
primadonna girl ♡
Feb 21, 2024
From an outside perspective, Mockingbirdcry could enjoy the leisurely luxury of choosing her own hours. No hoarse - voiced call would tug her from sleep to demand a dawn hunting patrol or an emergency moonhigh border check. She did not have to pull weary bones from the comfort of her nest to drag an unwilling apprentice out for morning training, nor was she required to ferret out a scrawny prize from ShadowClan's trademark mires before enjoying a piece herself.

In actuality, children were apt to wailing at odd hours. The motherless ones, her charges taken under a gossamer wing, were particularly given to noisy cries for semi - realized demands in the small notch of moonhigh along the night's spine. She seizes her sleep when she can, dreams of strange places and blurry faces, memories long lived and forgotten, walks her mind called by a thousand names left behind in a trail of blood. Today, though, a little scrap complaining of an aching head ( a likely story, but one she would always indulge ) had pulled her from these half - buried things and taken her on a drowsy cross - camp trek.

" Come on, sleepyhead, " she murmurs softly, yawning widely to expose pearly canines and then nosing gently the lagging kit behind the ear, an affectionate nudge meant both to expreess care and push the kit forward towards a pine - ringed pool. Under the high moon, her voice is a sweetly sleep - rasped whisper. " We'll get you a drink of water and see if you feel better then, alright? "

// If desired, any kit can feel free to be the one accompanying her!

" speech "

sleep evades them all too often. they have to admit, there is not a lot on their mind right now and that's oddly comforting. there's no worry, or anxiety about worry, or anger. just nothing. since losing their last life they've been a bit more volatile than usual but right now, everything has seemed to come to a stop. they don't know why but they're not questioning it, if it means they can have some peace– even if they're not sleeping at all. they lay with their body half in their den, watching the stars twinkle as their ears flicked back and forth with a sigh. starclan, please do me a favor, yeah? don't punish my clan for my actions at the gathering. I know what I did was volatile and wrong and I take full responsibility for it and for what lilacfur did. give them a break. it's not their fault. I'm sorry.

alright, enought of that. they mostly feel fine but seeing the stars makes them want to apologize. they really messed that up for a lot of clans and though they don't regret what they did, they did not need shadowclan sowing the consequences. with a gentle flick of their tail, they perk up their ears to see mockingbirdcry leaving the nursery with a kit in tow. huh. they push up to their paws and walk over, offering the kit a smile and looking back at the permaqueen.

"taking a little moon high walk, eh? mind if I join the two of you?"

———————---***i try to live in black and white***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    47 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed