angel on fire — attempted hunting [ intro ]

.to be reborn ———


——— you have to die first.
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SPIDER STOOD STILL, HUFFING AT YET ANOTHER FAILED CATCH, tail twitching rather aggressively ( the wind wasn’t helping ), annoyance filtering across his face, seconds later vanishing, schooling into a more neutral look. Damnit. He had been close to latching his claws into the squirrel scurrying away, no doubt seeking shelter from the upcoming storm.

Sighing through flared nostrils, the chimera stared at the others who’d joined him in hunting, wondering if they were faring better than the older feline. His muscles ached, claws scraping the surface, collecting pine needles, holding them up to eye level, gaze crinkling.

The silent feline crept lazily through the undergrowth, staring up at the trees for anything until he spotted a bird amongst the low branches. His compact frame rippled, lunging forward until claws ripped into the rough bark, skittering up the trunk with some difficulty, slipping now and then until he slithered up onto a low-hanging branch that creaked against the additional weight.

Kaladin huffed, staring below with a critical eye. Perhaps he’d have better luck catching a bird from here than the ground, but even so, the chimera had never been the best at climbing, only now becoming rather versed in clambering up and down trunks, but hunting was an entirely different story, something the other didn’t mind. It distracted him from wallowing in his grief.

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The little tricolor apprentice was no good at hunting. If she were lucky, she would gain a few good catches a week. What special techniques did the others have to make them hunt so well, she wondered with frustration. Her mother and her father were two of ThunderClan's greatest hunters. Why could she not live up to their names.

Buffeted by the winds, Stormpaw shivered deeply under her thick coat. The weather was making it near impossible to scent anything reliably. Most of the prey were probably hiding safe and warm in their own dens, she thought with a snort. Having not noticed Spiderlily's first failed attempt, the apprentice abruptly reeled back when the warrior darted forward up a tree. Stormpaw's head whipped up to spot the black and white cat above her in the trees.

"Birds are the hardest to catch." She voiced over the wind. She had learned that terribly when she failed in front of Stormywing and all the other apprentices she was trying to catch.

@OWLEAR mentor tag //


Berryheart's usually-hooded gaze narrowed even more against the relentless winds, river-rapids of air that warred against his vision. Blinks were frequent, fluttered; with the gale, it was difficult to keep his eyes open even if he had wished to. Even blessed with a talent for tracking, the stormy winds scrambled every possible scent, twisting around him, crossing their trails. It was vaguely irritating, a buzz beneath his skin, but as with most emotions he managed to push it away, drown it beneath general contentment.

A branch creaking with weight caught him off-guard, swayed in his periphery; there, a charcoal-spotted Clanmate crouched, with Little Blue staring up at him with a remark. Ah- bird-catching was the objective, then? Inquisition flared for a moment in Berryheart's typically-unreadable eyes, fascination stilling his form. It would be fascinating to observe, surely, whether the wind's ceaselessness would let up for a moment to allow the catch- or even, if it would assist.

Statuesque, Berryheart simply watched; it was rare to see him captivated, but his motionlessness- the intelligent glint of his eye, the tautness of his whiskers- betrayed his curiosity. What was the aim, here?
Wolfwind flanks her uncle, coming up on the rear of the hunting patrol. She herself has (somehow) managed to scrounge up a mouse in these winds, which was now safely burried nearby. Spiderlily clearly isn't having such luck, but she wouldn't blame him none. It makes sense to her that prey would hide from the winds the same way that they wanted to. The little things still scurrying about must be desperate or sumn'.

She follows Berryheart's interested gaze into the trees, catching sight of Spiderlily amongst the branches. She sniffs agreeingly at Stormpaw's remark. She herself didn't bother with birds most of the time, unless it'd be harder for her not to. She knew some of ThunderClan has an affinity for trees. She was certaintly not one of those guys. " Sometimes I feel like tree stuff should be left to KittypetClan, yknow? " she remarks lowly to the rest of the ground - walkers 'round her, not wanting to interrupt any hunting (Even if Stormpaw seemed to care much less about that), but not able to resist the remark, nonetheless. The branches are shuddering more than they already would be under Spiderlily's weight. Seems like a disaster waiting to happen, if you ask her. " Hope he's careful. "

[ ooc: obligatory apprentice tag <3 @Sparkpaw ]
to be reborn , you have to die first .

The spotted brute sighed, staring at the bird that got away, tail swishing lazily as he remained perched, ears pricked forward, eerie pinkish optics staring down at the cats below. “Mn.” He doubted Stormpaw would hear the acknowledgment, his voice drowned out by the winds. It was a skill. To catch birds, that is. Of course, Spider was never one to back down from something so close within reach.

If only the weather wasn’t playing cruel tricks on those that continue to walk its grounds. Pity. He wondered what Whitelion would say when he returned with nothing, but empty jaws.

At Wolfwind’s remark, Spider grinned wickedly, gaze turning fierce. Fool. He shook his helm, remaining silent. Climbing builds strength. He wondered if the other knew that. Of course not. If Wolf did, then there was no doubt she wouldn’t be speaking utter nonsense.

Kaladin chose to ignore those gathering to scan the canopy of trees, liquid hues narrowing in distaste. It wasn’t the time to climb. Not when branches threatened to collapse, gravity taking effect as they crushed whoever ( or whatever ) beneath.

The older warrior slithered down the tree with calculated paws to stand before them without incident, brow raised. “Are we going to hunt, or sit like ducklings, gawking?” He didn’t wait for anyone to respond, flicking as tail as he slithered off, hoping the patrol hadn’t been spoiled by increasing bad luck as the weather continued to wane, growing worse as the minutes ticked by.
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