
The RiverClan border was not one she had ever been particularly fond of. WindClan had been many things, she had been many things, and RiverClan was always quick to remind them of the things they had done even when they themselves did not have the cleanest of claws. How quick they were to forget their own crimes when the tail could so conveniently be pointed in another direction. A yawn splits open her maw as they make their way over to the reeds that warned of the river that divided their two territories. Dusk was a nice time of day, she would never deny it, but she always preferred the dawn to it and, being an early riser, she has already had quite a long day and is eager to get back to her nest so that she can rest her aching bones and sleep. "I'm getting too old to stay out this late" she jokes with the rest of her patrol as her golden eyes scan the shoreline for any trace of RiverClan.

Accompanying her today are all cats who are significantly younger than her. Mouseflight and Redheart are good warriors, newly named (in Redhearts case at least) and still victims to their own youth but good nonetheless. And Featherpaw, her apprentice, was shaping up to one day be a fine warrior herself. Despite their combined inexperience she is not terribly mad with the assignment Rattleheart had given her. "Remember, no starting trouble but if they give us trouble do not be afraid to give it right back" stars be damned if she ever rolled over and showed her belly to anyone let alone RiverClan.

  • xiikDkk.jpeg

  • d8xs4yJ.jpeg
    A small framed moor runner with a blue toned pelt and black stripes. Her tail is cropped and her eyes are golden in color. On her chest, she sports a large 'X' shaped scar.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + isn’t above using dirty tricks in order to win

As ever, Featherpaw was not accomodating to her mentor's jokes. "In what buh-buh-b-bee-brained world are you old," the chocolate tom snorted, a flintstone against her spark. It was true, though- she was nowhere near aged. Cats like that were scrawny and looked like they were fading day by day, with rhuemy wandering eyes and dull, irritating stories. Though he supposed Bluepool often fit into the irritating category, she wasn't quite boring. Yet. And she had muscle on her, powerful runner's legs that Featherpaw hoped- though quietly- that he might soon gain.

At her more serious instruction, Featherpaw gave a dutiful nod of his head. A snow-tipped tail brushed against the grass, and she took a deep inhalation of the air, getting acquainted with the scents. It had been a while since she had ended up this far, after all. Immediately, the bramble-furred tom's face crumpled into one of disgust. RiverClan scent wasn't a plasant one... it was far too strong and fish, potent even a ways from the river. He wondered how they navigated at all, if their territory was coated in that.
✦ penned by pin
Mouseflight didn't enjoy going near any of the borders, let alone the river or gorge that marked the combination of Wind and River, both scents mingled and strongest here. Not only did it seem as though almost all of the RiverClan cats were hypocrites - them being the only ones that were vocally opposed to WindClan's promise of no longer being how it was when Sootstar was still alive when they, themselves, had done wrong in the past - they enjoyed the water, the cold frigid thing with fish within it, deep enough where they could no longer touch the bottom. It was something so abhorrent that every other clan agreed that it wasn't natural, that cats didn't swim. The thought of the water and the potential to get splashed like so many other patrols had so far was enough to cause his fur to rise on end before Bluepool's voice cut through and he looked towards her, an amused scowl on the tom's maw forming quickly before he rolled his eyes.

"We better make sure we get back quick then, so you don't miss your bedtime." It was a jest - or at least Mouseflight's best attempt at one - the once closed off warrior still not used to this change since he'd gotten back from the journey even if it had seemed like two lifetimes ago. Once, Mouseflight had thought Bluepool old, ancient even, ready to be within the elder's den and retire from anything and everything she was now still doing perfectly fine, but he'd been so young then that he hadn't understood the actual ages of his clanmates around him. As they continued on tothe border and as the older warrior instructed them to not start anything the tunneler found himself nodding. He wanted in and out as quickly as possible, and didn't plan to have conversations with any RiverClanners let alone start arguing with them.
  • tikki_com.png
    mousekit - mousepaw - mouseflight
    ⋆ ftm - he/him - 16 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ tunneler of windclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆
The only thing she can hope for is that the sanity Sunstar attempts to present himself with is not just another glorious facade. WindClan's mad dog queen had been summarily put down but it did not ease her distrust for them... it did not make his excuses on her behalf any less foolish. It never should've gotten that far. RiverClan should not have almost been left leaderless in the wake of Smokestar's attempt to reach Highstones.

It wouldn't be forgotten. Or forgiven.

Passing along the teetering edge of the gorge with a healthy amount of wariness, the deputy's gaze catches at the sight of long-legged figures passing along the other side. They are actively patrolling their borders again... and not with teeth bared and spit-dripping snarls. It was a good thing she never really practiced trading niceties with them anyways, it would spare her throat some struggle to just keep walking and ignore them. Others from RiverClan could greet them and waste time playing nice, if they wanted to.

They'd have to accept a tail-flicked acknowledgement and greeting (or be offended by it, if they cared that deeply about her silence).


A black tail flicks upward, brushing along the bristling blue fur of his deputy's shoulder as he strides past her with head held high and posture proud; he had no interest in being particularly kind to WindClan but he wanted to be seen all the same, pleasantries were fine - it didn't matter, but the moment he spotted one of the cats who had attacked him at the border they would take it as a sign of open hostility. Until then, he would hope Sunstar had the sense to kill the cockroaches that scattered when his light rose above the moorlands.
"How is the prey running, WindClan?" He asks, his nose tilted upward as he gazes across the divide to the lean figures of several cats moving along; he recognizes Bluepool-wonders briefly if the blood of madness spread through family lines and then quickly dismisses the thought as his mind dwells on Cicadastar. The insects of his namesake awakening from cold rest to scream into the night once more as a harsh reminder, a haunting melody. He wishes he could go around and crush every last one without looking like a complete mad man.
"It's getting dark out, do try not to slip and fall." Would be a shame to have to remove more corpses from their waters.

  • OOC can go here.

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    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.