private ANSWER YOUR CALL | slate

✦ TW: Mention of death and grief.

Dogbite wasn't sure how to feel anymore. In the wake of Applefrost's passing they felt aimless. Working through the motions of every day duties with tiredness weighing him. Given the eerily tense air sitting stagnant between him and Slate. They couldn't find it in themselves to have told the other no. In tandem they stepped outside of camp. He was thankful to have a strong patrol buddy but he wasn't sure if they'd ever been alone together. Daylight barely broke through the fog from earlier nightfall. Dew had just begun to cling to leaves, and the sky's yellows bled through blues, lighting up the trees and the fine hairs on the tabby's scruffy head. Quietly, he walked alongside his much bulkier clanmate, tattered ears only a glimpse above the other's jawline.

Slate was always a heavy presence of stoicism and grit, grizzled by a tough life and a dedication that went beyond clanborn ideologies. Often they struggled to agree with past comments made by the floppy-eared powerhouse. In his mind's eye, his patrolmate was always wound tight and slinking, giving the cinnamon and white Lead only a small taste of Slate's real stature. The silence was deafening, and with each paw step, it seemed louder and louder. Maybe I can ask him about later patrols? Craining his head to get a good look at the gray tom, his blue eye focused on the long tendrils of ashen lining Slate's jaw. Such a topic felt borish and unlikely a good topic stirrer. His ear twitched awkwardly as a ghostly sense of unease nagged Dogbite. Maybe not... While they walked by shrubbery and plant litter he pondered.

Usually, they found solace in peaceful mornings and lone walks, but there was a new troublesome decision: having to figure out how to speak with Slate. A bundle of nerves coiled like a serpent each time he spent a modicum of time with anyone these days. Despite their lack of conversation in the moons following, he didn't fear the fellow Lead. In fact, he held a silent appreciation for their dedication and loyalty shown. It was no surprise why Slate held a slot within the council. Loyal. A shock of guilt turned the tides of his thoughts, and before he knew it, a familiar shoreline caught his attention.

Freckled paws waded through thinning grasses as the two Skyclanners halted just shy of the scent markers. Well. Feels like it's too late to talk now. Subconsciously, his shoulders loosened, and he turned to find a lone stump to wind around. Branch-like stripes bent across a sun-freckled body. Again, his gaze landed on the Maine Coon in question, and Dogbite could no longer stand it. Kicking down their endless pool of worries they took the first leap. Plainly, he called to his clanmate with a scratchy rumbling tone. "How has it been since Cherryblossom became deputy?" This felt like a good conversation starter. Not. There was genuine interest in his mew as he stepped back towards Slate.

A poor attempt to ignore the lingering disappointment of Twitchbolt's decision. They hoped it wouldn't blend in with their current fray of woes. Casually, their heavy-lidded expression landed squarely on the ruggish mound of charcoal fur. A smidge of admiration sat just on the edge of twitching whiskers. Surely, Slate would think there was pride in the knowledge of having a successful pupil? In honesty, Dogbite wanted to try and share in that, maybe open up an unseen barrier by letting his own walls down. Although the unknown of Slate's temperament caused his physical language to read a touch more shy, ears half-raised and tail swishing lowly. Scarred face burning with the added heat of soundless anxieties.

  • @SLATE
  • jLfE0mV.png

  • ✧ LH cinnamon tabby high white blue eye
    npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 34 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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Usually, Slate could manage to slip out of camp on his own when darkness fell and the others were slumbering in the dens. He did not stay out for long, as he wanted to make sure he was stationed at the mouth of Orangestar's den for a majority of the night, but stealing some alone time for himself felt crucial. The "buddy system" that had been instated felt suffocating; maybe it was necessary, but Slate still did not like having someone at his side at all times of the day. Still, his fellow council members never failed to remind him to take another cat with him in his daytime outings "for his own safety". So, Dogbite had become Slate's victim this morning. They did not earn an eye roll or low utterance under his breath; the tabby was... fine. The two were not particularly close, but he was not on the lead warrior's shitlist, either.

Walking with the Maine Coon was not insufferable if you simply kept quiet and did your duty. Dogbite was doing just that, up until now that is. "How has it been since Cherryblossom became deputy?" They inquire for seemingly no reason at all, maybe just to break the silence that brewed between them. Slate lifts his head from the tree trunk he had been rubbing against, eyeing Dogbite through narrowed amber hues. That was an interesting question to ask, especially when everyone knew the answer already.

"SkyClan hasn't fallen apart yet, so... fine, I guess." Slate rumbles in the usual fashion. A few beats pass, and it almost seems as if he is not going to bother adding anything else, until he exhales through his nostrils and admits, "It feels... wrong. She became a warrior last moon." He gives a disapproving shake of his head. There is a furrowed look about his features; the lead warrior appears more... concerned than angry or irritated.

It isn't often that Slate confides privately in his clanmates; he is usually content keeping things to himself or talking with Cloverjaw... or Orangestar ( however, obviously he could not talk to her about this matter ). "I really don't understand it." Orangestar's reasoning, that is. She had confided in her council shortly after Cherryblossom's promotion in an attempt to quell any confusion, but Slate still could not say he agreed with his leader's decision. In a different instance, perhaps Slate would have puffed out his chest in pride—after all, his student had been promoted over Silversmoke's. However, Cherryblossom had not been selected on the basis of any merit whatsoever. She had not earned her position through withstanding the trials of a warrior, by spilling blood and tears for her clan. What was there to be proud of?

  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
Stiffening they readied themselves for a snarl or disapproving glare, but instead, Slate's blunt honesty and concern left him surprised. Albeit, Slate had never feared sharing his mind. Even if it wasn't the most popular of opinions. It's a humbling experience to witness such concern cross the gruff tom's features. The smaller cat mirrored it in kind.

"I have to say... I agree." His intent changes course as the mood shifts. Dogbite's voice was soft but sincere, a stark contrast to the usual neutrality he tried to maintain. The honesty felt strange, but lying felt even worse, especially considering their own nightly strolls.

They appreciated the chance at s candid conversation. He pondered the weight of the recent changes, the dangers surrounding them, and the expectations placed on the new deputy. A stabbing reminder caused Dogbite's stomach twist, a stark reminder of the harsh realities they faced. "S-still, I'd like to honor Orangestar's choices." He continued, his voice taking on a higher octave as they struggled to maintain composure. "Even if I don't fully get it. We've got to see her vision." Their conviction is weak at best.

He felt as meek as a kit speaking of Orangestar's decisions. Cherryblossom was promising but brash, and with the recent losses and dangers, Skyclan needed someone experienced. Perhaps the young deputy just needed time, or maybe Orangestar's trust in her family would prove justified.

A smaller, more vulnerable part of himself slipped through. "I wonder if she made the right choice?" Dogbite slumped a bit, brushing against shrubbery. He doubted she would reverse her decision, but the heated glares aimed at Silversmoke lingered in his mind. The talk certainly hadn't gone over in a favorable manner. "Is it bad I feel wrong for saying nothing?" His good eye lingered on Slate's dark coils of fur. Tracing familiar lines in their hanging coat. Noting the healing wounds newly decorating it.

Dogbite was loyal to a fault and capable enough in his duties, but engaging with a cat they had always seen as a friend, now a leader, felt daunting. How can I speak my mind without stepping on toes? He hoped Slate could offer some wisdom given their proximity to the molly.

  • ✧ LH cinnamon tabby high white blue eye
    npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 35 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Dogbite's expression of faith ( or attempted faith ) in their leader spurs feelings of conflict within Slate, his collective discomfort and frustration regarding the entire situation only heightening as the other lead warrior put things into perspective. Was Slate not a good warrior to Orangestar by not honoring her choices wholeheartedly? However, he is quick to squash his insecurities. He had told himself that he would never submit to any authority like a hound to its master, not even when said authority was his dear friend. He should never have to feel silenced, just as Orangestar should always be willing to receive the opinions of her clanmates. "Her choice could land SkyClan in big trouble." Slate enunciates to the the cinnamon tabby, eyes narrowing. "Twitchbolt wasn't much better, but at least he had experience. At least he wasn't a fresh-faced adult who'd never so much as led his own patrol before." He briefly recalls his recent memory of Twitchbolt and him having a rather tense conversation in the medicine den. He had claimed that he was "ready" for the job, though had not disclosed why he felt the need to step away so abruptly. Slate had felt disappointed by the brown-and-cream patchwork tom before, but now his patience and respect for the other had worn down to nothing.

"If somethin' happens to Orangestar soon—" Heavens forbid. "Then Cherryblossom will be in charge of the clan." Did that not sound utterly absurd to Orangestar? While she claimed that she would take her daughter under her wing and prepare her for a future leadership role, she seemed to not take into account that she could get seriously injured or even killed before any of that could happen. Ripping away a leader's lives all in one blow was not unheard of. The disgraced "star-killer" was dead thanks to Thistleback's blind rage, but who knew if there were other cats out there who were capable of doing so again?

"Is it bad I feel wrong for saying nothing?" Dogbite inquires, which comes as a surprise to Slate. They had just spoken of wanting to support Orangestar, though now it appeared they were having second thoughts. The Maine Coon doesn't blame him. Any cat with a brain knew that their Cherryblossom was unfit to be deputy. "No. Leaders don't always make good decisions 'n it's our job to speak up." Blazestar surely didn't, at least in his own opinion. He could recall a number of times where he had raised his voice at the Ragdoll leader when he held council — the memories are fuzzy to him now, likely something that had to do with clan politics. "We're on her council because she values our opinions. You do her a favor by tellin' her your thoughts." If Orangestar had wanted to lead alone, if she hadn't wanted the support of a council on her side, then she wouldn't have them around in the first place... right?

  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​