pafp ANY LAST WORDS? // story


The camp feels tense with Smogstar's disappearance hanging over the clan like a storm cloud. Or maybe more like a heavy fog, thick and hard for anyone to wade through. Warriors tread lightly, apprentices murmur among themselves, and everyone just seems more solemn than usual. Yet in the center of it all, Mapletuft sits with a smile in her voice as she calls out for stories. Hoping to lift some spirits, no doubt.

Forestshade stands a few tail-lengths away, her whiskers twitching at the thought of indulging in something that isn't brooding or strategizing for once. She pads over, her posture relaxed but with that ever-present edge of confidence in the way she carries herself. "Hey, Mapletuft," The torbie calls, her voice casual, letting the unspoken authority of her rank melt away. "I've got a request. How about you tell a story about me?" She quirks an eyebrow, a small smirk playing at her lips. "But make me huge. You know, like a real giant. I want to hear how I towered over a mountain, and crushed my enemies with a single swipe." Her whiskers twitch with amusement, though there's a glint in her unseeing eyes that suggests she'd love to be seen that way, even if it's just a story.
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As kits and apprentices scamper forth at her call for stories, her tail curls over her back as she flops unto her side, eyes shining in mirth as they clamor what they'd like to hear. Shes about to start one up, set within the world she had been building for them, until Forestshade approaches... A request? "You want a story?" her tone is kind, not so much questioning as it is intrigued in Forestshades motive.

She thinks for a moment before nodding, a smile on her lips. "Alright." it wouldn't hurt to add in on her world, even if it was carefully crafted... Ideas flood in to her mind.

"Well... How about it goes a little something like this... Once upon a time, in a land far away lived a cat, with a patchwork pelt and green eyes... And shes no normal cat, no, in a world full of others with wings like birds and butterflies, in a world where cats are gigantic and miniscule she towers over the tallest of our pines!" she huffs in amusement, gesturing a 'tall' motion with her paw, flinging it high in to the air. "But despite her size... She knows how to be gentle, and the nearest colony loves her, nestled in to the crook of a mountain.... Some of their kits even ask her to get them apples from the treetops and she even takes on various little things... She fetches herbs from the other colony a few days walk away and battles huge owls and eagles and other threats as she goes, she explores unknown territory and often returns to bring some spoils of adventure back... Gigantic mice the size of her paw, herbs that can cure any ailment, sometimes even star-shards from a shooting star!" though no such thing existed to her knowledge, it was still something cool to throw in...

Her tone grows a bit more serious as she begins her next part. "But one day... Shadow is casted across a once sunny sky and the territory is plunged in to darkness... The air grows cold, colder than it was in any leafbare before- the ground below begins to frost over..." for most cats, this is a potential killer... But in her fantasy world, they at least had the fortune of having plot-armor... "This colony, so distraught and terrified of the change in the world has no one to turn to... Until their local adventurer returns: the ever dependable Forestshade, just as confused as them." she finally namedrops her, giving her a slight nod. It was obvious it had always been about her, but some of the kits may get lost in how she described it... Perhaps she should tone it back? Ah, no... Shes having too much fun. "They cry to her, please, accept our quest! Please, please find out whats doing this! And do you know what Forestshade said?" she turns expectantly to Shadowclans Forestshade, letting her affirm with a yes.

Once Forestshade speaks, she gives her a nod and then continues on. "They arm her with various herbs that they can spare, with prey that is a little too small for her... But its the thought that counts and she sets off deep within the lands." she pulls over a loose acorn nearby, pushing it forwards to signify that it was Forestshade on her little quest; this is mostly for visuals and sound-effects for the younger ones watching and listening... "The land is barren of threats as she walks, and up, up and down the mountains she treks... The days grow more than frosty as they pass, each one colder than the last as a blizzard begins... Just as she begins to lose hope, she finally crests towards the top of a mountain... And there it stands... A tall, tall amalgamation of cat-shaped shadows, with a wicked, wicked noise, a groan of something evil. Immediately she knows this thing must be what is causing everything, because anything that sounds like that... It sends a chill through our adventurers bones just listening to it." she slams a nearby rock down in front of the acorn, a thud resounding against the damp ground. "Just as she begins to creep forwards for a surprise attack, it whirls around and flings itself at her as the snow falls faster and faster!" the acorn clashes against the rock, but the rock does not move... "All that can be heard is the various clash of claws and hisses as they fight, but unfortunately for Forestshade... She has met her match! Shes slammed backwards as she slips on a patch of growing ice, disoriented as she can feel her heart beating too-quick." the acorn falls down, the rock looming over it. Her odds do not look good...

"She lays on her back, almost defeated... What would happen to her as the shadows paw begins to swipe downwards at her? What would happen to the colony? What would be of her legacy? In this moment, she finally realizes all she had: a place to call home as she needed, cats who loved her and believed in her... And now, she must love herself, believe in herself as they do for her! With all of the power she could manage, finding newfound strength and revitalization in her revelation, she swings back with a vengeance... Vanquishing the evil shadow as her claws slice straight through it!" the acorn slams hard in to the rock as she mimics Forestshades final stand. She tips the rock straight over as it is defeated. "The shadows that once dotted the sky begin to slowly dissipate bit by bit until she can feel the sunshine on her fur once more..."

A deep breath. "Finally, she returns, victorious and proud back to the colony... And they hail her as their hero... They had always placed their trust, their love in her... And once she did so for herself, she knew she could pull through anything and everything life threw at her, gigantic eagles and spiders and now even shadow monsters were no longer threats to her! Lets hear it for Forestshade the Proud!" the kits erupt in to cheers for her. Mapletuft gives Forestshade a inquisitive glance-over... Despite it ending on a sudden note, she tries to gauge the others enjoyment with the story. Did she enjoy it? Her mouth is certainly dry after this, she hopes she enjoyed it...

  • mapletuft ʚ♡ɞ cider
    cis female ʚ♡ɞ she/her ʚ♡ɞ 52 months
    shadowclan warrior ʚ♡ɞ mentoring n/a
    long-furred chocolate torbie/cinnamon tabby chimera ʚ♡ɞ elegant & flowy
    "speech, F17E23" ʚ♡ɞ thoughts
    widowed ʚ♡ɞ bisexual
    smells like spice & cool night air ʚ♡ɞ warm & crisp
    penned by chuff

Forestshade is not the only one with keen perception regarding the camp's mood; and Mirepurr is in no place to judge or complain, being a certain key player in creating it in the first place. That is precisely why they stalk their home, eyes flitting from one group of cats to another, knowing full well they should help and alleviate some of the dread.

It is easy for them to come near Mapletuft as a result. She has a way with words and with carrying herself; a role model for someone like them.

They are just in time — Mapletuft is quick to indulge Forestshade and craft up a story from scratch. It is impressive, how fast her mind works, and how she can weave the words, the emphasis, the attention of those who come near; she is perfecting the art of story-telling.

Mirepurr loafs beside the two she-cats, carried away by the lull of Mapletuft's voice. Their head starts to droop as vivid images come forth at her descriptions...

"Oh, it's over?"

There is amusement in the depths of Mirepurr's eyes as she regards Mapletuft. "If you had talked for just a litte bit more, I would have fallen asleep..." A tease, of course, because it's not like they'd ever disrespect in such a manner. The truth is this: they had been paying attention all this time, eyes following Mapletuft's acorn.

"Forestshade the Proud. Fitting." She's always been a key part to ShadowClan's success, hadn't she? Mirepurr likes to think they are good at appreciating others regardless of situation, but Mapletuft's story helps them realize it that much more today.

Forestshade listens intently, her ears pricking with every shift in Mapletuft's voice, every rise and fall in the story's cadence. The narrative swirls around her like a vivid dream. When she is beckoned to speak, she tips her chin up and places a paw dramatically on her fluffy chest, proudly declaring, “I will help you, little colony cats!” She can almost feel the weight of the snow, the sharp sting of the cold, and the towering presence of the shadowed figure she's meant to vanquish. When the kits erupt in cheers, a slow smile spreads across her face.

Her expression softens slightly, almost wistful. She’s always liked the idea of that kind of adventure - the kind where she’d be out in the wild, battling the unknown, facing dangers only she can conquer. No borders, no rules, just her and her instincts. Her unseeing eyes seem to glimmer as she imagines it, the freedom of a life filled with danger and discovery. If only every problem we faced was as simple as slaying a shadow monster.

She leans forward, her smirk widening with amusement as she addresses both Mapletuft and the surrounding cats, her voice light but full of dry humor. "Forestshade the Proud, huh? Well, I certainly wouldn't mind being as tall as the trees and batting away owls like they're sparrows." She pauses, her tail flicking as if she's weighing the story in her mind. "Though next time, I think I'll avoid slipping on the ice. That's bad for the ego." Her chuckle is low.

Forestshade turns her head toward Mirepurr's voice, picking up on their teasing tone. "I'll take that as a compliment," She grins with a tilt of her head. The torbie tilts her muzzle back to Mapletuft, dipping her head. "Thanks for the story, Mapletuft. You've got quite the imagination." As she stands up, her chest swelling slightly with the pride the story embed in her, she can't help but wish - just for a fleeting moment - that her life was more like the tale. More adventure, fewer burdens. But she pushes the thought aside. There's work to be done, and the real world doesn't wait for daydreams.
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