
Oct 14, 2023

Type: Secondary character
Roleplayer: @mercibun

Affiliation: SkyClan
— no former affiliations

Age: 07 moons
— ages once monthly on the 28th

Mentor: Howlfire
Apprentices: none

As Apprentice: Jan 1, 2024 - ?
— Named alongside: Blazingpaw, Wolfpaw,
Springpaw, Pumpkinpaw

Hawkpaw (she/her) is a fluffy lilac torbie with hazel eyes.

Hawkkit is a new apprentice of SkyClan, daughter to Howlfire and Coyotecrest. She joined the RP officially on October 28, 2023. It is to be assumed none of her thoughts or actions reflect her roleplayer's opinions.

  1. Appearance
    — scars gained
    — inventory
  2. Personality
    — faith
    — characterisation
  3. Biography
    — backwritten
    — roleplayed
  4. Relationships
    — kin
    — within clan
    — outside clan
  5. Miscellaneous
    — trivia
    — playlist
    — aesthetic notes
    — faceclaims
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[ art credit to meg / megiji ]
Gallery — lh lilac torbie (carrying solid, point).

With the exception of her fur's colours, Hawkkit is a grab bag of her parents' traits. From Howlfire (and by extension, Blazestar) she's inherited a ragdoll mix's slight height advantage, with a long and sturdy frame to grow into and soft, thick fur to boot. She's also inherited Howlfire's distinctive hazel eyes, green ringed with a rich ochre around the pupil. Though her pelt is a much paler shade, her markings are somewhat similar to Howlfire's as well. Much like Coyotecrest however, her pelt is thickest around her neck, chest and tail, spiky and forming a distinctive silhouette. Her features are angular and her eyes are round.

Tilts her head when curious, expressive with ears and tail. Curious, restless paws. Sneezes in direct sunlight. Doesn't intentionally accessorise, but finds herself with leaves in her fur quite often after she starts climbing.

SCARS GAINED (chronological order)
— none.

— empty.
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[ art tba ]
Rambunctious, stubborn, loving, spontaneous. If you need a kitten underpaw in a camp thread she's your girl. Full throttle approx. 90% of the time. Curious to the point of nosiness, asker of a billion why questions. Rough and tumble, often chewing on her siblings' ears but never drawing blood. Enjoyer of accessories! As she gets older and more exposed to the horrors of clan life she'll mature a bit and become more sombre, but she'll very likely retain her fiery optimism and friendliness. Very likely to advocate for kittypets. Quite maternal despite not being the eldest of the litter, though on the inside desperately wants to be helped as much as she tries to help others. Adept at making friends.

As a general rule of interaction within SkyClan, tba

— As a believer in StarClan, starclan believer because of raising. will solidify ic as events happen in skyclan

CHARACTERISATION (mostly for my benefit)

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Family Tree — generation 4, part of the howlingfam.

  • 72138043_Zq9SDeStNDTrdio.png

    [ art by andy / bosstaurus ]​
    Howlfire — mother
    ★ | hawkkit loves howlfire a lot, and is a bit nervous about leaving the nursery because she won't be able to spend as much time with her.

    Coyotecrest — father
    ★ |

    Blazingkit — littermate
    ★ | thinks he plays a bit too rough now.

    Wolfkit — littermate
    ★ |

    Blazestar — grandfather
    ★ |

    Fireflypaw — uncle
    ★ |
  • image.png

    [ art tba ]​
    Howlingstar — great-grandmother
    ★ | hasn't met/doesn't remember.

    Burnstorm — mother's littermate
    ★ | hasn't met/doesn't remember.

    Moonwhisper — mother's littermate
    ★ | hasn't met/doesn't remember.

  • Little Wolf — grandmother
    ★ | hasn't met. has heard stories of, and tries really hard to remember the stories of the wildcat clans.

    Leopardcloud — grandmother
    ★ | hasn't met.

    Juniperfrost — grandfather
    ★ | hasn't met.

    Morningpaw — aunt
    ★ | hasn't met.
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