another page in the journal [roxie]


"Alright Johnny, I'll see ya later, bud."

The tom let out a soft mrrow of approval from where he sat on the front porch of his twolegs house, amber eyes loyalty following the man as he made his way down the stairs and to the driveway. While this was a new house in a new part of the world for the patched tomcat, this was a routine he'd stuck to religiously since he was old enough to be let outdoors. He'd wake up in the mornings with his housefolk, they'd all have breakfast, the female would leave, and then he'd stick around with the male until it was time for him to leave as well. Then, Johnny would walk him to the porch, they'd say their goodbyes, and he'd stay put to guard the house while they went about their lives out in the twoleg world.

It was an arrangement he was comfortable with, one that gave the tom a sense of purpose and pride even though he knew it wasn't much. He'd chase strays out of the trash bins, would make sure none of the younger twolegs took anything that didn't belong to them, and would protect the flower beds and garden from birds and critters.

It wasn't much, but it was honest work and it made the lives of his housefolk a little easier.

As his human disappeared down the street in their monster, Johnny turned his bright eyes on the neighborhood around him. It was still new to him, the rows of houses just as unfamiliar as their occupants, and he knew he would have to put in some effort to remedy this. He liked to have a proper idea of his surroundings and the potential friends and foes within it, and as much as he hated drifting from his post he also knew it wasn't something he could keep putting off if he wanted to do his job properly.

It was already strange enough living in a home with a backyard that faced a forest, and he knew he wouldn't be fully confident and at ease until he knew what he was dealing with. So, he stood and made his way down the front steps of his house and began to make his way down the street.

Time for a bit of recon.