camp ANIMAL CASTLE // distracted

The long legged tom trailed into the camp during the late morning in order to deposit a young rabbit upon the freshkill pile. It had been a lucky catch on his part due to his new sleeping arrangements outside the camp that he had self-imposed on himself. Prey seemed to be content to wander past a solitary slumbering feline, and the rabbit had paid the price for its folly. There had been the temptation to keep it for himself but he ultimately decided that it would be used to feed the rest of the clan first. If he was lucky maybe it would still be there later for him to enjoy, but he would have to be patient and hopeful.

Not wishing to linger around the camp for longer than what he felt comfortable with he turned to head back out through the bramble entrance. Though with a bowed head and a wandering mind his lack of focus caused him to bump into another feline along the way. "Huh-? O-oh, sorry, didn't see you there." The apology tumbled off of his tongue in a less than graceful manner as he stumbled back a few paces with his head still lowered submissively.
There's a lot she'd have to say about Sunnyday. Barely any of it good.

" Yeah, " she dismisses him with a blink. The guy was horrifically obvious about when he was distracted. And when he was distracted, Wolfwind had reason to be too. She can't imagine he'd ever thinkin' about much good. Always either thinkin' about cats as delusional as he is, cookin' up some scheme to injure his apprentices, or otherwise.

Sunnyday makes himself scarce as of late, and its about as much sense as he's ever had in his entire damn life, she'd bet. If it was up to her, he'd be gone by now. It wasn't, though. It was up to Howlingstar, and whatever reasons she saw to keep his sorry ass around, Wolfwind would do her best to respect. Doesn't mean she has to be nice to him though. Sunset eyes hover over his form, and a question hangs in the air; practically rhetorical. She does not expect him to answer. Not really. " Feelin' bad for yourself? " she asks wryly.

She didn't believe in coddling apprentices. Makin' even less sense was beatin' the shit out of them yourself to justify coddling them. She knew RiverClanners who fought cleaner than Sunnyday had during a damn spar.

Morningpaw had been a fluke. A fluke was all it had been.

After what Sunnyday had done it was something of a miracle he was even still a warrior, much less permitted in camp. Whilst Flycatcher probably would not have kicked Sunnyday out, he could understand why some clanmates felt otherwise. given the situation. Since Howlingstar had dolled out his punishment, Flycatcher had not seen much of Sunnyday in camp. According to some warriors, he was mostly staying outside of camp and only really came back to get his assignments and deposit any prey on the fresh-kill pile.

In fact, Sunnyday had just left a young rabbit on the fresh-kill and was hastily trying to make a retreat when he bumped into Wolfwind. Sunnyday was quick to apologise, to which Wolfwind merely gave a single word response.

"Nice catch," Flycatcher mewed as he walked past the two. It lacked any of his usual civility and was a very clipped remark from him, a small acknowledgement of what Sunnyday had caught. "I'm sure the queens would appreciate eating something like that."

Squeak Squeak

What Sunnyday did was... bad, admittingly but, he was still (to many's surprises) a warrior of Thunderclan and to see the others make themselves scarce made it hard to see past why he would of done what he did but, Mothsqueak didn't have it in her heart to act cold to the warrior. Her teal gaze watched as he bumped into Wolfwind, and awkwardly apologized while the she-cat responded in a dismissive way. Their deputy, Flycatcher was next to approach and even he held a sort of of coldness to it and she sighed softly before making her way toward the others.

"H-how d-did you m-manage to c-catch it?" she would ask the warrior, a little bit more friendly towards Sunnyday, while she tried to pull a small smile to her maw before shuffling her paws a bit and curling her tail around her paws while eyes drifted around the camp walls a bit, avoiding any form of eye contact before glancing back with a slight nod towards them, trying to find something to say, yet the warrior couldn't find anything and opted to stay quiet and just...listen.

Was his luck so foul as to have it be Wolfwind of all cats he ended up bumping into? Instantly he steeled himself for whatever barrage of words were to come, but it wasn't a torrent of free jabs. Just one single hitter that he refused to respond to. The tom simply kept his head down and his mouth shut as a way of avoiding further trouble. But did he feel bad for himself? No, he felt bad for the pair of apprentices that he had hurt. He felt awful for letting Shallowpaw down, for not being the shining beacon that the clan needed.

A single large ear twitched in acknowledgement to Flycatcher's words and the coldness of the tone wasn't missed. He offered a nod of his head in response, though if the rabbit was destined for the queens and kits then his hopes of sneaking it later were most certainly dashed. But that was life, and he wasn't about to make a habit of eating before them. "I'll get more." Hunting and patrolling were about the only things he could do now in order to fill his days, otherwise he'd only be sat in his nest wallowing in his guilt and loneliness.

Before he could resume making an escape Mothsqueak asked him how he had managed to catch it. The temptation to make a snide remark like 'with my claws' danced on his mind, though he fortunately forced it back to the recesses. "It thought I was sleeping." Or maybe it thought he had been dead considering he was beginning to smell a little on the ripe side. A dip in the river was beginning to look quite tempting regardless of the risk that the water posed. "I need to go." Again he moved to leave the camp, this time glancing up to ensure that he didn't bump into anymore cats.
A thoughtful silence hangs over Crowflower as she watches Sunnyday, mossy eyes making careful observations on the downward slope of his shoulders and the bedraggled state of his blond fur. A ripe smell emanates from him, whether it's from the dirt and grime or the old flecks of blood from fresh-kill, she cannot tell. Although she was disappointed when he returned with his wounded apprentice, but now it strikes her with renewed force. There is no taking back his actions or the harm he's caused, but there is something...pathetic...about how he's handled the aftermath. Self-imposed exile is understandable, but to wallow in self-pity like this... For a moment, she's tempted to follow Sunnyday. Somebody needs to talk some sense into him before he digs himself into a deeper hole, and that somebody will likely end up being her, but she hesitates. Her gaze shifts to Wolfwind, her expression becoming more conflicted. Would Wolf see it as a betrayal or a mistake to try and reach out to the disgraced tomcat? She sighs. It's too early for moral dilemmas. Instead of figuring everything out now, she merely offers Sunnyday a polite nod as he heads out of camp before trotting to join Wolfwind. Maybe she will ask Wolf to have breakfast with her later.​
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