and your friend steve - bobbie, blazestar

It's time.These feelings are weird and if any cat knows how to handle them - they would. Boldly, Dogbite made his way from the bramble of the warriors den to the clearing of camp. Scanning the surrounding area for a pair of familiar cats. Two figures then appeared just as they had hoped. Both happily murmuring to one another as they rounded the corner and disappeared. Quickly, the splotched tabby followed after and then stopped once he saw their tails disappear within the Elderberry bush.

Anxiety gnawed at the scarred warriors sides as he began pacing the outskirts of Blazestar and Bobbie's den. Both had been advocates In his temporary start as a clan cat and also seemed to be pillars of strength. Anchoring one another against high tides and stormy nights. Despite the flattering imagery their earlier surge of bravery deflated with each second. Sure he had followed after the leader and his mate when they'd slipped inside but now he felt frozen to the floor. I can't ask them questions like these... What was I thinking! Their coat fluffed with distress as they rounded their small path for the fourth or so time.

Okay! Okay. How would I even go about wording it... Bobbie can you tell me how to lo- No! Sighing aloud he shook his head in disapproval. Maybe... Hey, Blazestar you've had lots of experience with rela- Nope. That's insensitive. In their frustrated stupor they had accidentally paced themself right up to the entrance. Oops... Sweat began to bead under their pelt as emotions welled a knot in Dogbite's throat. C'mon do it. Do it already! Squeezing their eye shut he called in a shaky tone. "Blazestar and uh... Bobbie. Mind if I come in?" Slowly, they relaxed their face and peered inside.

  • ooc ; @BLAZESTAR + @bobbie time for the secret confession!
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 27 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Blazestar has known love before, but it was never quite this… free. His meetings with Little Wolf were few and far between, always at the mercy of their own Clans. Patrols would awkwardly catch them beneath the pines, the musky scent of the oak forest clinging to his pelt. When she would bring their toddling little ones to camp for a visit, she would look at his nest with regret, knowing how little she would get to spend with him in it. Her duties, first as a ThunderClan warrior, second as a mother, had often kept her too occupied.

With Bobbie, though, Blazestar can brush his muzzle to her ear without judgment. The other cats know she is SkyClan, through and through. Nothing hinders their relationship—no judgmental kin, no kits who need their constant attention. Bobbie’s are training to be warriors, and Blazestar’s are grown, either lost to him entirely in ThunderClan or busy with their respective duties in SkyClan. They go to his den each night, and each brush of her pelt against his, each subdued whisper, is like a new sensation. Blazestar’s sorrows are effectively chased by the warm, golden light she has brought to his life.

This is why when Dogbite calls to them from within his den, he has to stifle a groan. He gives Bobbie an amused look that borders on perplexed. “Yes, Dogbite. What troubles you?” Blazestar shifts in the nest he now shares with his new mate, his tail feathering lightly against her tabby flank.

, ”

Sweetness seeps into her life, suffusing it with sugary dew that is somehow, impossibly, never too much. Love with her past mate, name unspoken, had not been like this; great spells of bitterness when he disappeared from their Twoleg nest of faux-pelt and times when she'd drown in the syrupy excess of his apologies. Looking back, she suspects he hadn't just been clearing his head when she woke up and found their shared nest cold and empty. It was likely he'd had to wash the smell of someone else out of his thick pelt, and she mourns the version of herself who had believed his excuses, young and naive and heady with love.

Bobbie does not worry about Blazestar keeping such things from her. They spend as much of their hours together as they can, patrolling and talking when the sun is high and retiring to sleep in a soft tangle of limbs once it drowns on the horizon. When one of the new joiners makes a particularly comedic mistake, she can't help but share a glance with him before offering gentle corrections. They speak a silent language in nudges and soft eyes, jokes that only the two of them understand. If their friendship had been sparks, this is a forest fire; she understands him a new light, chases away his sorrows as he quiets her own.

She wrinkles up her muzzle in stifled amusement when Dogbite's shaking voice calls to them. The cinnamon-and-white warrior behaves as though they're two young warriors caught sneaking off together, not grown cats with children and responsibilities, and Bobbie has to work to quiet any potential giggles. "Of course," she adds, chasing any traces of amusement from her tone.


  • 6TR0CBJ.png
    bobbie ; lead warrior of skyclan
    x. she/her ; 42 moons ; tags
    x. small, scarred lilac tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    x. mother to lupinepaw, crowpaw, and drowsypaw. mate to blazestar.

He felt like a scolded kit trembling his way to the mercy of his parents judgement. Except this was Blazestar and his mate Bobbie who happened to be his friends. Nor were they there to judge him. Yet, the nerves were all the same. Holding their breath the scarred tabby crouched and shuffled inside. Surprised by the rush of warmth and the gentle atmosphere. Crouching down he looks at them both with one curious blue.

Alas, he exhaled taking in the sweet scene of the ragdoll and the lilac she-cat bundled together like a mosaic. Determination finally made an entrance and knocked fervently at the recesses of his mind. Sitting up a little straighter he politely looks away. Pelt flattening and tail coiling at his paws in a welcoming manner. Sure. They've never seen this side of me but I've seen them. It can't hurt to seek help if they understand.

Shyly they address the two once more answering their curious gazes. Throat constricting and squeezing his words. "Th-thanks." Awkwardly, he looks back blinking his appreciation. "Well... This isn't duty or clan related rest assured. Uh. Not something I talk about with most folks - um." His cheeks puff with humiliation and his ego deflates. Chest riddled with worry and ears twitching haphazardly.

Come on. Just spit it out. They don't have all day to watch you self-implode. Digging his claws into the earth below they meow on. "C-can I borrow your ears for a moment as confidants?" Pushing back against his quiet nature they finally jump past the threshold of no return. Not waiting for an answer before spilling the metaphorical beans. "I-I need relationship advice." He says it like a bad word and his muzzle sours. The strange fluttering returns as his tail lashes side to side. Holding back the desire to shrink away and disappear from his leader's sight.

  • ooc ; apologies for neglecting this thread! thank you guys again for pushing this plot along 🥹
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 30 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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Bobbie’s muffled giggles cause warmth to sink into Blazestar’s pelt, as though he’s been doused in sunshine. He nuzzles into the softest part of her neck, then lifts his head to greet his friend. Dogbite seems nervous, still, but he creeps into the den, trepidation in every movement. He catches the curious blue of Dogbite’s single eye and beckons them closer with the tip of a golden tail. Hesitantly, Dogbite asks them for advice—relationship advice. Blazestar’s expression softens, some of the amusement dimming and replaced with sympathy.

Ah, relationship woes. I would say you’ve come to the right place…” He shrugs, almost helplessly. “Well. Maybe you have. We have the experience, now, don’t we?” He tips an indulgent smile in his mate’s direction before turning his attention back to Dogbite. “Well, who’s the lucky feline?” Orangeblossom is certainly more observant of these things than he is—Blazestar had been lucky to notice, even if it had been delayed, that Bobbie had been swinging her gaze his direction.

, ”
Their pelt refuses to lose its warmth as Blazestar beckons him closer. Shyly he scoots inward as the other kindly advises him. Dogbite looked between Blazestar and Bobbie, a mixture of anxiety and worry reflected in his eye. The mention of their special someone hung in the air, a name that carried the weight of his newfound emotions. As he gathered his courage to speak, their legs wobbled like a turbulent river, but he pressed on, determined to share his feelings. They're going to help you the least they're owed is a name. Toughing it out the cinnamon and white feline nods.

"Applefrost." He finally whispered, the name slipping out with a mix of vulnerability and anticipation. The admission seemed to lift a burden from Dogbite's shoulders, and they visibly relaxed. A nervous smile replaced the earlier grimace as he continued in a more composed tone. "I've never felt this way about any cat before, and I just want to impress her. To let her know I want something more."

The earnestness in Dogbite's voice conveyed the depth of his feelings, and they looked at Blazestar and Bobbie with a hopeful gaze. See that wasn't so bad. The air seemed charged with anticipation as he awaited their response, unsure of what guidance or support they might offer on matters of the heart.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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