private Angelic power ♡ Villains

Mar 30, 2024
*+:。.。 The more Wrathpaw understood that what he'd participated in was wrong, the more he also began to see how necessary it had been. When he lived so peaceably in the nursery, he'd had no idea what the warriors and apprentices went through when they handed prey off to the kittens and queens. He'd never thought twice about their tired eyes, or the rumble in their tummies...Now, on the other end of things, handing prey off to the elders and nursery resident all while his stomach ached for more and knowing so many others hungered just as bad...knowing that the potential might come where even the kits and elders might not get their fill...well, Wrathpaw felt more confused than ever.

"Was it really so bad? Hunting...across the border, I mean" Wrathpaw finds himself whispering out loud. He's careful to pick a quiet area, approaching one of the cats that had joined Raccoonstripe's patrol. As it stood, everyone that had volunteered had done so knowing exactly what code they were breaking, so surely they must know something that Wrathpaw didn't? He lifts a paw and touches his belly, frowning uncomfortably at the ache rumbling beneath his fur. He feels like he's betraying Howlingstar just asking this out loud, but he's possessed with a need to know - "If we...hadn't got caught, would everything have worked out just fine?"

    DMAB— He/Him
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Giggle-
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently

sleekserpent & 16 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan warrior

" No, " though quiet, the toms raspy words sound confident and steadfast. Sleekserpent is not a cat often caught up in this particular group - or any group, truthfully, a withdrawn and quiet presence amungst her clanmates. They are not likeable, or social - a stick-in the mud their fellow apprentices had murmured. Prissy prince, stuck up, a suck up. But ever since escaping yellowcoughs clutches, she'd decided enough was enough - letting whispers slide of her back like water. Badgerstripe is the first friend they make, rocky though the start had been. This group is the next - outliers, faces pushed to thunderclans sidelines in quiet exile. Opinionated.

" We needed any prey we could get, " he says, baby blues slowly flicking to look at wrathpaw. Sleekserpent has nothing against the other clans - not truly, at least. She'd grown up alongside the queens of the nursery, her own parents absent more often then not. There was one in particular he'd remembered well - vanishing into the night with her riverclan mate, leaving behind half-clan kittens. No - clan cats were well and fine... as long as they weren't kittypets.

They had twolegs at their beck and call - never going a day without food in their lives. And skyclans choice to take them in, only part-time, one paw in both worlds? It disgusts them, truthfully. The forest had so little prey, and to split it between the mouths of those actually in need was hard enough. To waste it on those who thought life in the forest to be a game, an adventure? She hates it. And Thunderclan wasn't much better these days - admittedly, Sleekserpent has never voiced such animosity aloud, but he'd listened well to his parents words growing up, the way they scorned emberstar for her weakness in allowing the outsiders to join. And now, she finds herself agreeing with them.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

B O Y S D O N ' T C R Y A N D I W O N ' T T O O

Nothing wrong with it.” Ravenstrike would boringly respond as she found her way by the group, a eerie yet cold amber gaze flicking over the apprentice and young warrior. There wasn't nothing wrong with what they had done and they had brought back food to feed the starving of their clan. What they had done was essential to the clan's survival and anyone who complained that it was unjust and horrible to do, frankly would rather watch their loved ones suffer. “Only reason why they say its wrong is because they want to think they're better than us.

Her words drip venomously as she raises a paw to the sky and examines her sharp claws underneath the sunlight. “They rather watch us starve and have morality instead of caring for their clan.” Ravenstrike would respond as her gaze flicks to the two cats before letting out a bored yawn.