sensitive topics ANGEL OF SMALL DEATH — asthma

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Perhaps, if she had calmed down on her trek home, the hitch would not be there.
Perhaps, if she hadn’t forced Dewfrost to crack under her pressure, she would not be stumbling into camp while an invisible paw squeezed uncomfortably at her heart.
She reeked of the Thunderpath, but she could not bring herself to care, it wasn’t as though she stank of another clan, of her clan.
Nausea sparks from the pit of her stomach while the warrior sluggishly attempts to get herself to the medicine den.
She had gone on that forsaken walk to clear her mind, and now it was bursting at the seams, teetering on hysteria.
Longingly, she almost looks to the warriors den, wanting so desperately to seek out Burnstorm.
She couldn’t do that if she was dead, though.
Her no-breath flare up was reaching its peak, and suddenly the medicine den felt all too far. She knew it was not too severe, that she’d be able to make it eventually.
Her shoulder thumps against someone else’s, and without looking at who it was Roeflame would stop them entirely.
"Can’t… mm, can’t breathe. Need" She’d mumble, the rattle in her chest evident in her voice as it wheezed and splintered.
It had been a long time since this had happened last, Roeflame could only hope that this would not take too much of a toll on her physical being.

//takes place after this thread! In need of @BERRYHEART or @LICHENPAW but no need to wait to post!

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WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Lightstrike hadn't noticed the approach of Roeflame until she came stumbling into his shoulder, having been gazing blankly into the distance and seemingly lost in thought. The tom leaned back, head swiveling and taking in the sight of her while she mumbled at him.

While he didn't quite catch what she'd said, the disconcerting rattle in her chest and the tail end of Berryheart's name was enough to catapult him into moving, shaken from his mind and rising to his paws. "Shit, are you okay?" he asked, even as he quickly looked back toward the medicine cats' den.

He knew she sometimes seemed to forget how to breathe. Lightstrike had seen it happen before, and he had seen how bad she seemed to get, even if he didn't understand it like Berryheart seemed to. "Right, right, I'll get Berryheart. Just. Um. Breathe, or try to? I don't know- stay here!" the last portion turned to a call as he ran off.

Quickly he ducked into the den, green eyes searching while he adjusted to the dim light. "Berryheart, Roeflame needs help. Quick."

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

Once, Berryheart and Fawny had been slightly adverse. It had been obvious to anyone that her reaction to the ousting of the Executioner had ben vastly negative, wildly condemning- and though he believed rage had fogged her judgement, he could understand why. And in had come Berryheart, replacing her and her duty with less scornful glances. But kinship had sparked between them after a while regarding their shared issues with breathing. She had not flared up in a long time- but Berryheart had a good guess as to what was afflicting her when Sandy called for him. He offered the young warrior a grateful nod.

He breathing was shaken, rattling and familiar. The fire-flecked tom padded over to her with quickened steps, his gait jagged and unused to rushing. A swift once-over was given- no wounds, just that invisible constriction around her lungs, he would guess. "Remember our breathing," he said, demonstrating it for a few moments. Deep breaths, focused entirely upon, to fend off panic. He dove back into the depths of the den, sweeping up a clutch of juniper berries and bringing them to Fawny. "When you're ready," he murmured, motioning to the medicine; he could not force them into her maw.
⋆⍋ Teachings of medicine clearly were not for Basilwhisker, and part of him was glad his brother had been chosen for such responsibilities. When he looked at the herbs placed before Roeflame, he could only collect how vaguely similar they all looked. Differences marked by simple shapes or textures. Sometimes color, if such herbs included berries or seeds. Basilwhisker much preferred keeping himself to more simple tasks and responsibilities within the Clan, though.

Hunting was simple. Fighting... not his best skill, but he could keep himself afloat against larger enemies with his agile frame. But he found himself far more useful and satisfied without having the complexities of medicine.

"There's no cure?" He wondered aloud, noting how Berryheart recalled prior exercises with the she-cat.

He and Roeflame had been able to spend much more time together now that they were both warriors. No longer did he have to ask Flycatcher's permission to go out hunting. (Though he would be lying if he said he didn't miss the deputies company sometimes as well) Still though, they couldn't be with each other 24/7 and he wouldn't want to anyways. He had his own life as did he. Other friends that he wanted to cultivate relationships with. He is hanging out with one of those friends now, and he is near to Lightstrike when suddenly Roeflame comes stumbling into camp, leaning on the golden toms shoulder.

His golden eyes widen in alarm and the hair along his spine prickles with unease. "Can't breathe?" he repeats, feeling helpless as he watches his uncle move past him, guide her through breathing exercises and offer her some berries. "I'm here too Roeflame" he tells her gently as he comes to stand by the pale she-cats side, the tip of his tail twitching anxiously. Basilwhisker asks if there is no cure and Burnstorm shakes his head "Surely theres something" he murmurs, feeling annoyed but he has faith in his uncle. If anyone could find a way it was him... right?

APPLESTRIKE — he/him, 79 moons [ light brown tabby ]
"Alas, not everything can be cured." Applestrike commented as he approached the scene until he was stood near Basilwhisker and Burnstorm. The old tom blinked slowly with concern as he watched Roeflame and Berryheart, studying the situation with care. If anything to see what he could learn. If such a thing were to occur out on a patrol then surely it would be wise for a few warriors to know what to do for Roeflame's benefit. However, he then realised that he was perhaps disheartening the younger warriors by his earlier remark. "Though just because something can't be cured doesn't mean that it cannot be managed in other ways." Already there were methods in place and they were being demonstrated in that moment before them. Though not wishing to linger and gawk, he then decided to make himself useful. "I'll go and get some water for her."
————— ❁ —————
Lichenpaw lingers, watching with a tightness in his chest for a far different reason. They'd rushes in with their mentor, spurred by the urgency of Lightstrike's words, and... Roeflame's choked wheezing sends a jolt of fear through Lichenpaw's body. No cure, says Basilwhisker, but there is a familiarity in the way that Berryheart handles this, in the fetching of medicine and careful instruction. Our breathing, Berryheart says. He's done this before. They do not draw closer, not quite comfortable enough to console, letting Burnstorm take that role. Instead, they hover near with paws unsure what to do and concern clouding their gaze.

Lichenpaw's eyes flick to the medicine that his mentor has brought. Juniper berries. He commits it to memory; he'll need to, if this is going to happen again.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 13 moons.
    — thunderclan medicine cat apprentice, mentored by berryheart.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 66645992_9XglqEnKXn6q8TJ.png

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Lightstrike is gone in a blink, his string of words unanswered by the drowsy warrior.
She stumbles to a seat, trying to silence choked breaths to no avail.
Heartbeats felt like hours, and Roeflame let’s her eyelids flutter closed for a moment in a drawn-out blink.
When she opens her eyes, Berryheart is there and the relief is radiating.
Remember our breathing.
Roeflame nods, trying to focus solely on the brindled healer as he demonstrated familiar deep breaths.
She winces against the strain, unable to inhale fully.
A small relief, but she knows she needs to keep pushing.
She glances towards the berries.
Theres no cure? Basilwhisker wonders aloud.
Lichenpaw is there, and Roeflame only looks to him briefly before there is a familiar presence at her side. In silent acknowledgment, she leans into Burnstorm as she struggles to inhale once more, shaking her head in response to her friends claim, confirming Applestrikes wise words.
The toms sentiments reminding her of the juniper berries presence she nods slightly towards them.
"mm.. please.." The warrior rasps, ears flattening at the sudden realization that there are now many pairs of eyes on her, witnessing her most vital weakness.
Whenever offered, she’d take the berries in her maw, visibly wincing at their strong flavor erupting on her tongue.
Whenever gradual relief would begin to trickle in, the emotional flood would return, Dewfrosts ghostly face dancing behind hazed optics.
Outwardly, Roeflame is almost catatonic. She wished to be somewhere else, anywhere else.
Was turmoil simply her birthright? Dizzily she looks around to the supportive faces of her clanmates in every corner.
Perhaps not.
"Th-thank you, but I’m okay.. right Berryheart?" She looks to the tom, her voice still ragged from the ordeal- and her clanmates would surely believe their healer over the warrior who could barely speak.


His nephew stood dutifully at Fawny's side, a shoulder to stagger against. Berryheart let the gathered warriors murmur their nearby conversation, talking about a cure- his attention was entirely on the breathless warrior for the moment, and his eyes only strayed from her to settle briefly upon his watching apprentice. He gave Freckles an approving nod, seeing the tom's gaze flick down to the berries- and as Fawny took them, calming her breathing, he noted her inhalations soon stretched a little longer, bit-by-bit. The episode was passing- empathy glazed his eyes, though a subtle gleam.

"Yes. But take the rest of today off," he instructed, answering as directly as ever. She would not die from this, not while he was around- and while medics knew how to deal with it. It was a horrible affliction, but a treatable one at least. A white-toed paw pointed toward the tom who had fetched Fawny some water. He turned to his apprentice, then. "This was a flare of no-breath," His brows furrowed, slightly. It was rare that he spoke so much, but this was an important lesson- most of all for Freckles, who would need this information for the future. "I suffer too, worst in the cold moons. There's no permanent cure, but calm breathing and juniper berries are the best remedy." He glanced back to Little-little, River-eyes and Chestnut. It was a rare affliction, but one the warriors would know how to identify, now.
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