Jul 9, 2022

  • Rgd2IMd.png

    Do you want to have a slowburn (childhood) friends to enemies to friends to lovers ship, but you don't have anyone to do it with?
    ...Me too.
    That's why this adoption thread exists!
    This also allows for you to throw your hat into the ring of any Clan you want, as I don't have any preference as to what Clan they are in!
    Here's basic rundown of the plot idea I have so far:
    Two cats, born in the same moon, become friends as soon as they figure out what a friend is. They're attached at the hip throughout kithood, always playing together and seeming to be so happy.
    Then they become apprentices and, for whatever reason, have a huge argument that results in a falling out. They tend to avoid each other, and things are very, very awkward. whether it be they're too prideful to apologize, too afraid, or whatever other reason, their friendship seems to be completely over, despite both parties secretly wanting to reconcile.
    When they become warriors, they do finally make up, but their relationship is strained, especially when more romantic feelings start to bloom. but having just repaired their friendship, why would they risk it all again with that? even if seeing the other party with someone around their age range and being happy makes them feel jealous...

    The second spoiler in this post contains a WIP bio of the character I plan to use for this plot.​

  • mRexi0h.png

    - This isn't first come first serve!
    - I'd prefer for this to be a new character, and for them to start as kits, but I'm also completely open for them starting as apprentices and/or it being a pre-established character.
    - If you have any ideas, you're free to include them in your application or shoot me a DM onsite or anemovictorious (i miss my #3420...) on Discord
    - Please at least have casual activity with your character.​

  • UjYq3oY.png

    Since this is just a plot adopt, the genetics are free-for-all, as long as they are legal!​

  • zetYNVv.png

    Names are free-for-all, as long as they are legal!​

  • Xsp29Di.png

    Only one slot!​

  • Wow
Reactions: Kitty-Kat-

small line of lyrics goes here

sleepykit | sleepypaw | sleepy-???
named 'sleepy' for their slow pace as a kit; '' for their ???

nonbinary [agab] | uses neutral pronouns [they/them]

panromantic | pansexual | ambiamorous

kit | thunderclan/riverclan (no preference)

longhaired chocolate spotted tabby with high white + heterochromia; carries ??? | ref
written desc.

inquisitive | explorative | observant | apathetic | selfish
Like their namesake suggests, sleepykit is a lethargic young feline, quiet and slow-moving when not napping the day away, A low energy child, they seem content move and grow at their own pace - though, that's not to say they are lazy by any means. They're quite the inquisitive child, wide eyed and full of awe as they begin to explore the world around them on clumsy paws, seeking and searching out any sort of knowledge they can get. Its not uncommon for them to be found listening to others, observing things, or even putting strange objects into their mouth in the name of 'learning'. A twitchy thing, they often seem to be easily startled or taken off guard by others, sometimes simply puffing up with wide eyes and other times bursting into tears. They rarely speak unless posing a question - and even their greetings are often twisted as such, leaving others confused by their strange mannerisms. They seem to be a bit lacking when it comes to empathy, often coming across as selfish or being unable to put themselves in others paws or understand the reactions and choices of their clanmates.

npc x npc | gen 01
no littermates
no other siblings
other relatives:

ambiverted | quick to form platonic relationships | hard to form romantic relationships with

greymoral | loyal to ???clan as a whole

plot ideas.
orphaned early on, with no adult around in their life to teach them 'good' and 'bad' sleepykit was left with a slightly stunted sense of empathy and morality early on, a true neutral. they focus too much on the why and how of the things around them, taking in the way the world works but not the way people do. they are strangely logical to the point of being illogical in their actions - obsessed with the five senses, with what they can see and touch and hear more so than what they and others feel; often putting their foot in their mouth without meaning to or hurting others with their selfish choices.
A friendship formed by simple coexistence and grown through shared exploration - Sleepykit driven by an undying curiosity and ___ by impulsivity, a strange duo never far apart as they get into whatever mischief kittens oft do. At first, with only the problems of kittenhood to worry about, everything goes just fine despite their varied personalities - a duality that balances itself out. Until a distance in opinions and morals begins to make its appearance - and Sleepkit cannot comprehend why ___ is upset by their choices, their actions, their words. Any attempt at explanation leaving them floundering and only arguing more, until finally the distance grows until the gap seems near uncrossable. It is not until they are older, until Sleepypaw is forced to learn the hard way that feelings are just as important as knowledge, and that their actions have an impact, have consequences, that they understand what had gone wrong. Once they reach adulthood, sleepy___ decides to take that first step and apologize - regretting their callousness, and knowing that their lack of understanding doesn't excuse their behavior. They miss their friend, and are simply relived to have them back, a fragile bond they worry each day may fray once more, this time never to be repaired.
conflicted stance the topic of starclan - won't truly believe in them until they see hard proof, a skeptic. even if/when convinced of their existence, things such as 'omens' and 'signs' will be taken with a grain of salt - it's not like you can prove the ghostly figures are the ones who left them, after all, and the varying interpretations of such vague signs are just icing on the cake.

slight wip; kiddo's personality is also of course subject to growth and changes based on ic factors
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  • Love
Reactions: AnemoVictorious
oh shoot!

im so sorry, i forgot to mark this as closed! ;-;
ive actually taken on two more characters since i originally made this thread and i completely forgot to mark it as closed >n<
maybe one day i'll bring this plot back ;;