Dec 14, 2023

    Kitestorm and Florabreeze, two outsider born warriors of SkyClan's ranks who had found each other within the clan. Florabreeze, a free spirited but kind daylight lead warrior who joined on a whim and later on Kitestorm, a rogue who desired a better life but also felt they were destined to be the clan's judge, jury, and executioner.

    Their story originated with tension, Kitestorm developing an infatuation with the maine coon and she unwillingly fanning the flames. They eventually announce being mates after the untimely passing of Florabreeze's past mate Honeysplash. Kitestorm had been a shoulder to cry on and had ultimately lead Florabreeze to realising just how much the tabby had meant to her. The pair were eachothers rocks, depending and upholding one another. Spending nights discussing the concept of families and what it would be like to raise their own. The pair decides to find a surrogate, so that they could make that dream a reality, though the fact that it had worked was a surprise to Florabreeze.

    The truth behind Kitestorm's reasoning was never clear to Florabreeze at first. When bodies started turning up within SkyClan she suspects foxes or rogues, not her own mate. Their nightly conversations turned to whispers of concerns for the murderer's wellbeing as they seemed to be present every time. They remained unsuspicious of them, after all who could accuse ones own mate of such horrible deeds? the lead warrior only realising her mates treachery when she catches them in the act. Unable to turn a blind eye to this and risk future clanmates lives she is left to confront the betrayal, only to falter before landing any killing blow. Kitestorm was pregnant after all, Florabreeze named the future mother. Not willing to hurt her own kin she demands Kitestorm to leave and not risk coming back in fear of being slain by their ex-clanmates.

    Kitestorm seeks refuge from their family in DuskClan while Florabreeze mourns in SkyClan. A family ripped apart through the undoing of blind faith, leaving in the rubble a doomed relationship that neither can truly part from. Things are relatively quite for a period but when the kits are born Kitestorm is forced to reckon with the fact that they will never truly be happy in DuskClan, leaving with them when they're of age to walk to meet their other mother.

    • This litter is not FCFS, applicants will close on the 12th of February and will be chosen on the 13th of February! The kits will be born on the 15th.
    • Kits will be aged up to two moons following their birth.
    • While there is no official posting requirement we would like the kits to be able to remain on the SkyClan census when joining.
    • We reserve the right to rehome a kit if they go two months without posting with no notice.
    • Not every name has been checked for legality, if unsure please feel free to ask or have one of us ask on your behalf.
    • Kits are asked to remain in SkyClan until adulthood, however we are flexible if you wish to discuss plots.
    • If you choose to roleplay disabilities or mental illnesses ensure you are researching them properly and portraying them respectfully.
    • This is an angst litter so plots surrounding upsetting topics is fine but these kits will be loved by both parents despite the circumstances.
    • Additional slots may be added depending on interest.

    • The kits will start off in DuskClan with Kitestorm and auncles, the time line on this is flexible but this would be until early march currently.
    • When Kitestorm returns to the SkyClan border with the kits to introduce them to Florabreeze it is planned for Kitestorm to die. The kits will not see the attack but will be there to see Kitestorm's final moments.
    • When joining SkyClan the kits will be daylighters, during the day hours Butterflytuft will be having a paw raising them. Feel free to explore how your kit will feel about this in your application.
    • If a Daylighter name is chosen please be aware they will have a temporary DuskClan name, feel free to choose one on the application or we can discuss names if your kit is chosen.
    • As Ken is playing Larkspurkit feel free to use their application post as a guide for sibling interactions or what not <33

    Credit to Wren for the concept!
    Names with * are for daylighters
    • KITESTORM'S LIST: Blooming, Dove, Locust, Mint, Porcupine.
    • FLORA'S LIST: Asphodel, Faith, Nyx*, Pyrrhic*

    • Parental resemblances
    • use or incorporation of hypokit design
    • designs with fangs

    • Pacifism vs violence motifs/themes
    • The concept of good and evil motifs/themes
    • Nature vs nurture motifs/themes
    • D&D class motifs
    • Plans on how DuskClan would affect them
    • Distinctive personalities
    • Concepts of Kitestorms influence on them


    slot two​

    slot three​
  • y4OERAn.png
    Sire: SH red ticked cameo w/ low white, vitiligo (masking chocolate, solid masking classic pattern; carrying longhair, non-silver, dilute, non-ticked)
    Dam:SH black classic tabby (carrying longhair, dilute, solid, chocolate)

    Toms can be: Black, Chocolate, Blue, Lilac, Black tabby, Chocolate tabby, Blue tabby, Lilac tabby, Black smoke, Chocolate smoke, Blue smoke, Lilac smoke, Silver tabby, Chocolate silver tabby, Blue silver tabby, or Lilac silver tabby

    She kits can be: Tortoiseshell, Chocolate tortoiseshell, Blue tortoiseshell, Lilac tortoiseshell, Torbie, Chocolate torbie, Blue torbie, Lilac torbie, Tortoiseshell smoke, Chocolate Tortoiseshell smoke, Blue tortoiseshell smoke, Lilac tortoiseshell smoke, Silver torbie, Chocolate silver torbie, Blue silver torbie, or Lilac silver torbie

    kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    kits can have no white or low white
    kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    tabbies will display ticked or classic pattern; solid kits will mask one of those
    kits may or may not develop vitiligo in adulthood
    ticked tabbies will mask classic
    shorthaired kits may or may not carry longhair; black-based kits will carry chocolate; tabbies will carry solid; smoke/silver kits will carry non-silver; ticked tabbies will carry non-ticked; non-dilute kits may or may not carry dilute

    Kitestorm is gen 1 | Florabreeze is gen 1 | Kits will be gen 2

    ❥ Adopted sibling to Magnolia, Adderpaw, Daffodilpaw, Weaselpaw
    ❥ Niblings to Coyotecrown, Vixenblood, Viperstrike, Hawk, Spider, Shrike and Wolf (via Kitestorm) | Sfogliatella, Ditto, Sorrelsong, Spicepurr (via Florabreeze).

  • Hover over the image for the corresponding genetics! No names were decided for these kits so feel free to use any of the ones listed.


  • OeP8NbZ.png

    * is for daylighter names.

    After Kitestorm: Swoop, Moss, Hope, Larkspur, Datura, Belladonna, Storm.

    After family: Twilight, Frost, Song, Stem, Squirrel.

    After friends: Pheasant, Heart, Stag, Flutter, Lightning.

    Flora: Lavender, Primrose, Dandelion, Sunflower, Marigold, Peony, Bergamot, Hydrangea, Lotus, Iris, Bluebell, Orchid, Dahlia* , Zinnia*, Asphodel, Wisteria.

    Fauna: Bee, Hare/Rabbit/Bunny, Snail, Dove, Duck, Mouse.

    Misc: Nyx*, Fauna*, Ambrosia*, Pyrrhic*, Saga*, Fate, Faith, Jester*, Sonnet*

  • SvkWYjX.png

    After Florabreeze: Blooming, Breeze, Cheer, Dazzling, Flower, Fluffy, Moss, Moon, Mint, Olive, Smile, Vivid.

    After Skyclan: Bark, Canopy, Fern, Pine, Pinecone, Porcupine, Sap, Thorn.

    Prey Birds: Chickadee, Dove, Duckling, Pigeon, Warbler, Wigeon, Quail, Veery.

    Misc: Rumbling, Strong, Soaring, Nectar, Bug, Mint, Locust, Wilting, Hollow, Waning, Dust, Spindle, Summit.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH I can't fight the demons off I mUST try out!!

Porcupinekit, perhaps renamed to Pyrrhickit

Looks exactly like Kitestorm save for a "skull" like a white face mask similar to hypokit 2, more white will slowly take over their spotting as they age

Angry. Porcupinekit will come into the world as any young child would - a sponge starving for knowledge, that will soon find nothing but venom to soak through. Porcupine will have an intense desire for rebellion without fully understanding quite why, but due to growing up half-starved in a "clan" that cared little for their fellow cat, perhaps the reason isn't too hard to figure out.
Porkie will be bound to their mother, one of the few sources of love they know, and remain a total mamma's kid until her untimely demise. From there, an already stoked flame will become a wildfire, determined to burn all that they're able to land their paws on.

It'll be a constant tug-of-war between the destructive urges of a child trapped in mourning and a young life still hopeful for better things.

Porkie, or Pyrrhic will struggle immensely with their identity - swinging back and forth between holding tight to their former identity as Porcupine and hoping perhaps there'll be a better tomorrow for Pyrrhickit, unable to fully accept the loss of one to accept the other.

- Will be a massive bully to anyone and everyone
- "If Skyclan is so great, why'd Kite take us away!?" - massive distrust towards Skyclan and authority

Perhaps themes of troubled children lashing out specifically at the people they know won't leave them, i.e Florabreeze in a clouded effort to prove their victimhood correct "I knew you wouldn't love me!" says Porkie after the third time trying to Home Alone Flora out of a life subscription!

Perhaps be a foil to Kitestorm - both handed poor lots in life but Porkie has the chance to change their future.

Bad Ending idea: Porkie instead follows closely in Kitestorms path, committing heinous acts or just refusing to trust in Skyclan long enough that hard decisions are forced to be made. Could be a future antagonist for Skyclan? Perhaps only after hitting rock bottom's basement they finally ask Florabreeze for a second chance - but would Flora be able to forgive them? And if so, what could she possibly do to save them?

Vitiligo: A physical representation of them losing their connection to Kitestorm and Duskclan - will have a VERY hard time coping with their change in pelt, especially if they haven't yet unlocked a closeness to Florabreeze. Perhaps in comforting Pyrrhic the tyke will wonder aloud if their spots will one day match their mother's - "I want to be more like you" in a sense? GOOD END <33

BASICALLY the challenge for this lil guy is to get as close to exile as possible and then see if one can revive a destroyed reputation <3
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mother & big sis tracking...
As a note: Kite will not be speaking negatively about Florabreeze and will always tell them about how much they love their wife <33

༶ black/silver tabby chimera with low white
Larkspurkit is rather small and as he matures he will have broad shoulders and muscular features; similarly to Kite he will be shorter than average. His small stature is further emphasized by his poor posture, Larkspur walks with a prominent hunch in his shoulders during kithood which may or may not improve later in life. He may have such poor posture in an attempt to be less noticeable within Duskclan. Larkspur's upper and lower "fangs" are very prominent and one of the first things one may notice outside of his small size. Due to these his teeth he has a lisp. He tries to mimic Kite and will attempt to keep his facial expressions unreadable but for the most part he simply looks sad.To Kite, and those who know Florabreeze, his eyes coincidentally resemble hers.

He appears very solemn, Larkspurkit can come off as cold and indifferent at first but this is just one of the many traits he's picked up from Kite. Beneath the frigid and grim exterior Larkspur is very affable and shockingly well-mannered for the environment he has been raised in. His manners are something he has developed to stay out of trouble within Duskclan. He has a very sweet, gentle attitude which is masked by his stoicism. He reserves his sweet side for only his siblings and Kite, and eventually Florabreeze. Generally he is coolheaded but there can be a resounding sternness to him, it takes a lot to test his patience but he can raise his voice if it is demanded of him. Larkspurkit is not afraid to voice his opinion but he must conclude if the backlash is worth it.
He tries to be keenly aware of other's motives and is quick to notice if another dislikes him and will not avoid confrontation in order to find out what they have against him.
Larkspurkit will attempt to be a peacekeeper, in either Duskclan and Skyclan but primarily to his siblings. If there is conflict amongst his siblings he will try to play the devil's advocate and smooth things over to the best of his abilities but he will use that aforementioned sternness to stop any squabbles. He will carry a lot of internalized shame throughout his life, which will only become worse when he is finally reunited with his siblings (and therefore joins Skyclan). When he must face the clan Kite terrorized he must deal with a choking feeling of guilt that he is the child of someone capable of killing in cold blood. Larkspurkit will wonder if such things are inheritable and fears his clanmates think this too, he will become extremely protective and overbearing toward his siblings because of this fear. He will always live in Kite's shadow but will strive to undo their legacy and replace it with something brighter. This sentiment is why he will try to be very close to his siblings.

(+) inquisitive, empathetic, affable
(/) honest, stern, thrifty, serious
(-) melancholic, ashamed, defensive, insecure
  • Kite will leave Larkspurkit behind in Duskclan under the watch of their sister, Coyotecrown while they take his siblings to Florabreeze. They will have chosen to keep him out of pure selfishness. Kite will never return and he must live with the fear his siblings are missing or worse, dead. When Duskclan crumbles Larkspurkit will be torn between remaining with Kite's family or joining Skyclan to be reunited with his siblings. After splitting from Duskclan, Larkspur will make the journey to Skyclan and reunite with his siblings and meet Florabreeze, whom he has dreamt of so often.
  • Pacifism- The training he will undergo in Duskclan will cause him to be a very capable fighter but upon joining Skyclan he will vow to never lift a claw against another clanmate and will have great difficulty fighting against other clans too. He worries the training he received will cause others to be suspicious so he will act less capable than he is.
  • Vampire motifs— "fangs," fear of death (present before Kite's death but worsens upon hearing about their death), guilty conscience, existential dread
  • Three of Swords Reversed- on an uphill journey of trying to overcome the the sin's of Kite
  • Jon Snow coded (books)
  • Larkspur's pinterest board!
  • Inventory— Florabreeze's broken collar
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I don't need another character. I don't need another character

I'll be back later.

Im back. Throwin my notes here. Ill add more/make this look better as the week goes on

Name: Nyxkit
Black Hypo Kit - Small at birth she will eventually grow to be slightly larger then average. Though she will always attempt to make herself appear smaller than she actually is.

Grows up hating how life is in Duskclan. Feels like she has to look over her shoulder everywhere she goes. She is more softhearted compared to her siblings and those around her and has a passion for life that is hard to find in the wastes. The violence that surrounded her as a kit leads to her leading a more pacifist life, or wanting to at least. She does learn to defend herself because watching the others around her she learned it's a dog eat dog world, every cat for themself and she wants to live. She would be terrified of skyclan at first, more cats that could hurt her? But would quickly attach to Flora if even an inkling of kindness is shown and may take refuge as a daylighter. At least at the home there's no other cats besides her family (hopefully). She'd be wary of Butterflytuft at first, this isn't her mother after all. Depending on treatment though she may come to view the queen at least as an ally if not a friend.

Due to appearances and possibly scent (something akin to that of death?) most view her as an Omen. One of death and war. A harbinger of all the bad things to come. She is not welcomed due to this and is bullied or hated. When or if she ever learns the true reason why Kite was exiled this feeling will multiply by 100. Because if her mother killed cats, then doesn't that mean her, with her looks and scent are destined to follow in kites footsteps?

She's timid and skittish at first, but once she comes out of her shell she flourishes in making friends. She never wants anyone to feel like how she felt. It may also be partly because she believes if she can get more cats in her corner they will be there to back her up if worst comes to worst. Though she does genuinely care about those she makes friends with and her family. She's not very outspoken, due to her past she sees going against orders or backtalking as dangerous for her to do.

Depending on her other siblings personality she would be either afraid of them or close to them. For Larkspurkit she would be close, feeling like he could protect her and that he would understand some of her feelings if she learns the truth of Kitestorm.

A plot could be overcoming her fear and past and learning to love and that not everyone is like the ones she grew up with, and that her birth does not mean death is about to rain down on everyone she does hold dear. That appearances aren't everything and that those who look nice may be some of the worst cats around while those like her, who are considered bad luck or evil, may instead be the kindest/nicest cats she had ever met.

Other misc stuff : Driving Force: Irrational fear, and accusations. Positive: Compassionate, Alert, Empathetic, Gentle. Neutral: Emotional, Obedient, Quiet, Solemn, Self-conscious. Negative: Anxious, Miserly, Naive, Neurotic, Superstitious, Timid
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*pressed faces against wall* when i'm done with job apps..... 👀

- big flirt but never means it, appears as though she doesn't take things seriously, prankster, true neutral
- becomes selectively mute later on through plot stuff?

WARBLER Warblersong? [symbols here]<br>

Female, desired pronouns / sexuality, closed to relationships<br> 00 moons old, ages every ?? of the month<br> clan &amp; rank / mentored by/mentoring tba

<br>mentality. -
  • big flirt but never means it, she just enjoys the attention it brings.
  • Warbler appears as though she doesn't take things seriously, she is a prankster at heart, a true neutral. She cares though! She cares alot - about what Kite thinks. When Kite left them, that crushed her. She puts up a tough front of not caring, brushing every compliment and insult alike aside.
  • Choatic, carefree and cruel she struggles with purpose. Though she looks to her parents to provide one for her, nothing they do seems to ever be enough for the kit. The perfect little tool for someone else down the line.
  • "In my defense your honor, they had some really good music on and it made me want to do something terrible"
  • Screaming into the void to give her a purpose. To make her life worth something. Never sticks around long enough to hear anything back.
<br>reference. summary
[QOUTE] A lithe thing, Warbler came out all legs and limbs and noise. She is lanky and loud, the opposite of Larkspurkit. Courageous and caring, she loves her family with a passion - her mother Kitestorm most of all. Though her pelt is the same shade as her mom, Florabreeze, she shares her mother's amber eyes. Lacking the passion and bloodlust her legacy has, Warblerkit is not bothered by her mother's history of death nor does she wish to continue it - for now.
With her mom's long coat and her mother's small stature, Warblerkit is an odd kit who will grow into herself with time and a bit of guidance.
//tongue and speech
<br>relationships. FLORABREEZE XX KITESTORM,​
ADOPTED SISTER TO Magnolia, Adderpaw, Daffodilpaw, Weaselpaw, SISTER TO tbd
<br>loves tba
<br>likes tba
<br>dislikes tba
<br>loathes tba
  • current tbd<br>(add previous/future if needed)
  • ˚ ✦ . . ˚ . . ✦ ˚ . ★⋆. ࿐࿔ <br>⋆ note<br>⋆ note<br>⋆ note
  • written by user, dm on discord @user for plots<br>design credit goes to artist on toyhouse/deviantart/etc<br>
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➺ kitestorm x florabreeze
➺ lh lilac smoke / blue smoke chimera w low white & vitiligo
➺ nb lesbian, they/them
➺ d&d paladin, knight/seer motifs
➺ acts of service type mf
➺ selectively mute

( + ) careful, polite, dutiful
( / ) malleable, pragmatic, conflict averse
( - ) fragile, envious, self-serving

█ #6e8183 █ #8baeb0 █ #c7ddd9 █ #ddd0c5 █ #BAA899 █ #95816F
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