another day to break - bringing supplies [prompt]

"Have you got the moss yet?" Howlfire's voice would ask, looking towards Coyotecrest who was nearby.

Since their kits were currently in the medicine den, recovering from the brutal and sudden attack, the two warriors had been flitting between there a lot when not undertaking their own duties. They had taken it upon themselves to gather some fresh moss and fresh-kill to bring to the medicine den. Even if Dawnglare or Fireflypaw did not want it, Howlfire was certain one of their many patients currently housed in their den certainly would. Whilst Coyotecrest gathered up the last of his part of the supplies, Howlfire moved to the fresh-kill piles, eyes in search of a squirrel she had left there earlier. There was no guarantee it would still be there, so she was pleasantly surprised when she spotted it among the other pieces of prey. Picking it up gently between her teeth, she met back up with Coyotecrest, and with a small flick of her tail they began moving in the direction of the medicine den, bringing their gifts with them.

@Coyotecrest @Daisykit

Lowering his head to the ground Coyotecrest mouthed another clump of moss between his jaws until he couldn't hold anymore. The sea of emerald spongy foliage prohibited him from actually answering the chocolate molly calling for him. So, he followed up her inquiry with a simple nod of his head instead. The amount gathered might have been a little overkill, but he desired for their kits to have the softest nests possible while they healed. It would be the closest thing to sleeping on a cloud if he could help it.

Quietly he waited for Howlfire to locate the squirrel before continuing alongside her. Spotting Daisykit in the distance he waved his tail breifly in greeting. After stopping by the entrance of the med den he placed the wad of moss down. "Hey my little porcupines...I brought some fresh moss for you guys." He smiled softly, letting his eyes fall on each of his children in turn. Lifting his head again he rolled his jaw around to alleviate a little stiffness still lingering. "Besides moss is anything else needed?" He asked, glancing in the direction of the other patients.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / nineteen moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
It wasn't hard to understand that something bad had happened, even if Daisykit didn't quite understand what it was that was bad or just how bad it was. Bad was bad and her former denmate was stuck in the medicine den after becoming an apprentice, and there was nothing that she could do to stop that but she was going to try her best to help whenever possible. Daisykit was going to make sure she helped, even if it meant going outside the warmth of the nursery and into the dreaded cold of the camp.

Watching warriors walk around the camp she waited, shivering in the chilled air as she peeked her head from the nursery before seeing Howlfire move towards the fresh kill pile and grab a squirrel before moving towards the medicine den instead of going off to eat the food. It was then that Daisykit rushed forward as best she could before attempting to run under Howlfire's legs, shoving her head beneath the squirrel as she tried her best to stay within pace of Howlfire. "It's gonna touch the ground, so I'm gonna help!" the small thing declared as they moved towards the den, though she couldn't help but freeze when they neared the entrance, the smell coming from it causing an overwhelming feeling of disgust. Too many smells with the herbs mixed with squirrel she instead quickly changed her mind and rushed to the side, head peeking in instead.

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  • DAISYKIT || adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish || sister to Weedkit and Fluffykit
    -- She/Her || Born Nov. 8, ages in real time
    -- average size with large paws and a long tail. SH blue w/low white & blue eyes.
    -- hard to control her emotions

To his credit, Coyotecrest had gathered a sizeable amount of moss. So much so she was of half a mind to wonder if he was going to take some to the nursery whilst he was at it. He slips inside the den first, leaving Howlifre to trail behind. She is almost there when she feels Daisykit run between her legs, and has to quickly adjust herself so she doesn't stumble and squash Daisykit. "Oh, Daisykit!" Howlifre exclaimed in surprise. She then gave the young kit a small smile, touched by the gesture to help. "Thank you, Daisykit. Your help will ensure it doesn't get dirty before anyone can eat it."

When they approached the medicine den, Daisykit pulled away, rushing to the side and peeking in. Howlfire remembered how much she had disliked the stink of the medicine den when she was younger, the smell of all those herbs much too strong for her young nose. "It's okay you don't have to come in if you don't want to," Howlfire assured her. "I can take it from here. Thank you for your help."

The chocolate torbie pads further inside where Coyotecrest already hovers over their kits. Her amber eyes look around for Dawnglare and Fireflypaw, knowing they must be around somewhere. "Dawnglare, Fireflypaw, we've bought some supplies if you need them," Howlfire called, careful not to raise her voice too loud lest she disturb any of the patients.

// mentioning tag for @DAWNGLARE @Fireflypaw
On any other day... Any other season, perhaps, Dawnglare would've had words to exchange with anyone that approaches enters his den so brazenly. He is not spared any hello from the worrying father before Coyotecrest is speaking straight to his kits, presenting his bounty of moss. Dawnglare does not stop him, but would turn his head to glance at him rather mildly from where he sits. He knows a parent's love can often be unfettered and unwise. So he's been told, anyways. Not even he had the will to stop it, and so he would make no attempt.

Howlfire takes no permission, but at least he gets a hello. Perhaps, rather, Coyotecrest's problem was WindClan manners. The Medicine Cat lets out a sniff, but otherwise meets Howlfire cordially, tail flicking over his paws. Luckily for Daisykit, he did not want her here, either.

" Oh? " At that, he turns his attention once again to Coyotecrest and his great bundle of moss. Perhaps another might, but he wouldn't dare call it excessive. no. At a time where he had plenty of other herbs to scrounge for in this frost, a helping of moss dropped at his paws was something he would certainly appreciate. Less time spent on menial things... Dawnglare narrows his eyes, not unkindly, but... assessing. " Is the moss for their nests, or for their wounds? " For them, or for me? he nearly put it less delicately, but, ah... patience. It was a virtue, most times.

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  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 60 moons old as of 1.1.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads

Ever since she was a kit, Springpaw did not like the medicine cats den. In her mind, it symbolized sickness, injury, and even worse it was where Roseblaze had insisted that something was wrong with her sibling. She loves her mother (loves because to use past tense would be wrong. Roseblaze and Cricketchirp were coming back, after all right?) but it had not felt right to stand there and listen to her talk about Pumpkinpaw as if it had been assembled incorrectly. She loves her littermate as they are. Even if they couldn’t ever hear her voice.

Howlfires kits were her friends, or at least she thinks they were (minus Blazingpaw of course) but even he is a cat she did not wish serious harm on. So when she sees Howlfire going to the den with moss and prey, she springs to the fresh kill pile and grabs another mouse, meant for Hawkpaw or Wolfpaw if they wanted it and then trails behind her, Coyotecrest, and Daisykit, who is attempting to help carry the squirrel clutched in the chocolate tortoiseshells jaws. "I brouff ‘is ‘oo" she mumbles around a mouth full of fur, not realizing that she probably cannot be heard around the prey she still clutches firmly in her jaws.

// looking for Hawkpaw and Wolfpaw but will also settle for Blazingpaw ig /lh

Dawnglare does all the talking, and Fireflypaw falls silent as he listens to the talking of his sister from where he sat at Blazingpaw's nest. Nonetheless, he is intently listening from his place; the smell of fresh-kill faint in the air, squirrel. His mouth waters, his stomach rumbling hungrily. He stands up from his place beside Blazingpaw, moving to sit beside Dawnglare as he questions what the moss is for.

"Thank you." Fireflypaw meows gratefully, smiling towards his sister before he moves to bump his head against her own, hoping he didn't smell too strong of herbs and blood. He shakes out his fur a moment later, turning his head owlishly towards the high priest. "We could never have too much moss for our storage, right? I'm pretty sure some nests in here could be remade, too.." He speaks low, finding comfort in the smell of herbs around him. In moments of quiet, he found that he missed being a kit again.. When he didn't need to worry about the ill, when he could curl up against Little Wolf's side with Howlkit and the others. Sighing, he lets go of the thought- he had patients to focus on.​