He’s been dying to know since Sootstar’s return from the battle with ShadowClan—dying to know if StarClan had spoken to her. What they’d said, what she’d seen. Clearly her other lives had not been revoked, because both Clans had watched her die and return to life. So had StarClan forgiven her—had they understood reason, that she is not the evil cat they wish to paint her as?

The tabby lays curled in her nest alongside her. Stars twinkle in a clear greenleaf sky. The wind shrieks, as it has been for days now, but they are safe together, safe within the confines of the stone. He presses his nose to part plush gray fur, murmuring, “When you died… what did you see this time? Was…” He speaks slowly, fearfully, “Was StarClan still angry with you?


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Sootstar lays with her chin to her mossy bedding. The night was quiet aside from the roaring of wind and the occasional whisper from outside the den, all was peaceful. Yet sleep would not consume her battle-aching body, as if reading her mind Weaselclaw asks a question that’s been brewing in her head.

Sootstar does not lift her head to look at him, ”They did not speak to me. I didn’t see any StarClan cat, not one at all.” What had I seen? That was the question, where had she been? In its own way it had been a godly place, clearly not a realm that existed on the plane of earth she and her mate walked upon. Yet it was nothing she’s witnessed in the world of StarClan before, not a single star glittered in the night sky and decaying trees creaked and groaned. ”When I woke up I was in a forest, an ugly one.” It had certainly not been pretty.

”My body ached with the wounds I had gained in the battle and the rot, the rot was everywhere. I could smell it, see it- the trees surrounding me were dead, every last one. The air was stiff and humid. That is all I was able to see before I woke up again.” She shifts in the nest as her fur pricks with unease, ”Wherever I was, it couldn’t have been good.”
Sootstar does not turn to look at him. She’s slack beside him, staring off into space, trapped in the memories where her death is buried. “They did not speak to me. I didn’t see any StarClan cat, not one at all.” Weaselclaw tenses beside her, ears flicking uncomfortably. This is different, isn’t it? She doesn’t often talk about the lives she’s lost, but he knows enough to know that this—this isn’t like the last times.

As she continues, Weaselclaw feels himself grow colder. She speaks as one haunted, uneasy. Her wounds had stung still in this godless place of darkness and rot. “Is this a threat by StarClan?” Anger draws his voice taut. “They are against us now. There is no doubt.” The fur along his spine bristles, but he does not rise from their nest.

Once, he’d been comforted by the thought that after a long life of serving WindClan to the best of his ability, he’d retire to the stars. His spirit would rest; he’d exist in peace with Sootstar by his side, watching their kits and their Clan thrive. Now, there is no certainty about their ending, and he’s never been so filled with dread before.

Any comfort he’d had about his afterlife has been torn away. He’s left flailing, as Sootstar no doubt is.

Weaselclaw presses his nose to her back, but he is seeking comfort in the gesture rather than giving it. He does not know what awaits them now, but he knows, as she had said, that it’s nowhere good.



She feels him tense beside him, she offers little comfort in continuing to stare outwards. Even now she could imagine herself in the dark forest perfectly, she could smell the rot and the decay that was littered all around her. Is this a threat by StarClan? Sootstar in a way- thinks not. It was not a threat, but perhaps informing her of what awaits her when she closes her eyes for the very last time. It was their way of coming to terms with what she was, and it was their way of telling her that she’d never walk the same starry ranks when she comes to pass.

The only comfort she has is that she has six more lives to live, she’d have plenty of time to delay whatever it was that awaits her.

Weaselclaw presses his nose into her back, she can vaguely smell his fear scent. ”Whatever awaits us- for me, I will welcome it. StarClan will not get my fear.”
Sootstar is motionless beside him, barely reacting to his words or to the nose he’s pushed into her fur. When she does speak, it’s flat. “Whatever awaits us- for me, I will welcome it. StarClan will not get my fear.” Brave words, and the tabby swallows audibly before considering what to say. Perhaps she is right to face StarClan without trembling before them. Perhaps they are not as wise as they present themselves to be, nor as merciful.

Weaselclaw says in a tired voice, “I am your mate, but I am your warrior first. No matter what, I will fight by your side.” He hesitates, wondering if he should verbalize his fear, and then he decides against it. I will die by your side, and if such a place exists, I will go to that rotting forest with you.