sensitive topics ANOTHER DIMENSION // azalea & peony


Peonypaw and Azaleapaw had been ushered into her den, Sootstar has told them nothing thus far. Perhaps Azaleapaw would’ve suspected something pertaining to her warrior ceremony if younger Peonypaw wasn’t present. She’d get her name soon enough, she’s heard she’s passed her assignment, but something different was at paw. There was a vile in the clan that needed to be removed. ”I picked you both because I trust in you two… I hope you will both not disappoint. I’ve gathered you to discuss Adderpaw.” Her son had become an infamous topic around camp, all his glory had been striped from him since the twoleg incident. ”I want you two to corner him and remove it. I don’t care if a fight has to be put up, Adderpaw dishonors WindClan every second that thing is on his ear. I want it gone, can you both do that?”

// you two were picked randomly off the random windclan events thread ;) Ill reveal more info oocly on this once the characters agree icly.
If you cannot reply soon please lmk so I can replace your oc! This has to be played out in a relatively quick amount of time
@PEONYPAW @Azaleapaw
✿ — Peonypaw feels his heart beat at a rabbit's pace in his chest, threatening to bruise his ribs and jump out of its place at any moment. It's only natural to feel like a piece of prey when ordered by your leader to follow her alongside another apprentice who seems to know just as much as he does - nothing at all. He doesn't dare look at Azaleapaw for too long, in case Sootstar gets the wrong idea.

Are they in trouble? Peonypaw sorts through his memories, his recent actions, and comes up empty. But why else would he be summoned by her like this? He attempts to soothe himself with the knowledge that when Badgermoon asked to talk to him, it was innocent and merely a check-up of sorts. Perhaps it's the same here, although Peonypaw doubts Sootstar has the time to pay attention to his apprentice duties and the like at this stage. So much has been going on after all.

Peonypaw sits, curls his tail around his paws and straightens his back when they're in Sootstar's den.

When she tells them that she trusts them both, he has to push down a surprised chirp. Of course she should trust them - or at least, Peonypaw is certain of himself, the fact that he never gives anyone the chance to doubt his loyalty to WindClan... but Sootstar actually noticed. Noticed enough to pick him for whatever she has in store.

His newly found enthusiasm stutters- fight Adderpaw if must be, ignore his reasonings and feelings, get rid of that damned thing in his ear that he has been so stubbornly clinging onto ever since the incident.

Adderpaw is big, bigger at least than Peonypaw with all of those muscles. Scary, intimidating, with that fierce pair of eyes and sharp teeth that he never fails to show when angered. Could probably pummel Peonypaw into the ground with ease.

Peonypaw finally looks at Azaleapaw, trying to see what she thinks, but his expression betrays nothing.

His nervousness over this entire ordeal is just from a lack of experience, Peonypaw thinks. Sootstar is here to guide him, tell him how he can prove himself even further, do something good in her eyes. She knows best and one would be hard-pressed to find him without full belief of that.

"Of course, Sootstar," he says at last, head dipping in respect.


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When she was called to Sootstar's den, she felt her fur prickle with unease. Was Sootstar finally tired of her? Was she going to gut her here and now? She entered the den warily.

What could she possibly want with her?

Peonypaw is here too, she sees. Perhaps she's not going to be gutted. Was she in trouble? She sits by her fellow apprentice and waits for Sootstar to explain.

Her brows raise in surprise when Sootstar says she trusts them. Her????? Sootstar trusts her???????

She can hardly believe it. She must be hearing her wrong.

They are to discuss Adderpaw.... Part of her wonders if she wants them to assassinate him over that tag.

Thankfully, she just wants it removed.

She can do that.

This is her chance. She has to succeed. Failure is not an option. If she fails, Sootstar will continue looking at her as a useless kittypet and not the warrior she is.

"Consider it done." She says with determination.

That tag was as good as gone.... All she needed was a plan.​