no angst ANGELS LIKE YOU ♡ gifts

Thundergleam had given her the idea. Their recent conversation about how she used to play with blue jay feathers had sparked inspiration in the young warrior, and once the seed was planted in her mind she couldn’t not do it. So she had set out very early that morning, before the majority of the clan had risen, to avoid being spotted. Her prey was unusually scarce and rarely spotted in this forest, thus the mission had taken a lot longer than she’d hoped. Eventually, after many hours of strained patience, she managed to find what she was looking for. With an uncharacteristic spring in her step, Palefire hurried back to camp and made a beeline right for the nursery.

Nightbird had only recently given birth, and while she couldn’t claim to be on the best of terms with her former mentor right now, she still meant a lot to her. Nightbird had been the one to shape her into the warrior she was finally beginning to grow into, and she wouldn’t be half as skilled or sharp without her influence. And as such, Nightbird’s new brood of kittens also held a special place in her heart. She’d not had the chance to show them yet, but now seemed like as good a time as any, and she had done this same thing for Moonwhisper and Roeflame’s kits moons ago.

Quietly Palefire stopped at the black smoke’s side, her icy blue gaze searching for any signs that she was unwelcome here before she lowered her head to place the bright red bird on the ground at Nightbird’s paws. She then turned to the kittens, a bright smile gracing her lips and a spark of excitement in her eyes. “I brought this for you all. The feathers are really pretty, see? You can take them out and play with them or decorate your nests with them. But I really like putting them in my fur, because they look nice!” Hopefully none of them would use them for trouble, like Meadowkit once wanted to. She then turned to Nightbird, her smile softening slightly. “I usually like blue jays, but I thought a cardinal would be better. Red suits them more.”

Quickly, before the hoard of kittens had a chance to strip the bird of its plumage, she plucked one herself and carried it a short distance to where she spotted Ivorykit. Gently she reached down and stuck the feather into the fur of the girl's fluffy tail. “One for you too,” she murmured quietly with a sly wink. With all the negative talk of kittypets recently, she wanted to make sure the girl she’d grown so fond of didn’t feel left out. She was surprised to find that even this simple act of sharing something she loved with cats she cared for was enough to lift a weight from her heavy heart. She’d need to thank the strange, kind albino warrior next time she saw her.

  • [ @nightbird @TIGERKIT @STORMKIT @LIGHTNINGKIT @bayingkit @TWILIGHTKIT ⋆ @ivorykit no need to wait <3 ]

  • 4psYZte.png
  • 79175764_ro4GJWUVwEZd0z0.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 16 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes.
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic.
    single, padding after skyclaw / npc x npc / sister to bluestride.
    mentor to no one / formerly mentored by nightbird.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.
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Stormkit always felt a little left out when everyone called stuff pretty. There were a lot of pretty things in the world, he'd found out, and he didn't really know what that meant. But everyone said it. About flowers and cats and- and feathers, apparently. Eyes of copped stared straight forward, right at where- this was Palefire, right- where Palefire's voice came from.

Stormkit had knotty fur, he felt it whenever Nightbird groomed him- tugging and pulling, all while his mother grumbled a little. Maybe it's be easy to stick this stuff in his fur, then. Feathers. Would they even suit him? He could feel that he was a spiny, matted thing... feathers were soft, crowding his mouth with fluff when he took a reckless bite out of prey. "I think I wanna play with 'em," he murmured, tilting his head. Lowering himself closer ... crouching, prowling forward ... he brushed his whiskers against the ground 'til they twitched against the fine surface of the feathers.

His paw shot out to pat at it, tentatively and violently all at once. Short, sharp raps. "Unless they're too pretty..." Someone'd have to tell him ...
penned by pin ༄
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ "palefire," she greets her former apprentice simply as she noses into the nursery with red spilling from her maw. she watches the warrior approach, the slightest hint on tension within her delicate steps. the events that followed palefire's warrior name seemed to drive a wedge through their relationship, the wound left to fester as nightbird's paws became busy with little paws. the queen didn't like it, but the nursery certainly was not the place for a private chat where they could smooth things over.

"thank you. although i'm not sure how pretty they'll be once bayingkit gets ahold." it was thoughtful, a kind gesture, once she can already imagine her kits taking full advantage of. she can already imagine her tabby striped daughter plucking them and using pointed kitten teeth and claws to shred them into small red fragments to be littered around the nursery.

stormkit is the first to explore them, taking a far too large bite and filling his mouth with soft red feathers before letting them fall and beginning his attack. nightbird huffs in amusement, puling a long feather from the wing of the bird to playfully dust across his nose before letting it fall to the ground. "not too pretty, play with 'em if you want," she hums, before tapping her tail across his back. "but tell palefire 'thank you', i'm sure she worked hard to find this for you."
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 34 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes. currently a queen residing in the nursery.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.