ANTHEM && 1.12.23 meeting

When Blazestar emerges from his den on this frosty evening, his eyes are luminous as moons. The blizzard has exhausted its wrath, and so has WindClan -- his own still-weeping, staunchly-packed stomach can attest to that, Dawnglare's ravaged medicine den. SkyClan has come out on top, though -- their Clan has suffered no casualties, and the WindClan thieves managed to snatch very little catmint in the chaos.

And they'd risked their warriors' lives over it...

Blazestar sets his jaw against any temptation he might have to let his heart bleed. Sootstar knew what she could be sacrificing in an attempt to force him into action. To force him to heal warriors who had threatened his Clanmates.

He is out of breath and shaking on the Highbranch, but he looks more like a cat and less like a creature approaching death on this evening.

"SkyClan!" He yowls. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!"

He waits, seeing the wounds, freshly packed and treated. Dawnglare has done his best with what he has, it seems. Blazestar himself had felt guilty taking herbs from the medicine cat's stock, but the wound, though no longer gaping, is slow to heal and pains him with every movement. He remembers the fox's damage to his throat -- somehow this is worse, and he wonders if it's because of the frigid chill in the air.

"There's much to discuss tonight, but first, I have cats to honor. All of you, whether you were on the border or defending our home from WindClan, deserve praise." His voice is heavy, heartfelt words pouring lushly. "I could not ask for braver warriors, apprentices, queens and elders." He shakes his head. "And every one of you taught WindClan that kittypets are not to be walked all over."

He flicks his gaze to two young ginger and white toms. One with bright green eyes and swift paws. "Greenpaw, you ran to RiverClan for help. It was quick thinking, and smart. You are too young yet to have your warrior ceremony, but SkyClan honors you for your forethought." He lifts his tail and raises his voice in a chant: "Greenpaw! Greenpaw!"

Once the cheering for the young apprentice dies down, Blazestar will direct his attention to another, older apprentice. His, once trained by Vermilionsun. "Cosmospaw, you showed great courage in the battle with WindClan at our border. It is time you receive your warrior name." A thrill lances through the Ragdoll -- his apprentice, a cat he's watched grow from an unsure young tom into a SkyClan warrior --

He closes his eyes and opens them as he speaks. "I, Blazestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn."

He meets Cosmospaw's gaze. "Cosmospaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Blazestar will not his head at the tom's "I do," before continuing, power in his voice: "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Cosmospaw, from this moment on you will be known as Cosmosbloom. StarClan honors your courage and your loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan."

Loyalty, yes -- the loyalty Finchcatcher had not shown his Clan or his brother when he'd defected to ThunderClan. The loyalty Vermilionsun had not shown his Clan or his apprentice when he'd abandoned SkyClan.

Cosmosbloom deserves his rank, his name. Blazestar is the first to raise his voice in a cheer: "Cosmosbloom! Cosmosbloom!"

The sting of her easy defeat stung still. She was still ashamed of herself. Wanted to rip herself apart. She listened to the meeting with a dull gaze, vaguely aware of what was being said.

She could not muster a reaction. She was happy for Greenpaw and Cosmosbloom, yet she couldn't will herself to show it past a weary, kind smile to them.

It's been a blur, between the battle and now. A rush to check over the camp, the clan. To rebuild where they can and patch up what wounds they could. All while snow took over their camp, left them with yet another task to deal with.

Blazestar's call brings a break in the rush, one that urges the snow-furred tom forward to settle into the crowd. His mentor looks better now than he did when they arrived back from one of two battles going on within their territory. As if he hadn't just died at the claws of a WindClanner.

Cats to honor, the leader starts with. A speech on their battle, praise for those who fought within it, before focus is brought onto the boy whose name is as bright as his eyes - the kid who brought RiverClan their way. A hero, Cosmospaw thinks. The cloudy apprentice doesn't know if SkyClan would have prevailed., without RiverClan, without the younger apprentice. "Greenpaw! Greenpaw!" he chants along.

After the cheers die down, it's the next name that catches him by surprise. His own.

His eyes go wide. It's time?

The tom steps forward, looking up at Blazestar - his leader, his mentor - as he calls upon StarClan to look down on him.

The apprentice nods his head at the flame-point's question. "I do," he answers, gaze shining up at him. It is then, that he sheds his apprentice name, and becomes anew. Cosmosbloom, he is named, chants led by Blazestar ringing through his ears. He can't help the pride he feels.

Perhaps this moment is different from what he's imagined - cheers void of his brother's voice woven within them - but he wouldn't have it any other way.
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The call of a meeting stirs him from his idle snow-pillow nap, his mate watching the kits as Blazestar’s voice guides the attention of camp. Though death had strummed the harp of Blazestar’s life, the man hadn’t looked this alive in some time. It was good to see him this way, it fitted him like a scowl fitted Thistleback himself.

Slow moving limbs bring him to Deersong’s side, he slouches from the weight of his wounded neck but he’s otherwise rejuvenated from caught-up sleep. Cosmospaw’s warrior ceremony, the piebald joins in the cheers and feels his lips twitch into a smile with the praise of Greenpaw. Sheepcurl was very proud no doubt.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
  • bVBPWus.png

Seated outside of the medicine den, Fireflypaw watches as Greenpaw is given the proper acknowledgement he deserves. His tail twitches behind him, pride igniting his skin. "Greenpaw! Greenpaw!" He cheers out for his friend, a tear glistening in his eye. His lip wobbled as he resisted a good crying session; after all, his friend was given the praise he deserved!

Cosmospaw is made a Warrior now, and Fireflypaw idly wonders when his own ceremony would come. Would he earn it, or forever be an apprentice? He wonders.... "Cosmosbloom! Cosmosbloom!" Oof, what a mouthful!

Sharpeye heard the call so he made his hasty way over in order to sit and listen. Their clan had endured the horrors that had come knocking on their door, proven that they would do what was necessary in order to defend themselves. Sharpeye was proud of them all. Yet, he still found himself looking upon Blazestar with concern. He had lost another life during the fray and it alarmed him greatly. Maybe if he had been quicker... Maybe if his damned leg hadn't buckled during the battle... He couldn't help but blame himself. Still, they needed to cling to the positives and that drew him into the ritual of chanting the names of the brave.
He waits for the cheers to die down, pleased. "We have some cats who have chosen to have their names changed as well. Snorlax, Amanita, please step forward."

Blazestar waits for them to approach, gaze settling first on Snorlax. The enormous tom has struggled to acclimate to Clan life, and the Ragdoll has secret hopes receiving a StarClan-blessed name will ease the transition. "Snorlax, you have chosen to train as a daylight warrior. From this moment on, you will be known as Snorlaxmoon." He was certainly the size of the moon...

Blazestar shifts his attention to Amanita, who sits, stoic in her sadness, beautiful despite the grief that shrouds her. She'd lost a good friend in Leopardcloud -- maybe more, though Blazestar can't say for sure. And then she'd lost Coyotepaw, that piece of Leopardcloud... lost him in more ways than one, if his part in the SkyClan raid was any indication. "Amanita, you, too, have chosen to change your name and receive one blessed by StarClan. From this day forward, you will be known as Sporecloud." Spore, for the mushroom-colored pelt; cloud for her kindness towards an ailing she-cat that may or may not have blossomed into love towards her end.

He shifts on the branch. His wound itches, bothers him, but he is far from done. "We have some cats who have reached apprentice age, or who have come to us and need mentors." He flicks his fluffy tail, beckoning the young cats forward. "Sun, you are ready to take on an apprentice name and receive a SkyClan warrior to mentor you. From this day forward, you will be known as Sunpaw. Sheepcurl will be your mentor." He directs his attention to the lead warrior. "I have faith she will train you well alongside Greenpaw." He looks toward Wild, blinking dark blue eyes. "Wild, you too will receive a new name and mentor. You will be known as Wildpaw, and Sharpeye will be your mentor." He nods his head to the warrior. "You're in good paws, Wildpaw."

Two more non-Clanborn kits. Blazestar clears his throat. "Muffin, you will be known as Sweetpaw. Cedarsway will be your mentor." The old brown and white tabby is a senior warrior, experienced and rugged, but he hopes they will bring out only the best in each other. "Scorpion, you will be known as Scorpionpaw. Your mentor will be Samson." Kittypet-born and gentle-hearted, this NPC was one Blazestar specifically selected for the young tom.

"Pricklekit, Eveningkit, please step forward." Deersong's kits, Thistleback's kits, kits with strong warrior blood. Blazestar waits for them to appear before him. "Pricklekit, from this day forward, you will be known as Pricklepaw. Bearheart will be your mentor." Formerly Totoro, the tom who had suffered much to be where he is now. "I trust him to pass all he has learned to you."

He turns to Pricklepaw's sister, the pale tortie with Deersong's features. "Eveningkit, you will be known as Eveningpaw. Your mentor will be Orangeblossom." He nods to his deputy. "You will train alongside Vulturepaw."

Finally, the reassignment. "Snowpaw, since your mentor's decision to remain in the nursery, you will be given a new mentor to finish your training. You will train under Thistleback, alongside Quillpaw."

He will wait for the cheers and nose-touches to die down. There are still two announcements he must make to his Clan.


@muffin @SCORPIONPAW @eveningkit @Pricklefern. @-Wildpaw- @sunpaw @sheepcurl @Sharpeye @BEARHEART @orangeblossom @Snowpaw @SNORLAX @Amanita

Her ears perked at her name, and she looks back up to Blazestar. That's right, she had requested a name change. She had thought it time for a change, a new start. She was a Skyclan cat now, and needed a name to show it.

Her eyes widened as Blazestar continued speaking, announcing her new name.


For her mushroom colored pelt and.... For Leopardcloud.

She shivered a little, but she wasn't sad. She was happy. She smiled up at him brightly in thanks.

"Thank you, Blazestar. It's wonderful." She said.

She would always carry Leopardcloud close to her heart, but this new name certainly emphasized it.

She would live on, and never let go.

She was going to make Leopardcloud proud.
Good news, these days, is far away and long between. Shes exhausted, in pain, the bandages around her throat too constricting once more; Blazestars call is one she must answer, new to the council, shes drawn forth. She takes a seat besides her apprentice, a long, drawn out hiss of pain leaving her lips from the effort. Blaze speaks of Greenpaws heroic deed and she agrees, despite the burning fear and worry that had ignited once the battle had been over. She had been so close to shedding tears, fearful of his demise, fearful of the potential Windclan warrior fighting an unfair fight with him.

She would have dragged Dawnglare to that moonstone or whatever its called, told him he had to resurrect him had death befallen her precious apprentice. It wasn't how it worked, but she would have made it work.

"You did so very well, mijo. I am so proud of you." strained, quiet, she has to speak in whispers unless she wants to throw her paws around him and sob uncontrollably. "You'll be better than me one day!" soft, proud, emotions swirl in her mind as Blazestar calls out a warrior. Cosmospaw! She knew him! Not personally, but he had been reassigned under the leader himself. "Cosmosbloom, Cosmosbloom!" more warriors are called out as he continues. "Snorlaxmoon! Sporecloud!"

And, and then her own name is called alongside another apprentice. Blink once, twice, blasphemy, are two allowed? Slightly wide eyes look down to her apprentice, gauges his reaction. She hopes he knows she wouldn't abandon him, he had been a staple of her clan growth. She'll still give him love. "Hola, Sunpaw!" she calls after knocking off the shocked expression, moving forth to touch her nose to the other apprentice. "You'll fit right in! Welcome to the team, hijo!"

Home. Greenpaw is home.

The orange and white apprentice is brought into a sense of normality with a meeting called upon the pine forest. He settles into the crowd, and awaits Blazestar's words.

It is talk of the battle, that begins the meeting. A speech of praise for those who fought for SkyClan - those who defended the camp, their territory.

And, though he found his own task among the chaos, Greenpaw can't help the twinge of embarrassment he feels over not partaking in the battle. He should have been fighting alongside them, right? Should have been fighting beside Sheepcurl, protecting SkyClan from the inside, instead of napping in the medicine den of a different clan.

He'd made the right decision, Greenpaw knows this, though his mind says otherwise. The shame begins to consume him, only to simmer as Blazestar presses forward with Greenpaw's own name.

SkyClan honors you, Blazestar says, before the rest of the crowd chants for him. Greenpaw sits up straighter, holds his head up high. He did a good thing. He did a good thing. Sheepcurl confirms this beside him, a hushed tone telling him how proud she was of him. Cheers for his action amidst the battle soon die down, and Greenpaw takes his turn to cheer instead, as new names are handed out.

"Cosmosbloom! Snorlaxmoon! Sporecloud!"

And then, new apprentices. It seems like a never-ending list, and Greenpaw momentarily worries about the space within the apprentice den. But, a pairing catches him off guard within the list. Sun, now Sunpaw, is assigned Sheepcurl as his mentor. Greenpaw's mentor.

But... That... Greenpaw had to share, now? He looks up at Sheepcurl, and then to his new training partner, uncertainty evident on his face. He doesn't really want to share but... but Butterflypaw shares a mentor - or, shared, as of mere moments ago - with Cosmosbloom, and she seemed okay with it. So, maybe this would be okay?

"Yeah, welcome to the team, amigo!" Greenpaw brightly echoes after Sheepcurl. It will have to be okay.
pricklepaw | 05 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #4f7942
Pricklekit watches, as she always does, but instead of being on the sidelines she sits front and center, pelt as neat as it will allow. Heavy lidded gaze is intent, intense, showing what her face does not. She is excited and terrified in equal measures, her confidence failing her for once. Becoming an apprentice is what every kit dreams of after all - and after moons of waiting, that day is finally here. Name after name gets called, until finally, finally it is her turn. Striding forwards on graceful paws, she exudes a certainty she does not feel. Expressionless face turns upon her new mentor - Bearheart her mind repeats - and as they touch noses, she realizes with a sudden clarity that she is no longer pricklekit but pricklepaw. Determination fills her gaze as she pulls away, figure strong and proud as she stands just a bit taller. She is going to make her parents proud.


It is the first meeting since WindClan's raid on their clan and Howlpaw sits proudly among the ranks of her new clanmate.s. Her father begins by speaking of the defense of their home, praising all of those who had fought to defend their home, be it on the border or in camp. Although not mentioned by name, Howlpaw lifts her head a little higher, proud of her own involvement. On a happier note, there are many new warriors and apprentices named in the meeting and Howlpaw joins her voice into the yells. The clan might have been licking their wounds but at least they had something to celebrate.
It takes support for the deputy to reach her place 'neath Highbranch, Orangeblossom's heavy limp lending itself to awkwardness as she turns her attention towards Blazestar. He looks a mess, even more than she, and yet he still ascends. It's a good sign, even if it's early days yet; his lifeless body flashes across her vision for an instant and she shudders, turning brown eyes to her Clanmates. Her friends, her kin, whose voices hers joins in the proud call: "Greenpaw! Cosmosbloom!"

"Snorlaxmoon! Sporecloud!"
She certainly likes one of those better than the other. Snorlaxmoon is a menace, one she looks upon with disdain at best and disgust at most times, and the reason that some of their warriors had gone hungry after his little impromptu buffet of prey a quarter moon ago. Hopefully he'd sate his appetite in his kittypet hours. Sporecloud, on the other paw, is a reliable warrior and deserves her name.

"Sunpaw! Wildpaw!" She doesn't know Sunpaw, but she knows that the new apprentice will excel under Sheepcurl - the curly-furred lead warrior has a good head on her shoulders despite being the youngest of Blazestar's council. She sits among them for a reason. As for Wildpaw ... she's heard the rumours, and knows that Sharpeye would do well to keep an eye on the rambunctious tomcat. Hopefully he could keep the golden tabby enough away from Quillpaw to stop bothering him, though.

"Sweetpaw! Scorpionpaw!" Two more new SkyClanners, two more apprentices to join their ranks. Orangeblossom has little interest in Sweetpaw, knows less about the little mink than she does about Scorpionpaw, but Cedarsway and Samson are good of heart and far more patient than she. It's a miracle so far that she's made progress with Vulturepaw, whom she'd met briefly when he had joined and made kitten-steps with since his own naming ... yet she's served a second apprentice all the same; ears prick towards Blazestar, curious, as her name is called alongside Bearheart's to train one of her predecessor's daughters.

"Pricklepaw! Eveningpaw!" She flags the little calico down with a twitch of her whiskers, and leans down to touch noses with the small molly when she nears. She remembers when Eveningpaw had bested the sunning-stump in camp, remembers what she'd said back then. She echoes it now, quietly, with a: "Congratulations on your apprenticeship. You'll be at the top of Tallpine before you know it."


  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — mentoring vulturepaw and eveningpaw.
    ✦ 25 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg. injured!
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

Thistleback had left fussing over the kids fur for their ceremony to Deersong, had kept his distance so they may have their moment. His daughters set their paws down on this day, on the path of Skyclan warriors. Though not the emotional sort, the piebald felt his chest swell with pride. He wore a jagged smirk that tore into a smile as they were named Pricklepaw and Eveningpaw.

" Congratulations, my scorpions " he purrs, stalking toward the four. Bearheart and Orangeblossom, they were a pair he could definitely trust to watch over the guide his children. " I’m sure you two will make us proud " he taps them teach on the ear with his nose.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


If he'd have known that it was happening, he would have stayed home today.

All this chit-chat, these switching names, honoring of a kid for... running? Snorlax doesn't get it. Gossip spreads anyway, and is far more appealing when shared one by one, so... why have one cat share it with all from atop a tree? He could be back home, sleeping instead.

But, he's here, sitting amongst them - watching, waiting, for this dreaded meeting to end.

Somewhere in the midst of the droll, his own name is called, and a tired gaze looks up at the tree-speaker.

Right, right. He's to get a new name, if he's to train here. An attempt to fit in while he awaits a full kill pile to feast from. These names, too long for Snorlax's own interest, but meaningful for the clan cats. When the tree-speaker gives him his own - Snorlaxmoon - the grey tom doesn't think much of it. It's just another long name, one that he'll leave here when he goes back home.

"Thank you," he says anyway, because he thinks he's meant to, as the one beside him - Amanita to Sporecloud, what an unfortunate shift - thanks the tree-speaker before him. Perhaps he should be glad his name didn't change as much as hers. "It's... Lovely."

Unfortunately, his new name isn't the end of the meeting. More words keep coming, nothing of interest to him. He'll have to make sure he doesn't come to the pine forest, the next time one of these springs up.