AND YOU'LL NEVER STOP 'CAUSE YOU KNOW - thunderclan patrol

Out of the corner of her eye, Emberstar tracked the setting sun as she led her patrol along the river's bank. Her gaze drifted down to glance at it's waters nervously, but aside from that she was fairly calm. She expected no trouble from Riverclan. She half wished Howling Wind had assigned her the border with Shadowclan or Windclan instead, so she could be there if there was trouble. Not that she didn't have faith in all her warriors, of course, but they didn't have lives to spare like she did.

She tried to ignore the thought.

Mapping out the territory in her head, she realized that by now they would be approaching Sunningrocks and the end of their terrirory. Over her shoulder, she called back to the rest of her patrol, "All right, just a bit further then were done for the day!" They were doubtless tired and ready to get back to their nests.

// @Hollow Tree @WHISKERCLOUD

Sunningrocks is a great place to get away from annoying cats and those so stuck up his business. But it is also a good place to notice things like a patrol. The behemoth is loafed there on the rocks when he notices them. The smell of Thunderclan easily traveling through the air. The whole news about their medicine cat once intrigued him but now he finds it a bore. The woman should have been smarter to keep her position in the clan. If she wanted to attack the molly there were easier and smarter avenues for it. Shaking his head the large beast rises to his paws and be trods forth along his stony throne. Eyes like ice focus upon the Thunderclanners and yet a warm smile is upon his muzzle. After all he can be nothing but hospitable when necessary. "Hello, Thunderclan. Lovely day for a patrol, hm?" His deep voice is rich as he settles at the edge of the water.

No issues today, no problems to see. Just pleasantries.

− ♱ ABOUT : upon the flat, towering rocks splays the man — curls a stark monochrome compared to the rioting flames of tigerheat’s ginger pelt, even when he lies a tail length away, perches at the edge of a towering stone. with leafbare well on its way, the few lingering days of battering sun were more than welcome. the warmth soothes the aching length of his shoulders, lifting the strain of dull, throbbing injuries aged - old. upon catching wind of the thunderclanner’s approach, cicadastar drowsily slits open icy eyes, adjusting his where his tufted chin had been settled on sharp - knuckled paws, “ hallo, emberstar — “ a chiming greet, long tail flicking once behind him. his gaze slips aside her, then, examining the warriors at her rear, “ . . and friends. “ a purr ; it’s no less friendly, albeit a little less personal. recognition does not shine behind his eyes, but he gazes at them with eyes like dying lanterns — half - lidded and dim, brimming with a quiet warmth.

an ear twitches and he pauses, watching from his looming perch. he worries for the pointed molly, and it should make itself clear in the way he furrows his brow should she look his way. the gathering had been a spectacle, and without the biting fury born of cinderfrost’s attack, his ability to see the situation through seemingly ever - present mind fog had visibly improved — though he’d be lying to say his maw did not part, taking in a deep, focusing breath, searching for any sign of that damned silver molly. sootstar and pitchstar’s impromptu alliance had him bristling more with each passing moment, victim of his own biting nerves and rumor . . yet he squanders it. the tendrils of dread that start at his claws, creeping it’s way up his forelimbs. the man smiles instead , “ how is thunderclan fairing? “ pleasantries. he expects a lie, but he almost hopes for a surprise. almost.

  • CICADASTAR ; he / him. roughly thirty nine months old, riverclan leader
    − handsome, lanky black smoke tortie chimera with curly fur and icy blue eyes
    − gay. speaks with a thick german accent, former marsh cat, penned by antlers

  • none.


ThunderClan is a friend of RiverClan, so they are friends of Clayfur as well. They aren’t much different from RiverClan, Clay thinks—typically a friendly bunch, but with a few tough guys who don’t seem to enjoy conversation with him. The two clans share a border somewhere near the pile of rocks that the brown tabby enjoys sunbathing on, so he often meets patrols at the border here.

Today, though, he’s not sunning himself when he meets ThunderClan at Sunningrocks. He’s hopping around from rock to rock, not paying much attention to anything besides any snakes that may be lurking. The voice of his leader cuts through his distraction, though; the white-splashed warrior turns immediately, pale paws carrying him in the direction of voices. Clumsy footsteps trip over smaller rocks and dip gracelessly into the spaces in between them, and then the tabby gets caught up in a hole and falls onto his face.

Clayfur picks himself up with ease, still grinning as though nothing’s happened. "Hi, guys!" His greeting is chipper despite his slower, more careful pace, and accompanied by a friendly flick of his tail. He takes his place behind and to the side of Cicadastar, but offers a smile to Tigerheat as well. "I hope your hunting is good," he adds, remembering what he’d heard about the clan’s banishment of their medic. They need all the good luck they can get.

Smells, different smells- wood and forest, nothing like the strong smell of the riverside! These Thunderclanners- he was finally noticing it, the separation, and boy did it feel good! Tracking had never been a strong suit, but this was a good start. Eager to glean every drop of knowledge he could from them, murky bug-eyes flickered from face to face- distracted briefly by the well-wished of Cicadastar, who mentioned prey. The patrol to WindClan came to mind... they'd talked about prey then, hadn't they? Only quickly... but, something rang a bell- what was it they had said....?

"Does your prey run fast?" Yeah, that was it! He thought, at least. Something about it running, anyway... he was sure no one had mentioned it yet. How good of an apprentice was he, then! Oh, where was Dad- he was nearby, right? Maybe he'd give him a recommendation or something- would remember it, praise him even more! Distraction tugged away his attention, bulging eyes searching for his father in the crowd.
( penned by pin )