private and what if | littlepaw & dreampaw

Aug 14, 2022

Hollow Tree padded towards a spot near the great sycamore tree. It was where she was supposed to meet with Littlepaw and Dreampaw. A little family gathering to take a small break from their other clanmates. She remembered the little family gatherings she had with her own siblings. It had been important to her and was something she wanted her own kids to experience. They weren’t blood related but they were hers. She wondered if this was how Howling Wind felt about Berryheart. Though, he had been raised in a litter of Howling Wind’s. While Hollow Tree never carried Little or Dream, she had done her best to care for them as any queen would.

Her yellow hues soften at the sight of the two. They were growing up far too fast for her liking. She wished they could stay curled up in the nursery forever. But part of clan life was training and she would never hold them back from what they wanted. “Littlepaw. Dreampaw.” Hollow Tree purred, wondering how the pair was doing. She often wanted to check on their training. The feline wanted to know who in the clan was their friend, who they didn’t get along with, what their dreams were, ect.

“It’s rather cold. We can head back to camp if you two get too cold.” she worries, giving them a good look over. Wanting to make sure they weren’t losing too much weight during the leaf-bare. As Hollow Tree had already lost a pound or two from the lack of prey.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

———————————Thunderclan | they/them | 5 months——————————
A stubby leg was raised to gesture up at the tree tops, "And thats how birds fly, Dreampaw," The voice was young and soft, though held quite a confident twinge to it. A smile crossed a pale cream muzzle and that white paw lowered down to the ground as a tabby cat approached them. Pale blue eyes grew large and a tail bolted straight up from the ground before bounding up to Hollow Tree, giving a purr in reponse and head butted their mother in the chest, "Mom! I was just telling Dreampaw about why birds fly and stuff," They spoke up and bounced on their little white paws excitedly.

Though they might not be the brown tabby she-cats birth child, she had saved their life. Without Hollow Tree, Littlepaw would be some were in the ground- forgotten and possibly dead. The young dwarf apprentice looked up at the older she-cat before looking to their sibling, also not by blood, and smirked a bit, "I won't be cold for a long while! My fur is fluffy enough to keep me warm!," He declared with a wave of their long- furred tail and moved their gaze back towards Hollow Tree.

"Come on! We got so much to do!" He bounded away from the two of them and down a snowy path, tail out behind them but their little legs didn't carry them very far. Littlepaw had to slow down a bit to wait for Dreampaw and their mother to catch up with them.


[penned by wolf].
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Reactions: Hollow Tree

Idly, they listen to their sibling go about their rambling, their theatrics. Had it been anyone else Dreampaw isn't sure they would've been able to pay attention, or even at the very least feign it. Littlepaw was different of course, they were always the exception, the one destined for true greatness. 'Their future apprentice will definitely have big pawsteps to fill, and perhaps have their paws just as full as theirs.'

Though the thought is one of genuine amusement, only their ear flicks in response to it as they nod towards the ending of Littlepaw's story. Dreampaw rises to their paws after Littlepaw, though with much less fanfare do they dip their head to Hollow Tree. "Mother." Their flat tone gains a mild warmth to it as they watch Little claim he'd be alright in the cold, bounding off further into the forest. They take their place at their mother's left side, knowing Littlepaw should always have the right if they weren't leading.

"Don't worry, I kept them warm once," The apprentice murmurs softly, reminding them of how they had come to stand here, together in this forest as they walk. They would not change this, by Starclan they would change so many things about this world but not this. Never this. "I will do it until I become stardust."



A soft chuckle falls from her as she looks over her kids. They were so full of life. She had truly been blessed when Starclan gave them to her. Hollow Tree had spent a long time wondering about their biological parents. The older feline was sure they also wondered about them from time to time. Hollow had always been forward that they were adopted but they were still her kids. It was an honor to be their parent.

“You’re very smart, Littlepaw. I’m sure you both are learning so much these days. How is training going?” she had worried for them when leaf-bare started. The lack of prey was a dangerous time for everyone in the forest. But she was sure the two would look after each other. They were also lucky that some of their cousins were close in age. Maybe Burnpaw or Moonpaw could train with them one day. It would be nice to see them all become warriors together. Now she was getting ahead of herself.

Padding closer to the pair, she gently touches her nose to each of their heads. “My sweet Dreampaw.” how did she get so lucky? Hollow Tree’s grief for Morningpaw lessened when she was around her children. Maybe that was selfish or a bad thing, but she welcomed the warmth they gave. “It will be many moons before you are stardust. You sure you are up to keeping them warm for that long?” she teases, moving towards Littlepaw who seemed determined to lead the way.

“What do you have in mind today, Littlepaw?”
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

———————————Thunderclan | they/them | 5 months——————————
While Littlepaw might not have the long fur that their cloud-like sibling had but he was determined to be out in the forest! There was a lot of things they needed to do today for the clan and he had every braincell focused on that. Dreampaw went on about keeping him warm and being stardust, to which there was a roll of pale blue eyes at the dramatics of their sibling, "I'll be fine! Really, theres no need," Littlepaw objected with a small flick of their tail.

That day was something engrained in his brain forever. The cold wind that seemed to sweap through their shallow home, Dreampaw pressed against his side as he was shivering away like a leaf about to fall from a branch, and the growl of their bellies held deep rooted emotions in his brain. Those few days had been the roughest things a young kit could go through and he was certain they would die out there. If it hadn't been for Hollow Tree, for their mother, then he was certain they would be nothing but bones by now.

Hollow Tree then asked about that of what he had planned for the day and the young tabby grinned widely, "We got to help out Berryheart! I was thinking we could bring him herbs and stuff! I know maybe like two of the herbs because hes had to use them on me- but the thought that counts right?" The cat seemed to ramble a bit about his idea, "And maybe a snowball fight here or there! That would be fun, or maybe like bring back prey for grandma Howling?"

The name seemed a bit sour on his tongue because he loved Howling Wind, she was the best grandma ever, but it felt like she often disliked him and Dreampaw. He never understood why, they were family too weren't they? Uncle Berryheart was adopted but they seemed to be the only ones facing being outcasted by their grandmother. Littlepaw didn't get it really, but it didn't stop him from loving her any less. She was cool and the deputy! And sometimes they had nice itneractions.

Littlepaw shook his head slightly and looked back towards Hollow Tree and Dreampaw, "Can you tell us that story again? The one about the family before the clans?" He practically whispered in anticipation of his mothers' answer.


[penned by wolf].
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