And things | bringing prey & intro




To him this whole starving business was nonsense. Easily if they wanted to they could venture to the Twolegolace and take all the food that they needed from the silver tins that twolegs threw all their food into. Easy, simple. Or catch the mice that scurry from one twoleg den to another. Even snag stupid birds that causually think it is a good idea to fly too low. He is annoyed. It shows in those olive toned eyes of his. But then again it is whatthey want after all and he isn't going to be picky, not gonna be causing a fuss. But he will eat to survive. The rat he caught before the one that hung in his jaws is resting in his gullet. A meal he ate at the carrionplace. He can still taste the flesh on his tongue and he wishes he had caught a second on to devour. This one though he supposes will go on the pile, something to contribute. His skinny frame easily slips along the cover of darkness, barely making a sound as he shifts around frozen pools of stagnant water. The ground itself is covered in snow, hard ice covering the top. It bothers him because of his short pelt and he snorts a little as he goes along. The cold is ruthless.

But he will definitely not be going out early in the morning. His nest is calling him anyway and he sighs as he finally enters camp. Dripping the rat on the pile his blotched pink tongue trails along his jaws before he shakes a little. "Leafbare, what a fucking joke." He hisses to himself, about to turn away to head into the warrior's den. He wants to warm up his toes.

Lovely, more rats! She so did enjoy meat that was too hard to chew and festering with whatever else those awful little creatures happened to wallow in. Halfshade would not begrudge food, she'd been hungry before and could swallow her pride and sensibilities to eat whatever it was available, but she could think about how much more she wanted something more substantial at times. She could have made quite the pampered kittypet really, she was cute enough for it and she knew it, give a few meows sadly outside a two-leg nest and wait for someone to reach out to pet her. It would've been easy, but the idea of being coddled by one of those upwalking insects was almost worse than starving in a swamp. If she had to pick, the swamp was quicker.
"At least it's a nice round one! Good job!" She calls in greeting as she watches Dewspider approach the den, already perched in her nest with her legs tucked under her and all but vanished beneath the great wafts of white fur the curled around her belly; she was thankful for her pelt at times like these and she only felt the cold truly pierce it in most exposed areas like her face and paws. It was a shame she could not wear false hides like the two-legs did, she'd seen them shed their furs before and layer them back on to face the elements; what strange creatures but also quite intuitive. If only moss could be fastened onto a cat, she'd make herself a little portable nest.


Fiery eyes befell one of the warriors, his gaze broken away only by the split of a yawn through his maw. A scowling expression tilted to the side, observant; it burst alive with a snicker at the words that left Dewspider's maw. A joke- if only! The cold months that felt like they were trying to bite your toes off scoffed at as if a mere inconvenience. Teaselpaw had never lived through Leafbare, but he had heard plenty about how much everyone was dreading it- endless, endless complaining. At the time he'd been annoyed- now he understood, he supposed.

That understanding did not stop the jeer of his expression, the narrowed flint-spark of his gaze. He had no interest in being even sarcastically encouraging, a stark contrast to Halfshade. "There's a lot more where this comes from," he laughed, smacking the snow with an inky paw and sending it shooting off to the side. He cared not who it his, it if hit anyone. If he had to put up with it, so did everyone else.
growing up in the marsh, one learns to appreciate every meal. whether it's rotting, living off of twoleg trash, or both... food is food. if pitchstar could have the luxury of picking and choosing his prey, the stars know he would! but he doesn't. he's stuck in this hellhole, and unlike some cats, he has the loyalty to stay.

dewspider hauls in a rat, and pitchstar regards it with a curled lip. rats... they're relying on rats, now. how he hates his home, sometimes. forcing them to go to extremes just to barely scrape by. only ever bringing them suffering, while the other clans get to feast on fish or hares, their coats shiny and free from the muck of the marsh. he understands why they'd left, and he hates them for it.

halfshade compliments the catch. pitchstar is not so kind. "it'll feed one of us, anyways." let's hope whoever eats it doesn't fall ill. yet, despite the risk of carrionplace disease, pitchstar's stomach growls as his bloodshot stare lands on the stupid rodent. he has to swallow down the excess of saliva pooling in his mouth. but his clan eats first; pitchstar's practically immortal, now, provided he stays the hell away from the thunderpath. he could go without food longer than they could.

a smack from his baby brother's paw sends snow walloping the leader's face. pitchstar stumbles back with a startled hiss, spluttering as snow gets into his nose and mouth. "you little- bastard!" pitchstar shakes his head, to and fro, trying to dislodge the snow. "i should bury you in snow and leave you to freeze for that!" his own paw scoops up a pawful of snow, and he hurls it straight towards teaselpaw. his threat is hollow, but he'll be damned if he wasn't going to get some form of revenge on his sibling.
If you don't like me, that's your problem
Tornadopaw ducks her head low just as Pitchstar hurls a wad of frozen slush in the direction of Teaselpaw, peripherally watching the snow sail past her as she straightens herself back out again. "Better watch out Teaselpaw." The brutish femme calls out, side stepping before coming to a halt in front of Dewspider. Frosted citrine eyes briefly admire the rather fat rodent he'd caught before speaking up again. "Was it difficult to catch?" She questions with genuine curiosity mixed within her typically blunt tone. She'd yet to explore carrionplace, all she knew was that cats sometimes brought back food from there.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
the deputy could agree with that. leafbare was a joke but any catch was good enough, especially when they spent so much of their time playing with bones. as they stretched their body out with a soft grunt, they stood back up, offering dewspider a nod of their head. good enough, right? their head turned towards their friend, and leader, who was actually have a bit of fun.

"cool off, pitch. you needed a bit of a bath anyways."

they turned towards tornadopaw who asked if it had been a difficult catch, and they didn't want to answer for dewspider, but they knew the answer to that. their desperation to eat had overweighed their logic on the entirety of the situation. rats were not a good food source, but what the hell else did they have?