camp ANOTHER STRANGER [ ✦ ] in the way

When Halfkit wakes from her nap it is in the usual way. She starts by casting half lidded eyes across the nursery, takes inventory, makes sure her siblings are still here with her. Birdkit and Tanglekit... Her eyes fall on blue tabby fur and then blue tabby and cream respectively. A yawn parts her jaws and her ears pin to the back of her head before she rises, arching her back as she does and standing to the very tips of her toes. Mismatched blue eyes focus on their foster mother. She was a nice enough cat and she had been kind enough to agree to take Halfkit and her siblings in when Starlingheart had asked, but Halfkit knew she was not their real mother. Nor was her mate their father. No. It had been made clear to Halfkit at a young age that her mother was in StarClan, and her father was gone on some brave journey that she didn't quite understand. Something about why her mother had died she had not thought to pay attention. Her mind was occupied with other things, like what game she and her siblings would play today.

It is all she can do to keep herself from bouncing in place as she reaches out with one socked foot and wakes each of her siblings up in turn "C'mon c'mon lazy butts! We gotta get up!" her voice is loud and booming in the nursery and already she can hear another queen shushing her but she does not care, her eyes are for her siblings only. "Last one outside is a rotten frog!" she practically sings before running out of the den as fast as her little legs could carry her, despite her foster mothers protests.

She is so excited and so busy looking over her shoulder to see if Birdkit and Tanglekit were following her that she does not see the leg that she runs into until her forehead is making a collision and she is sent tumbling into the dirt with an "Oof!"

  • ooc : — anyone is free to be the cat she ran into
    @Birdkit @TANGLEKIT

  • 71463519_wfdQr8qW6maoeay.png

    ➵ she / her
    ➵ shadowclan kit
    ➵ single
    ➵ sexuality undecided
    ➵ a long legged she cat with long blue tabby, cream tabby, and white fur and mismatched blue eyes
    ➵ toyhouse

———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
The kits were at least lively, that much she could agree with. In a time like this, with the attacks on the border, short of prey, the yellowcough.. a sigh left Scalejaw. Plenty to weigh them down and tear them apart, but in times like these, standing strong together was highly important. Their bravest had gone out to retrieve the herb to heal and cure, and the knowledge would make them stronger. If Shadowclan didn't keep their chins up, then who's to say th-

Scalejaw was interrupted as Halfkit slammed into her front leg. The warrior turned her vision, peering down swiftly. A soft 'tut' left her, tail swishing behind her. She padded after Halfkit and nudged her to her feet. "You should look where you're going, Halfkit." Scalejaw stated. Yes, she made it her business to know and remember which kit's names were which. It was hardly a task, considering they were part of their future, yes? Scalejaw's ears twitched, turning her vision towards the rest of her siblings with a tiny grin.

Orange eyes shifted back towards Halfkit. "An early start for you three?" She asked, voice warm and expression earnest.


[penned by dallas].
Halfshade's death took its toll on Frostbite. He found himself gripping his nest with his claws, cursing the stars and the fates that be. Stop TAKING from them already. How much more will they take before they're satisfied? Why must Shadowclan suffer so much? And to learn that she had been pregnant, it breaks his heart knowing these kits will never know their mother.

Halfshade was a wonderful mother. Something Frostbite respects, since it seems to be.... Not so common in Shadowclan. She was his friend, and now he'll never see her again. All those days she helped him in the nursery, the times they talked, hunted together... They'll never happen again.

But he has to be here to make sure her kits are loved and cared for. It's what she would want, and he will happily watch over these kits as they grow.

One of them decides to scamper off after waking her siblings, and he smiles softly, following after her to make sure she doesnt- She's already bumped into someone.

"Try to stay out of other cats paws, Halfkit. You might get squished!" He says, joking but still serious. She COULD get stepped on, but when he said squished, he was thinking of like a bug. With a squish noise. "Sure seems like an early day.." He says, agreeing with with Scalejaw. "I wish I had all this energy." He adds, giving Halfkit a gentle nuzzle.​
The way Halfkit barrels from the nursery — at fullspeed, and uncaring toward who she may disrupt in the process, is not dissimilar from the way she had barreled into the world. Halfkit, and — what a name. Applepaw did not blame the medicine cat for her mother’s death, but this was something she looked at her strangely for — The kit and her littermates have torn through their family in a way Yellowcough would not have managed on their own. They, and only they, could have made Halfshade weak.

Scalejaw – the victim this time around – is friendlier to her than Applepaw may have been. She and Frostbite remark on just how early it was for the kits to be up and about. It was something they may have to get used to, when they were older. Or comparitively, they may be up late. If Halfshade had to die for these kits, than they might as well grow into worthy warriors. Her whiskers twitching from not - too - near, Applepaw passes a mild gaze over her younger siblings. " Energy is good. " So long as it wasn’t the “ energy ” Garlicpaw chose to focus into nothing of value.

  • ( I'M OBSESSED WITH THE MESS THAT'S AMERICA. ) APPLEPAW. kit of shadowclan. eldest sister to swanpaw, ashenpaw, and garlicpaw. ( + birdkit, halfkit & tanglekit )
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others.
    —— currently 6 moons old as of 9.27.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applekit is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. A rule - follower to a T, and thinks herself better than the majority of her clan for this. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.
Tanglekit appears a little less exuberant in her departure from the nursery. She yawns, showing off needle-sharp kitten teeth as her sister bounces about and shouts. She stretches and kneads her claws into the nest ears flicked forward and then back when her sister's loud voice trembles her delicate ear fur.

"Not fair," She whined, yawning again as she struggled to her paws. "You had a head start." She complained, dragging herself out of the nest and into the big bright world. She had only been outside a few times and she was naturally cautious of her Clanmates, big and imposing as they were.

Her eyes shift from Scalejaw to Frostbite, observing their interactions with the her sister. From a young age, she could taste a tension she could not quite explain and so her love of her littermate prompted Tanglekit to act more protective toward her sister.

Applepaw is met with a curious, youthful amber stare. "Sometimes she has too much." Tanglekit chided with a smile.


"I don't want to." Her voice is high, bird-like and trembling as she peeks out of the nursery after Halfkit and Tanglekit have already rushed out. While Halfkit was named for their mother and Tanglekit named for their father, Birdkit herself was named for the medicine cat who had helped care for them in their early moons; motherless and alone. The spitting image of their deceased mother, the tiny cream and blue kitten hesitated as she clambered out of the den after her siblings but only due to dedication to them rather than any real interest in being outside. She wanted to explore, sure, but she had been having such a nice nap that interupting it was a crime befitting only one punishment. With a shrill squeak of declaration she races onward before attempting to barrel into her twin, nearly tumbling into her blue sibling in the process.

"Sorry Scalejaw, Frostbite! But I had to be the fastest one out here! Otherwise I would be a rotten frog and no one wants that!" she acquiesces easily but if she were being honest with herself she is not actually that sorry. She had won and that is all that matters to her. Still, grown ups seemed to like when she was polite, when she apologized so she would even just for the sake of it. She leans into the nuzzle from Frostbite. The fluffy white tom was as much of a steady presence in her life as Starlingheart was and she has to wonder, was he also good friends with her mother? He had to have been. "I could try and give you some" she offers, though she isn't entirely sure how. Applepaw, her big sister, says energy is good and she feels herself beaming at the perceived compliment. Applepaw was a cool older apprentice, not to mention her big sister, so to hear her say something she had done is good makes her feel good. "I have all the energy in the world!" she tells her, nearly bouncing up and down on her paws as she speaks.

She turns as Tanglekit's protests fall upon her ears and, with one paw, Halfkit reaches out to bat at her playfully "When we're apprentices we'll have to wake up early every day! I'm just getting you two ready so you don't embarrass me!" she says, a teasing lithe to her voice. She is getting ready to tumble into Tanglekit and get a good match of wrestling in when all of a sudden a blur of pink and blue fur barrels from the nursery and heads in her direction. Birdkit, her twin, takes her off guard and sends her to the ground, legs flailing in the air and a look of surprise on her face. "OOOOO I'm gunna get you back so good for this!" she says, if only she could push her twin off of her first.

  • ooc : — ​

  • 71463519_wfdQr8qW6maoeay.png

    ➵ she / her
    ➵ shadowclan kit
    ➵ single
    ➵ sexuality undecided
    ➵ a long legged she cat with long blue tabby, cream tabby, and white fur and mismatched blue eyes
    ➵ toyhouse

———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Scalejaw huffed a soft laugh as Halfkit apologized. She smiled softly, ears twitching. She remembered the days when her children were this young- when they teased eachother about being a rotten whichever racing out of the den and into the day. Frostbite murmurs to Scalejaw, and she lifts her vision to address him. "Energy is hard to come by. It's cherished whenever we get it " She replies in general.

Scalejaw settled down, slightly out of the way of the kits flooding from the den, it felt like. And just in time, watching Birdkit tumble into Halfkit. "Though, you know, Halfkit is right. You'll be expected to rise early when your mentor demands it as an apprentice." Scalejaw hummed softly. Orange eyes closed briefly, and then opened as she began to speak again. "Getting good rest is just as important, though. Growing big and strong involves getting a good night's sleep." Scalejaw said softly.

Vision shifted last towards Applepaw. Her eyes searched the apprentice's briefly, before shifting away. Scalejaw didn't know the pain of losing a parent so early on in life- later, yes, when they were old and had lived a full life. But this early on? She couldn't have dreamt of leaving her kits when she birthed them. A breath followed softly. Everything will work out.

[penned by dallas].
"Nobody wants to be the rotten frog." He agrees with Halfkit with a chuckle. He's glad to claim that he was never the rotten frog...Though technically, he couldn't have been because he grew up as an only kit. Or would that make him the rotten frog by default? The world may never know. He purrs quietly as Halfkit leans into his nuzzle, and all that matters is making sure these kits grow up happy and strong. He knows Halfshade is watching from the stars, and he hopes he can give her kits the same love she would have.

He smiles as Halfkit offers him her energy. "Just watching you gives me the energy I need to get through the day." He says. He certainly feels motivated to do his best whenever he looks at his kits, he thinks. The others too. Someone has to protect them and give them the lives they deserve.

He understands how Tanglekit feels completely. Sometimes cats with too much energy are absolutely exhausting. Before he can say anything, Halfkit replies. She's right, too. He's glad he never had to train as an apprentice. He gets up early, sure. But not every day. As a cat who primarily hunts at night, the day hours are for resting until told to patrol.

He laughs as Birdkit comes barreling out of the nursery to launch into Halfkit. "I think they'll be just fine when its time for them to be apprentices." He says. Stars help whoever gets to mentor them. He looks to Applepaw and wonders just how she feels about her new siblings. He knows it must be hard, he can't imagine how it must feel to experience the loss of a mother and be left with siblings you weren't aware of.

"You and your siblings were energetic too, perhaps it runs in the family." He says with a smile.​