private ANOTHER VERSION OF ME — blazekids


Mar 3, 2024
"Howlfire!" Chirps Lionkit as the chocolate torbie point trots up to his half-sister, his littermates in tow. It was unusual, the boy being the ringleader in this situation, but he wanted to hear the rest of Howlfire's story! Plus, he was now intrigued by the name Burnstorm — he had a cool name, whoever he was. Maybe he was Blazestar's friend! They both had similar names, after all — Blaze, Burn...

"We got Candorkit. Can you tell us about Burnstorm now?" He turns his gaze toward his half-brother next, who had been speaking with Howlfire prior to their arrival. "Fireflypaw, did you really get your scars from a hawk?" The young tom inquired with a tilt of his head, looking at the scars that raked over the medicine cat apprentice's eyes.

  • @Howlfire @Fireflypaw @CANDORKIT @HOLLYKIT
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    he/they; kit of skyclan
    longhaired chocolate torbie point with blue eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
"Is it really a good idea, Howie?" Fireflypaw whispers softly as he leans in to Howlfire's side, his tail draping over his little sister's back as they talk about whether it's a good time to tell the kits about their distant siblings in ThunderClan. Would it benefit these younglings to know about family that didn't care for them? What if one day they met them, and were disappointed or hurt by the hatred they had for their SkyClan kin? "They're still young.. Moonwhisper and Burnstorm would never accept- Lionkit!" Fireflypaw jumps at the sound of the kit's voice, having been too focused on talking to his sister to hear or smell Lionkit and the others coming over. He huffs then, soft chuckle on his breath as he leans down to nudge his kit siblings each in turn. They might not be born to Little Wolf, but they were Blazestar's children nonetheless- and Fireflypaw wouldn't discriminate against them just because of them being from a different mother. Bobbie had earned his respect after his father's death.

Lionkit asks about Burnstorm, and milky blue eyes turn to Howlfire in response- nervousness in his posture. He lets his sister answer the kit's question, but as Lionkit turns back to him, Fireflypaw quirks an eyebrow up curiously at his second prose. Did you really get your scars from a hawk? He questions, and Fireflypaw's ears twitch backwards in response. Were cats really spreading that story? Well, that sounds better than the truth, doesn't it? It feels a bit wrong to lie to him though.. Fireflypaw thinks to himself, rolling the idea of telling the truth to his half-brother around in his mind.

"Not exactly. Long ago, really bad cats came to our camp looking for answers we didn't have at the time." He meows softly, a hefty paw reaching up to his face to prod at the jagged, gnarly scars over his eyes. He closes his eyes then, leaning down to show off the scars to the three kits. "But right when the cat striked, our clanmates swooped right in and saved me!" He grins towards his younger half-siblings, turning his attention back to Howlfire soon after. "..When I couldn't protect myself, our clanmates had my back. And they'll have yours, too. So remember that." You don't need your ThunderClan family to be happy.

At her brother's question, Howlfire frowns. Not so much out of annoyance but rather conflict. "I know, I know," She murmurs, head tucked towards him as they speak. "They're young but surely it is better to hear from us now than accidentally get their ears chewed off for asking innocent questions at a future gathering?" Howlfire would have hated to imagine some of their ThunderClan calling them cruel jibes at the gathering. Even after all these moons, she still burned at the memory of when their siblings referred to her and Fireflypaw as traitors.

They're so lost in their own conversation that Howlfire doesn't realise their half-siblings are virtually right before them. They ask after Burnstorm first and it is a relief to Howlfire to know she has time to think of a decent answer whilst Fireflypaw shares his tale of his scars. "SkyClan will always be there for you," Howlfire mewed softly. "As will we." To whichever kit was nearest, she rested her nose upon their head briefly. "What did you want to know about Burnstorm?" She inquires, peering down at the three of them in turn.
Candorkit had come as fast as he possibly could when he heard what was at stake! That was: family stories from Howlfire. They had so much kin, it seemed like there was someone new to learn about literally all of the time! So he, nor Lionkit, NOR Hollykit could afford to waste any time dilly-dallying! " I'm here! I'm here! " Toddling in behind his brother, he affirms what has already been said.

Fireflypaw acts so funny when they show up. Candorkit supposes that makes sense... Apparently, it was true that they couldn't see at all. A hawk took his eyes! reminds Lionkit, and Candorkit lets out a dramatic gasp. Ah... but apparently that's wrong. The real story is even more tragic! Candorkit gasps even louder this time, but he relaxes a little as Howlfire sets her nose atop his head. He did not need... counselling, but he understood. " I'll protect you both when I'm big, I promise... " All of SkyClan. They'd be the safest clan in the whole forest...

What did you want to know about Burnstorm? Such a simple question! So simple, when there were so many things he wanted to know! About their heritage! About their history! About their most tragic of moments and most joyful of moments both! But this is all quite hard to say, really, so he summarizes it all with, " Is he cool? " He anticipates a yes, because of course. " How cool? " He adds as a follow up. " Does he think we're cool? " very urgently, he asks.

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  • 78638407_YRHxSQJ8VnrQxXj.png
    fiery lynx point w tawny paws & green eyes. points are still developing.
    Bold, loud, and extravagant, Candorkit idolizes the heroes within stories and goes out of his way to act as they do.

Howlfire smiles appreciatively at Candorkit's words, feeling oddly touched that this kitten less than half her size was vowing to protect them both. "That is kind of you to offer," She mews.

As Candorkit begins the questions, her eyes shift to Fireflypaw briefly, tensing slightly. Although he wouldn't see her, she stares at him questioningly, wondering if they should take that plunge and tell them about their half-siblings. They have a right to know after all. Her only hesitation is knowing that Bobbie might not have wanted them to know, and given how her own siblings treated her, she wouldn't have held it against the queen for remaining silent. "Well, you might find him cool, he's one of ThunderClan's lead warriors," Howlfire explained. "He's quite loyal to ThunderClan, so I'm not sure if he'd find you cool in return." She tries her best to make this sound less harsh than it actually was. "He's mine and Fireflypaw's brother," She says, pausing before adding, "And yours too."
  • Wow
Reactions: CANDORPAW
The kitten studies the jagged pink scratches over Fireflypaw's eyes as he clarifies the story; bad cats had inflicted those wounds upon him, not a hawk. "Whoa..." His clanmates would always have his back, Fireflypaw reassures him, and Lionkit wants to trust his big brother wholeheartedly. However, what if Lionkit ever had to go face-to-face with one of those nasty cats? Was their camp still a target? "They won't come back, will they? The bad cats?" The kit mews, flicking his ears back and frowning as a new fear unlocked within him. He didn't want to get his eyes scratched out! What if not being able to see made him unable to complete his warrior training? What if Dawnglare made him a medicine cat apprentice just like Fireflypaw? Lionkit loved his sibling and thought he was great at his job, but he wanted to be a warrior, not a healer.

The latest of the youngster's worries would soon be minor compared to the bombshell Howlfire would deliver unto her siblings. Candorkit had pressed about Burnstorm again, the mystery cat that the trio had been dying to hear about. Lionkit still wondered what this tom's place was in SkyClan's history, or perhaps he had not been a SkyClanner at all. So, how did Howlfire know about him?

"He's mine and Fireflypaw's brother, and yours too."

Oh. It takes a moment for this connection to piece together in the child's brain. He knew the concept of half-siblings; he has several, though they were not all necessarily related to one another. Howlfire and Fireflypaw having another sibling is surprising enough to Lionkit, but for Burnstorm to be his sibling too? "Wh... What?" Lionkit kept trying to make sense of this revelation, though he could not. "I have another brother?" Bobbie had always told him and his siblings that Fireflypaw and Howlfire were Blazestar's other children. There had been no mention of anybody else.

Utterly confused, the chocolate torbie point furrows his brows, jaw drawn agape. Burnstorm was a lead warrior of ThunderClan. Why not SkyClan? "Why's he in ThunderClan?" Lionkit questions.