// for Smogmaw's cave group! Please wait for @LIGHTSTRIKE .

Much of her time down here has been spent helping the RiverClanner walk, which admittedly has begun to wear down her own shoulder. In a rare moment where she's able to get a break, she takes long strides, enjoying the freedom again to walk by herself. However, she can't help but keep an ear turned towards where the she-cat walks against someone else, making sure they're not jostling her too much. She was hurt pretty badly...and well, she just wants to make sure she's not hurt worse.

In her distraction and listening for Iciclefang, she is not paying as much attention to her more immediate surroundings, especially Lightstrike who walks directly next to her. She takes a misstep, improperly judging the turn up ahead that Smogmaw was making, a turn Lightstrike was following, and she bumps harshly into him. She halts with a small gasp of surprise, which is quickly followed by a shallow splash. I did not just do that! She thinks, ashamed, skittering forward to try and help her clanmate. "Oh my gosh, Lightstrike, are you okay? I'm so sorry!" Her voice is genuine as she leans down to offer him help up if he needs it. Mouse-brain!
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Lightstrike could smell the tangled scents of Iciclefang and Stormywing next to him, could hear the uneven gait of the RiverClanner's limp while his Clanmate supported her. It was funny, how much more in tune his other senses were becoming now that he couldn't see jack shit.

He couldn't see jack shit.

The golden tom was focused on the cats in front of him, trying not to bump into them as they all turned, but he hadn't been expecting someone to bump roughly into him. Tripping over his own paws in the darkness and unable to right himself, the ThunderClan warrior let out a yelp, followed by a splash as he plunged into a shockingly cold puddle. Lightstrike sucked in a gasp, scrambling back upright and nearly headbutting Stormywing in the chin in the process.

She's speaking in a flurry, apologetic while he processes his now half-wet frosty-cold pelt. "Holy shit," is all he manages after a moment, eye wide. He was well and truly attentive now, if he hadn't been before. Then, after a pause, "that is- that's very cold." He let out a breathy laugh.

In the lapsing silence was the dripping of water, likely from his own pelt, and he took a moment to shake himself out. It didn't help his headache much. "I'm fine," he answered finally.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
Iciclefang knows she’s slowing the group down, and she hates it. Her shoulder has stiffened, now as unmalleable as the stone they had nearly been crushed by, and every movement is slow, deliberate, and painful. The tortoiseshell’s jaw aches from holding it so tightly, but it’s the only way she can bear to walk. I will not die here. I will not. Though her pride still smarts from losing her spar with Stormywing, she is grateful to the gray tabby she-cat, both for saving her life and for letting her lean against her. However, she knows her weight isn’t easy to hold up—she rests against another cat for support while the ThunderClanner pads forward and bumps into her Clanmate.

She can’t see it happening, but she hears droplets of water flick upward as Lightstrike stumbles. His shaky, breathy laugh exclaims the water is cold. She pauses, lowering her face to where he’d fallen. The water that splashes back is icy and catches in her whiskers like snowflakes. “We should drink while we can,” she murmurs to her companions. “Who knows how long we’ll be down here.” She laps at the puddle she can’t see, her dry, dusty throat soothed by the chilly liquid.

  • feel free to be the cat who's supporting her!
  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
She winces against the splatter of droplets that are cast towards her, but doesn't step away. This is her doing, after all. "Here, let me help you," She mutters apologetically, swiftly casting her tongue across his soaked shoulder repeatedly to try and lick it backwards with the hope of warming him up. She recalls hearing about this being done to kits by the medicine cat and so she hopes it at least helps a little bit. "At least yours was a puddle...I got a mouthful of river when I got wet," She tries to joke.

Iciclefang's voice surprises her, closer than she thought it would be and she straightens unknowingly. "That's...actually a good idea," She mews back trying and failing to search the dark for the tortoiseshell. When she's done grooming back her friend's fur, she leans down to lap a few mouthfuls for herself, quenching herself. It isn't until she begins to drink when she realizes how thirsty she had been.

the thought of water sent chills down the boys spine, but he knew that he had to actually drink something. not choke on it. his paws touched the edge of the water, and he was shot with the feeling of being reminded of the burning nostrils and filled lungs made him step back slightly, quickly inhaling a sharp breath of fear. his heart pace quickened, his breaths sharp.

but quickly they quieted, the broad tom crouching down safely at the edge as he listened to the others make what he assumed was good out of the series of unfortunate events.

His tongue lapped up the cool water, and he felt a newfound energy with it. It had been since the river since he had had anything to drink. but this was a much more comfortable drink in the dark caverns.

"that was definitely refreshing," milkpaw muttered in agreeance. "do... you guys think the journey will get any easier?" he asked softly, as if searching for reassurance.

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Stormywing, with an offer to help, began to lick at his fur, her tongue snagging on tangled fur with enough force to nearly make him lose balance a second time. This darkness was really messing with his sense of balance. In the ensuing silence, she tries to make a joke.

"Aha," he laughed weakly. "I don't think the river was half as cold, fortunately for you," he said. Iciclefang speaks up and interrupts whatever half-baked thought was brewing in his mind next, mentioning something about a drink. Stormywing had already replied by the time he processed the implication.

"Oh," he answered simply. "Right." Come to think of it, he really was parched, wasn't he? He could hear the sound of lapping water as cats heeded the suggestion, and Lightstrike turned to lean down and do the same. He overshot, however, his nose dipping into the water and shooting straight up his noise. He recoiled and sneezed once, twice, and his jaw clenched tight in a grimace. That did not feel good. His headache was pounding now.

The warrior tried again, this time with significantly more caution, and lapped up the water. Beside him, the WindClanner spoke up uncertainly. He let out a noncommittal hum in lieu of an answer, an instinctive swift response that he for once didn't have. "Um," he began at last. "Maybe?" He'd at least like to believe it would. "I can't imagine it getting much worse than this."

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
She soaked up half the river with her pelt, though,” Iciclefang murmurs in response to Lightstrike’s jest. “You ThunderClanners are more solid than you look.” If she could see better, she’d have given Stormywing a playful glare and a smirk. She knows the near-drowning could be a sore spot, but she can’t help that tiny bit of leverage she has over the ThunderClan warrior. Or maybe it’s gone now that she’s saved me and helped me through this tunnel. The thought almost stings.

The other cats draw closer to the puddle and begin to lap at the water. She can hear the tinny sounds of their tongues flicking against the surface. One of the younger ones—Milkpaw, she remembers from their introductions—speaks tentatively. “You guys think the journey will get any easier?” Stormywing’s Clanmate answers him with an equally hesitant, “Maybe. I can’t imagine it getting much worse than this.”

It’s not meant to be easy,” she murmurs, but there’s a part of her that feels some sympathy for the pale WindClan cat. He’s young, and away from his mentor and Clanmates. She flicks him gently with the end of her tail. “But I think we will be stronger for everything we face. Imagine telling all your friends back home about surviving a rockslide and following a ShadowClanner through the tunnels!” She tries to smile before remembering Milkpaw can’t see it anyway.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
Stormywing snorts back at his returned joke, knowing it's true. She at least had the sun to help dry her off after her plunge. Lightstrike would get no relief. She acknowledges Iciclefang's add-on with a huff of laughter, even venturing as far as to flick her tail lightly against the other's shoulder (and needing to estimate just how close her voice was to do so).

Milkpaw's hesitant question draws some bit of sympathy from the young warrior. He's the youngest one here by a long-shot. The poor apprentice is probably terrified. Her clanmate speaks up, quickly followed by the RiverClanner at her side. She's a bit surprised at the tone she takes on with the WindClanner. Friendlier...uplifting, even. Looks like she's not all stone and ice, The tabby can't help but think with a bit of reflection. "Everyone's gonna be soooo jealous," She tacks on, voice carrying the grin no one can see.