long, he too is walking, and before long, he too loses balance. His limbs move too quick, and he falters, falling forward with another squeaking mew.
"Now they're gonna start causing trouble." Frostbite says with a playful smirk as he watches the kittens take their first steps with warmth in his eyes. Seeing them stumble on tiny paws reminds him of his own kits at this age, and he can't push away the warmth he feels inside at watching these kits reach their first milestone. Now that they're learning to walk, they'll be getting into all sorts of trouble, on purpose or not. They're still so new to the world, unaware of the dangers it hides. as he looks them over, his resolve to make Shadowclan a better place is strengthened. Their kits deserve love and safety. These kits deserve to grow up loved, and he's confident that Needledrift and Ferndance can do that.

He just needs to keep trying his best to help this clan heal and become better. For the kits of this clan, and for those already grown who could use a little healing themselves.​