Jul 9, 2022
// This thread takes place simultaneously with this thread. If you signed your character up to be in the battle patrol at Sunningrocks, they may not post here. However, if your character is on Flycatcher's patrol, you may post here after the OK is given in the discord. For now, it is up to those in camp to defend while reinforcements rush back to camp. Remember to please play this as realistically as you can; this is a massive dog compared to small (and in some cases, injured or otherwise weak cats in camp) cats!


Time seems frozen within the bramble walls, built up thick and high to protect. Those unable to fight wait in worry for loved ones to return safely from the call of war. A few healthy warriors remained back, along with apprentices whose mentors refused to take them. But for the most part, the camp is filled with the young and old, the weak and injured. Some chatter idly to try and pass the time, others cannot sit still and pace back and forth, back and forth, eyes shifting repeatedly towards the camp entrance.

A sniffing nose guides the beast towards the cats' residence, drool dribbling down her jaw as hunger gnaws at her stomach. Food. Lots of food. She is hunting, and she has found where the felines nest. A wet pink tongue swipes hungrily across exposed teeth as she hurries along, quickening her pace until she is sprinting through the woods. There's a barrier in her way, and she's not about to let it stop her from getting a meal.


The bramble wall splits beneath the force of the howling mutt, tendrils snapping as she yanks herself inside. The screeches she hears only egg her on further, stumpy tail wagging with glee upon the sight of meal after meal after meal. One scent is most tantalizing of all, coming from a thickly woven bramble clump near a tree stump. Kittens! Joyfully, the smiling hound plunders forth, prepared to get through anything in her way to bring food back for her packmates (and get a few bites in herself).


// mild powerplaying of the dog is allowed, such as scratching her, biting her, and having her injure your character! However, please do not maim, kill, or have the dog do anything too drastic such as destroy anything in camp! Maiming can be attempted!
  • Wow
Reactions: Thorny

the decision to remain at camp had not been easy to make. her clanmates were out fulfilling a plan she had a part in, while she stood pacing along the camp entrance. however, the cold was not letting up and she had been pushing herself to go on more patrols than ever to keep their home safe. the strain on her leg was causing more and more pain, going to sunning rocks would only make her a liability. nightbird didn't know if she had the strength to run away.

the camp was silent, most waited with worry. a majority of the warriors had been sent out to battle. it left them weak and vulnerable, they knew it too. however, as long as the patrols fulfilled silverlightning's plan flawlessly, there shouldn't be any issues. it would remain quiet in the clearing, quiet was good.


the sound ripped through her ears, echoed off the camp walls. silver eyes were drawn wide as she spun around to see the source. barking and howling quickened her heart to the point where it felt still. how could this happen? her mind darted to the others, had they failed? did the last of thunderclan's forces lie here within these walls?

there wasn't time to think, the wretched creature was making a beeline straight for the nursery. it's hungry teeth begging to feast on their young, she couldn't let that happen. with adrenaline drowning out most of her pain, nightbird charged at the dog. she had to get it's attention, make it decide that she was a better snack than the kittens. she left the ground, jumping and landing on it's back with her claws deep in it's skin. the ugly thing reared it's head, changing directions as it spun, teeth snapping to reach her. her hold was solid for a while, and it's circles had drawn them away from the nursery, but she was slipping. it took one more change of direction for her to be flung off.

she landed hard on the ground, her back made the first contact but her head quickly followed. pain reared in her skull as she tried to force lost air back into her lungs, but it was taking her longer to recover than it should have. black threatened to overtake her vision and nightbird was blinking fast to get it to go away. the dog had found a new target away from the nursery as it stalked towards her, ready to finish the job. but the molly couldn't move, couldn't breathe. she was going to die here.
[ ☾✩ ]

  • Wow
Reactions: Flamestar
A cracking noise rung though camp and Cloudypaw's fur stood on end. She froze, right in the center of camp, as her head slowly turned toward the noise. In her head, she reassured herself that it couldn't be what she feared. It just couldn't. Then she saw it.

All her nightmares brought to life.

The bramble wall that was supposed to protect her fell away easily against the force of the mutt. In an instant, the camp descended into panic. Screeches rang out, her clanmates ran this way or that, but Cloudypaw just stood staring. Her fear tethered her to the spot. This was it, she was dead. The image of Emberstar's bloodied corpse ran through her mind. She whimpered pitifully as she glimpsed the teeth that had done the foul deed.

The dog didn't descend upon her though, instead it turned. Heading for the nursery. The apprentice blinked. That was a horror beyond her worst imaginings, but one that meant she was safe. She could turn and run and she would get to live. That was what she wanted to do.

Nightbird rushed past her, braver than she had ever thought a cat could be, arcing through the air and landing on the creature's back. All she could do was watch in awe as the dog roared in pain, writhed and snapped it's jaws as it tried to dislodge its attacker. For a moment, Nightbird seemed immortal, a true warrior.

Then the mutt whipped around and she went flying, hitting the ground with a sickening sound that rung through the clearing. She didn't get up. The dog turned and stalked toward her.


Cloudypaw told herself.

It was the right thing to do, the only thing to do. She couldn't fight, couldn't hunt.

She was so scared and she didn't want to die here.


Cloudypaw began backing up.

Then Covecatcher's voice rang in her ears, telling her that if she stayed, she too could be a wonderful warrior. It was so strange that only now did she realize she wanted to be one, like her uncle was, like Covecatcher was, like Nightbird was.

Cloudypaw ran not away from but toward the dog. There was no plan in her head, no ideas about what she was going to do. All she knew was that she had to do something. Distracted by Nightbird, it didn't even notice her clumsy approach.

It's tail, swinging behind it, caught her attention. In a moment of inspiration, she sung her teeth into it as hard as she could.

A screech rung out through the camp so loud that it made her fold her ears back against her head and screw her eyes shut. In her fear, it was all she could do to keep her jaw clenched around the tail between them as the dog turned on her.​
  • Love
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Cherrypaw had been pacing the camp rapidly for some time now. He’s wrapped up in his thoughts, a deep frown scoured across his face and his eyebrows furrowed in agitation and concentration. All three patrols had long since left, including the newly-named Howlingstar, his sister, and his dad. He would have gone with them, when Patchpaw told him something that chilled him to the bone. He was sure it was only his nerves putting these thoughts into his mind, but he couldn’t help but wonder if she had any reason behind it.
Before she left to follow her mentor Rabbitnose through the gorse tunnel, Patchpaw had turned to him, ordering him to stay. He couldn’t quite wrap his head around it—why would she tell him to stay?

In fact, she had said nothing more! There was only that look, that degrading, haunted veil of pain behind her eyes before it vanished, and then Patchpaw had strode in determination after her mentor. It stunned Cherrypaw quite a bit, and eventually, he found himself watching them leave without him.
I suppose someone had to stay behind, then, don’t they?

Then, the dreadful CRA-A-A-ACK filled the air and to the sound of cats screaming and horror filling his chest, Cherrypaw whips around to find one of the grueling, salivating beasts ripping its way through the barrier like moss. Why was it here—and what happened to the patrols? What happened to his dad?… to his sister?
There was no time to think, no time to move—it had already changed course from the nursery to Nighthowl and Cloudypaw. The howl of agony only angered it further as it spun in a circle, attempting to snap its jaws down on any part of Cloudypaw that it could reach, twisting back and forth with howls and shrieks of hungered wrath. No longer did it focus on its surroundings, only a temporary window.

That was his chance! Cherrypaw launched himself forwards, putting on a burst of speed.

”Get away from them, you DOG!” With his yowl of pure fury, Cherrypaw sinks his teeth into the dog’s exposed leg as when it faced the other way, claws attempting to dig into whatever flesh he could purchase on.
Whatever you do, hold on tight, Cloudypaw…!
✦ ✦ ✦
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Calamity. He moved a step back as the dog moved a step forwards. It was faster than him, and it covered more ground, but it wasn't interested in him yet. Pebblepaw backed into the camp wall, feeling the reaper loom over him even as it charged to other places. The lilac tom was staring at death itself, and his throat was so dry that all he could do was plead with a cracked voice: 'not today'. No one deserved to die today, their home had already suffered so much... but... what could anyone do against a dog that size? He felt faint, and squared his paws to stop himself from toppling over. Each second felt like a minute, the corner of the apprentice's vision turned black as he tunneled in on the snarling, yapping beast. There's a shape that appears that looks oddly familiar, and it takes a second for the tom to realise that it's his own sister getting thrown about, first by a paw and then by her attempts to hang on to the canine's tail. 'You're gonna get yourself killed!' Another apprentice joined in and Pebblepaw almost had to overt his gaze for fear of seeing red soak the camp floor. For now, it didn't appear.

He shook himself, lamenting at how wobbly his paws were. He was afraid, he was so, so afraid, but he couldn't let this animal harm his clan. Pebblepaw entered a hunter's crouch and then recklessly charged toward the flailing dog. They couldn't stop to think, if they hesitated for even a moment, they wouldn't have the guts to follow through. Pebblepaw jumped high when they got the chance, catching himself with his teeth on a loose flap of skin on the dog's flank. His claws quickly found a grip before he was thrown off and he clambered up to the dog's back, hoping to bite and claw at whatever he could. He knew he'd be thrown off eventually, voluntarily or otherwise, but blind fear motivated the cat. Not for himself anymore, instead, for his sister and his clan - it was better if he was the target of the dog's ire than anyone else. Even if his claws felt like blunted sticks instead of weapons, even if his teeth pierced but never truly hurt, the ThunderClanner would give it all he had to see the others make it through to the next dawn.



Being made to stay in camp whilst the patrol of brave clanmates went out to deal with the hounds was frustrating, even more so when he knew that Patchpaw was out there. He wished he could have done more training with her, he wished he could be there by her side so he could protect her and to ensure that she made it home at the end of the mission. The agony of worry weighed heavy on his heart and made all attempts to sleep somewhat fruitless. He was too restless to fully go under.

Something that soon proved to be an advantage.

The noise outside the medicine den jolted him to his paws and it made his heart race with a sense of true dread. DOG! Injured or not, it didn't take a genius to guess what Wildpaw did next.

The tom erupted into the clearing with wide, wild eyes and he locked his sights on the nightmare unfolding in the heart of their home. Already his clanmates were rushing to confront the beast, biting and clawing where they could, but he was worried that it was mostly apprentices present. There was no order or pattern to their assault, sooner or later someone was going to get killed!

With how big the dog was it was going to be hard to get on its back, but Wildpaw's gaze drifted to that of the Highrock. He rushed to ascend it, stopping only once he had reached the top. "Everyone! Position yourselves around the brute, bite, back up, let the next cat along make a bite. Make the bastard spin!" He announced, hoping they would switch to hit and run tactics to sow confusion in their enemy. Now it was his turn to make the mongrel regret coming to their home. "DIIIIEEEE!!!" Backing up on Highrock, he then erupted into a run before propelling himself forth with a mighty leap with the intentions of landing on the hound's back where he aimed to bite into the bitch's scruff and to sink his claws in to help him stay on.
She had been rather disappointed when Grayspot told her she wasn’t going out there. Auburn and Zero were going! Her parents were out there. But she hasn't received enough training in the eyes of her mentor. So, she stayed behind in the camp. Sitting among her other clanmates as they all wait for the others to get back. Thinking back to what she had said outside the apprentice den. She believes in all of them. They’ll all come back. Alive and the dogs will be no more.

The sound of cracking followed by screeches sent dread down her spine. Whipping her head around, the young apprentice stared in horror as a dog managed to get into camp. How had none of them noticed! They shouldn’t have let their guard down. Bouncepaw felt her paws tremble. Cherrypaw’s and Wildpaw’s shouting shakes her out of the dread. She needed to be brave! This is what she had been training for. To defend her home, to protect her clanmates, and to prove herself useful! She was sure her parents were out there doing the very same.

Without further thought, the calico dashes forward to join her attacking denmates. Letting out a mighty cry as she aims to slash at its underbelly as Wildpaw attacks from above and Cherrypaw attacks one of the legs. Hoping it was distracted enough to get a good claw in.

Oh stars, help them. He had stepped out for a moment to grab the remaining bramble they had brought with them to work on the wall's reinforcements only to return to the sound of young voices yowling in alarm and his pace quickened until he burst back into the camp to see the horror unfold. One of the dogs was here. Sunfreckle's eyes widened, he quickly searched for Nightbird and found her disoriented on the ground with the dog circling as apprentice's lunged at its limbs and face to keep it from moving to the Nursery where its body had been angled when he arrived-it was going after the kittens. Drawn by the scent of milk and noisy mews and the red tabby felt his fur rise up into fine red bristles as he rushed forward to join the cats already battering away at the dog's form. Cloudypaw held it by the tail, Pebblepaw was trying to cling to its back, he saw Cherrypaw at a leg and Bouncepaw near its underbelly and the loud and piercing voice of Wildpaw was his only warning to the rowdy tom lunging for its scruff. The apprentices swarmed it and he darted forward to where he could stand in front of the dog and see its large black, ink-spill eyes staring back at him with the feral fury of a predator.
With a lunge the three-legged tom latched himself onto one of the beast's ears and rocked back on his hindlegs, pulling hard to keep its head down low and force its gnashing teeth away from the multitude of young cats picking at it from every side; if he could just keep its head pulled forward-it wouldn't be able to take a nasty bite out of anyone.

How long he could hold this, he wasn't sure, but he had the weight to keep the dog lopsided and the strength to clamp his teeth down as long as he could; through the fur lining his mouth he gave a sputtering hiss of outrage, "DO AS WILDPAW SUGGESTED!" His words slurred from not being able to open his mouth but he kept his mouth firmly sealed, "DART IN, DART OUT!" Keep it on its toes, keep it unfocused, keep it distracted; he could feel it lashing its head against him in a desperate bid to find purchase with those sharp teeth but it could not quit remove him well enough to do so.

Thunderstorm had bolted out of the den- if he still has his tail Berryheart would have imagined he had left it behind. A flash of black and red, Berryheart was quick to follow after him, awry eyes settling upon the intruder. Some towering, canid fiend- a breakaway from Sunningrocks, where all the muscle was packed into. Left behind in camp were the injured, the ill, the nursing, a couple guards and a medic. But he was a healer with poison in his claws, venom that had long lay dormant. A talent for battle was one he had possessed since kit hood, and he wasted not a moment in throwing himself into the fray.

The group strategy was a sound one, tactics that Berryheart's ever-whirring mind could find no error in. He was fond of energetic technique, and in a group they could use numbers to their advantage even when overpowering the beast was not an option. Flurry of ash and flame, the medicine cat's claws sprung from their snowy restraints.

A notoriously slow-moving tom, it might raise an eyebrow in any other circumstance to see Berryheart so deft. He hopped on his feet, darting from side to side in the most erratic manner possible, each direction taken an unpredictable one. He doubted a dog had much of the same intellect as a cat, but even if it was a rival in mind power it would not be able to hit him. In a movement flash-quick, the tom leapt and took aim for the sensitive skin across the dog's cheek, feeling the rip of fur and flesh before darting back as quickly as possible. Keeping focused on its face whilst staying un-hittable would hopefully spare Nifty from any downsides of his raucous pulling strategy, too.

Enough damage done and it would flee, he prayed. Back to the ninth circle it ascended from.
Wishing her clanmates good luck, and saying goodbyes had been one of the hardest things she had done since joining the clan. It wasn't just wishing others well was like watching her family march off to battle. It wasn't just hoping to see her mate again, it was hoping her mate and the father of their kits would come back home. Would Howlingstar face the same fate as Emberstar? There were too many what ifs...

Flamewhisker had volunteered to watch the camp while the battle patrols were away. There were not many clanmates still here, so it should've been an easy task. She had asked them to all stay put, not wanting the camp to lose any more members than were already gone.

Suddenly her ears pricked as she heard movement outside. Was the battle patrols back already? It was far too soon...had it failed? She opened her jaws to speak, but there was no way she could've said anything before the horrible CRA-A-A-ACK. echoed throughout the camp.

It was like staring into a nightmare. Within seconds, a beast similar in size to the group that had slaughtered her mother tore into the camp. It dripped away at her thorn barrier like it was simply grass. The dog shifted its gaze to the nursery, and began running. Within seconds, Flamewhisker's pelt stood on end, making her look double in size. As she ran to intercept the dog, her claws slid out, gripping the ground. Her eyes grew wild, and she roared out a battle cry, the signal for the kits and Little Wolf to stay put. The blood in her veins was roaring, and all she could see was red. There was no way in hell she was going to let that thing near her babies.

There was nothing more dangerous in the world than an angry mother.

She felt no fear as she leaped towards the dog, claws extended, aiming for its shoulder. She was so angry in fact, that it wouldn't be surprising if there wasn't a little foam bubbling around her mouth. Nightbird had landed on its back just before she had, and the dog began to spin. After some violent direction changes, Nightbird and her were thrown off. She landed on her side, the opposite direction from the dark Molly. As she regained her footing, she watched as the dog started heading towards Nightbird's injured body.

The dog was then swarmed by the rest of her clanmates. Cloudypaw on the tail, Cherrypaw on the legs, Pebblepaw on the back, Wildpaw had jumped off the Highrock and onto its back as well, Bouncepaw was tearing at its underbelly, Sunfreckle was grabbing it's ear, and Berryheart was slashing it's cheek. An idea sprung into her mind, while glancing back at the nursery. She needed to go back to guarding it after this attack, but it was mostly apprentices here in the camp. She couldn't leave them alone to fight this monster.

Darting forward, she would attempt to rake a heavy paw across it's eyes, before hopefully darting backwards in time to avoid getting bitten. She had felt the hot breath and teeth skim her pelt, but hopefully by impairing it's eyesight a bit would give them an advantage. As she darted back, she would move closer to the entrance of the nursery, putting herself in between the dog and it. Can we hold this off by ourselves? We can't afford to send someone for help! She glanced back at the den that held her kits, then returned her attention to the dog. She would die before letting it get any closer.

He didn't like that he had to stay back when Sunnyday was out there chasing away these dogs. He wanted to be out there too so nothing bad would happen to the old man. Shallowpaw was quite frustrated at himself because his first time encountering one of the dogs hadn't gone well, not in his eyes. He could have done better back then. If he had maybe Wildpaw wouldn't have lost his tail. A guilt he might have to carry with him for the rest of his days.

Shallowpaw had been outside in camp when the dog had come in through the gates of their camp, and wide-eyed he watched the battlefield to break out. Another attack this time at the center of their own home. Shallowpaw stood up ready to join in into the action to hopefully do better this time but it was then he heard Wildpaw's roar from above highrock. That...idiot...what was he doing out here when he should stay put in the medicine cat den right now. Putting his life in danger for all of them. Why did a cat like him have to do something so heroic shine so brightly. Tch. He didn't like what he was feeling in that very moment. Just focus on the battle, you can be cool too Shallow!.

With clenched teeth he sprinted forward running straight towards the dog but keept distance as he made himself around it while it was distracted by his clanmates merciless attacks. It was when he come up behind that the apprentice would dart forward and with his teeth ready once again he went straight for the dogs tail to sink his teeth as hard into it as he could. An eye for an eye...or in this case an tail for an tail. He wouldn't let someone like Wildpaw outshine him!.

Unfamiliar with the Clan politics—she knew there were dogs, but as she was no cat with great responsibilities she was not in the loop of the planning and patrols—this day unfolded like any other day. Stormkit was pawing at the twigs of the bramble walls of the nursery, captivated by the sharp spines that gave her a prick whenever she got to close. It was a dangerous, fun game, one that made her pelt crawl somewhat deliciously.

The loud crack made her head turn and the scent of something wholly unfamiliar but undeniably a threat filled her senses. She heard Flamewhisker's yowl but her paws somehow were kept rooted to the ground for a split second, forgetting all that prepping. The caterwauls and yowls of her Clanmates snapped her out of it and she darted quickly to the deepest, darkest recesses of the nursery.

Her tiny chest heaved up and down and her eyes were wide, ears laid flat against her head. Tears began to gather in her eyes, overstimulated by the sudden reality of death. Stormkit started to whimper. She could not feel her paws or her nose. It was as if she had been frozen solid.


The possible threat of a dog hasn't crossed his mind since his mother prepped them about the things. He has been mostly playing around camp and getting under the paws of other apprenrices, dreaming for the day when he gets to go out there. When he gets to be an apprentice. He jumps on a mossball and kicks at it with his back legs, eyes full of playful mirth as he rolls around on the ground. Truly he will become the best warrior that Thunderclan has ever seen and one day he will get to defend his clan. The idea is a goal in his mind and he giggles until the sudden sound slashes through the air.

Hearing such a deafening crack makes him still. He becomes like a statue and his eyes widen as he sees the monstrosity that invades the camp. Is that a dog? It's much more scary than he had visualized in his mind and for a moment he just stares. The shouts of his clanmates finally make him twist his body and he huffs, fur puffing up as if he will fight too. He can help! But then he remembers what his mother told them and out the corner of his bright gaze he sees his sister running into the nursery. With one final look he too scampers off to quickly make his way inside, huddling up beside Stormkit. "It's okay, mama is strong. She can get that thing away."

Rabbitnose raced through the forest just like his namesake, quick like a rabbit. A dog was missing, and that only meant one thing. The bastard could be at camp.

The thought filled him with dread. He picked up his pace, and prayed to Starclan that they weren't too late.

He heard the yowls before he reached camp and his heart sank and blood ran cold. What would he see upon crashing through the entrance? Would he see blood? Maimed cats? Would he see his mate take his last breath?

He refused to let that happen.

An uncharacteristically vicious growl escaped him as he bore his teeth, a once kind and gentle expression turned to one of wrath. He bolted into the camp and his fury only grew when he saw the beast near the nursery.

Not on his watch.

With a furious yowl he lunged for the dogs throat, clamping down as hard as he could. The blood he tastes was...... Vile. But he didn't let up. He clung like a snapping turtle.

Even if the dog were to dislodge him, he'd be taking flesh with him most likely.

He couldn't kill this dog, but he could sure do some damage and make it fear for it's life. Only over his dead body would it get those kittens.

Flamewhisker arrived, Berryheart joined him near the front of the dog and he wanted to cheer because the remaining cats together were making a good show of keeping the dog away from the nursery. The swift strikes and darting back and forth seemed to be working so far, the dog was too confused and angry to realize that it was the big red tabby at the front pulling its head down that was preventing it from biting but as with all things this too would inevitably come to an end. The sound of heavy paws near the camp entrance had his ears fall flat in horror, terrified at the idea of more dogs joining and thus signifying the battle had ended with ThunderClan's loss but instead a familiar blue spotted form arrived and his heart lit up like the sun of his namesake.
Rabbitnose! Part of the attack patrol had returned-they would be fine now, they would manage-the third dog had not been unoticed.

Sunfreckle kept firmly in place, limbs locked and teeth tight but his grip was perhaps too hard and suddenly he felt himself falter backwards as the part of the ear he'd clamped onto so fiercely tore and the dog snatched its head back. In one swift motion he did not even have time to register it lunged forward, he felt teeth sliding over his scalp to his shoulders and the pressure that followed was smothering, suffocating; it felt almost as if the dog had swallowed him in one sharp bite but it had really just grabbed the side of his thick neck ruff and yanked him forward into the air. Sunfreckle gave a sharp sound, a combination of a yelp and screech as it did what dogs often did when they got a hold of their prey; it shook. The longhaired tabby found himself hastily whipped around back and forth, his lone forepaw raised to try and stick his claws into whatever part of the dog he could and he found purchase on the pliant and floppy jowls of his maw-ripping into them in a desperate bid to be let go and let go it did; tossing him across the camp where he hit the ground and tumbled into the walls they had so carefully reinforced prior, a bloody streak marking his path from impact to stop.
A single attempt was made on his part to push himself back to his paws, blood dripping from the top of his head to his muzzle but he failed and slumped back onto the ground-hoping that the others could manage now without him now that help had finally arrived.


The camp had erupted into chaos so quickly he almost didn't register what was happening. His fur stood on end and his eyes widened with horror as the dog came crashing through the camp.

It was heading for the nursery.

He forced himself into action. He bolted for the nursery, taking a swipe at the dog as he went by. The kits were already hidden in the back already, thankfully. This dog wasn't going to hurt a hair on their heads.

He peaked out of the nursery just in time to see Rabbitnose arrive, and Sunfreckle get shaken like a toy and thrown.

Terror laced his voice as he cried out. "DAD!!!!!"

He nearly ran out to him. But he paused, he couldn't leave the kits unprotected. He dug his claws into the ground as he glared at the dog.

He had to keep the kits safe. Sunfreckle would be okay. Right? He had to be.


Her legs carried her here as fast as she can, bursting through the camp entrance with a fearful expression. Eyes scanned camp, two limp bodies lay across the ground and her stomach dropped. They weren't dead, right? Sunfreckle and Nightbird, no, no, no! They weren't supposed to lose warriors off of this and she begins to move until she finds Cloudypaw facing off with the dog. Pride, fear and anger flood her veins all at once as she pushes hind legs to carry herself over. Sparkpaw was with Sunfreckle, someone needed to watch over Nightbird. But she had no time, its guilt that pricks her emotions as she runs. She needed to buy time for Berryheart or the other reinforcements.

"Hey there, little warrior!" she greets the girl with a strained purr as she zooms past, leaping to attach herself on the dogs back with a furious hiss. Be a good example, don't let them know how scared you are. Ears flatten against the various yowls and screeches, otherwise they'd overwhelm her and she'd fumble it. Cove chokes back an audible sob regardless and her heart is going a million miles a minute, she swore her heart would give out before this dog even got to her. Be brave, be brave, be brave- her repetition of thoughts did nothing to squash her doubts.

And being so caught up in her head made her vulnerable. The dog shook its hefty body and tumbling to the ground did she go, losing her pawholds with her claws being dislodged. She hits the ground with a yelp, a dull throb immediately throbbing through her shoulder. And as she stared up to the face of the beast, she remembers how selfless Storm had been when they had been attacked on a scouting mission. She'll be selfless too... She'll get these cats out of her if its the last thing she does.

She rises to her paws and lunges once more, hoping to get her jaws fastened around one of the legs. If the dog sustains more injuries, it'll fall like a cracking tree, and then they could finally deal with it without worry that it'll squash them all.
✦ ★ ✦
( ) Lichenpaw hates this: stuck in camp, his mentor refusing to bring him along to fight the dogs. Treated like a helpless kitten, as always. He can handle himself!

He isn't expecting it, then, when the fight comes straight to him.

Lichenpaw stands in frozen fear as he watches the dog barrel into camp, eyes wide and glassy. It shouldn't be able to do that. Camp was supposed to be safe. That's the whole point! That's why he's been stuck here. Was it all for nothing, then? Lichenpaw's fur stands on end, every muscle tense. He should run, but-- the dog is making a beeline for the nursery. No, no. He needs to do something. Move! he yells at himself, yet his feet remain rooted to the ground. Should he run, maybe? That's what he's always done before. That's what you do when there's something stronger than you; you save yourself, you get away before it can hurt you too badly. But things are different, here in ThunderClan. Lichenpaw has never had anyone he wanted to protect before. It should feel inspiring, he thinks, but instead it just feels like a terror in the pit of his stomach.

He watches as the other apprentices attack the dog, Cloudypaw first. Huh, he's never paid her much mind before. Kittypet-born and cowardly, he'd always thought her too soft. Perhaps he's underestimated her. Then Cherrypaw, Pebblepaw... Wildpaw, that one is no surprise. Cats rush by, piling onto the dog. Wildpaw's words echo in Lichenpaw's ears, distant through the haze of panic. It's a good strategy, he thinks foggily. He should help. He should help. He should fight. He should--

It isn't until Rabbitnose bursts into camp that Lichenpaw snaps out of his stupor. Reinforcements, they're sending reinforcements. From the attack party that he had wanted so badly to be a part of. Because he is brave and he can fight this. Right.

Sunfreckle's yelp draws Lichenpaw's attention quickly. His gaze is clearer now, eyes locked on as the dog grabs the tom by the scruff and flings him across camp. He watches in horror as Sunfreckle collapses, blood pooling around his head. If only he knew how to help, if only there was time...

Rabbitnose is on its throat now. He can do it damage there, Lichenpaw just needs to keep everyone else safe.

"Hey -- Hey!! Hey, you -- you stupid dog!" He yowled. "Over -- over here!" His cries don't do much, the dog too proccupied with it's other attackers. That's fine. Lichenpaw is running, as he speaks, towards the dog, muscles bunching up as he prepares to jump. The weight of Rabbitnose has dragged her head down just a bit, so he aims straight for it. He misses the jump just slightly, forepaws atop the dog's head, but hindpaws lagging behind.

Lichenpaw scrabbles for purchase against the dog's cheek. It catches one of his legs in its teeth, and he hisses in pain, kicking at it with his other. The dog doesn't seem to be letting go, however. Fine, that's okay, he can adapt. He presses his free hindpaw against the dog's head to steady himself, and adjusts a forepaw so that it's just over the dog's eye, digging his claws in. That should disorient it, at least

Flycatcher and his patrol make it back to camp in good time all things considered. Flycatcher knows he will likely feel some aches later from the speed in which he pushed himself to run, but at that moment, it is masked by the adrenaline coursing through his veins. The uncertainty and fear of not knowing whether their clanmates were alright, a feeling which was worsened when they got nearer to camp and their suspicions about whether the dog might have been here was confirmed.

He rushes into camp and looks around swiftly, eyes widening with surprise at seeing Sunfreckle and Nightbird lying on the floor. More ThunderClanners are engaging the dog currently, many apprentices were bravely doing their best to fight it off, including Cloudypaw and Pebblepaw. His heart might have swelled with pride had he not been so fearful at that moment. Also among the cats fighting is Flamewhisker, which causes a surge of panic to wash over him, but does not entirely surprise him. He knew his mate well enough to know that she would have fought that dog with tooth and claw to ensure it did not hurt their clanmates. With most of his clanmates biting the dog's legs or tail, Flycatcher settles for trying to jump onto its back. If he is successful, he will try and dig his claws, in part to wound, and in part to keep him from getting shaken off quickly.


Wildpaw managed to hang on for longer than he expected, but eventually the shaking of the dog proved too much and with no tail to balance him he was thrown from the beast's back. He landed hard on his left shoulder and back which twisted his jaw into that of a silent scream of agony as his vision became spotty from the shock of it all. A ragged breath was soon sucked in as he forced himself back onto his paws so he could return to the fray for one final push. However, he swiftly came to realise that he wouldn't be capable of lunging at the dog.

A bitter shock soon greeted his eyes though as he witnessed what had occurred to Sunfreckle, and Sparkpaw's cry... it struck something in him. There was so much to take in and to process. Protecting the wounded and the downed, keeping the kits safe, keeping the dog moving! It was a split-second choice but he opted to rush himself over to stand between the dog and the nursery entrance. He faced towards that of the dog now and he decided to call upon his fellow apprentices one last time. "APPRENTICES, TO ME! Shoulder to shoulder, do not break rank! Alone we are small, but together we are great, and we're gonna make this dog think again!"

The warriors could handle the heavier assault, or so he hoped, meanwhile he hoped to turn the weaker elements of the clan into something so much greater. As he stood there he puffed himself as big as his fur would allow whilst thumping his forepaws down upon the ground to make a loud noise, all the while chanting loud in a bid to intimidate the enemy. "THUNDER! THUNDER! THUNDER!"
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