sensitive topics ANYBODY OUT THERE — o, death

Snakehiss knows that it's foolish to be visiting the badger set; he could come down with the sickness himself, and then WindClan would be down another healthy warrior to provide for them! Even worse, he could perish, just as Weaselclaw had. The lead warrior's death lingers on Snakehiss's mind as he carries a mouse into the entrance — his mother must be fed. His father had brought Rosepool prey a couple of days ago, and now it was his turn as her only kit to carry out the duty.

"Rosepool," The moor runner speaks, words muffled through the limp form of the rodent in his jaws. He weaves his way, taking extra care in his steps as he doesn't wish to get any snot or spit on his paws, before reaching his mother's nest and depositing the prey onto the floor. "I've brought a mouse. It isn't much, but it'll..." He cannot help but notice how lifeless she looks.

Snakehiss furrowed his brows and peered closer, the darkness of the den making it difficult to decipher the appearance of Rosepool's eyes. "Rosepool?" There is no reply. His sight adjusts to the dim lighting momentarily — they are empty, glazed over as Snakehiss has seen many times before. However, nothing could ever prepare a cat to witness the very sight of their own parents. "Mother?" Jaws slack open, ears pinning against his head as reality hits him like a monster.

And within seconds, he is a kit again, crying out for the loving warmth of his mother after a nightmare. Only, this time, the warmth never comes. The nightmare has become real.

Biting his tongue so hard that it nearly draws blood, choking back an agonizing wail, his limbs buckle beneath him and he falls to the ground. Hot tears stream down midnight cheeks and splash upon the earth below, paws shakily reaching for Rosepool's cold limbs, though he does not dare make contact. Snakehiss could not risk contracting the kittypet illness and bringing it back to camp, where even more cats could succumb to death within days. All he can do is grieve alone, mere hair-lengths from his mother's body, unable to embrace her ever again.

  • 67742787_tPGcdYVUNzWpIz9.png
    —— he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

Harrierstripe was hunting nearby.
He tried to ignore the badgerset den, that’s where Mintshade was, thats where Moorpaw was, that’s where Weaselclaw had died.
Unpacking emotions was difficult for Harrierstripe, always had been. He left them stored away in his head and heart, a ticking time bomb that would inevitably set itself up one day. But truth be told, that was the fate of all Weaselclaw and Sootstar’s kits. That’s what they all were in one way or another.

He’s missed all his catches this morning, a stale scent is the only reason he stood this close to the sick dens.

That’s when he heard it, cries.
The voice was unrecognizable, Harrierstripe narrows his eyes as he wracks his brain. Then it hits.

How strange it was, to hear the shadow-pelted cat cry. To mourn so… emotionally.

Rosepool must’ve died, and with one last glance- almost sympathetic, he looks the other way and heads off. He would never speak of this, and he’d never confess to being witness of Snakehiss in such a vulnerable, weak state.
  • » Harrierkit . Harrierpaw . Harrierstripe
    » WindClan Warrior
    » He/him
    » A black and chocolate chimera with golden eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses jeers and jaunts to distract his opponents.
    » Excels in using terrain to his advantage.
    » Fights to outwit and see another day.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

i'm no good man, you won't forget—————————————————
Much like Harrierstripe, Goldenstrike was out hunting near the sickness pit. Goldenstirke personally felt that the den was a mark of Windclan's failures, of Wolfsong's failures. He had said it to himself enough that if Vulturemask was still the one in charge then the ones who had died in that place would have recovered. But, that wasn't the case, and he did understand that Wolfsong and Cottonpaw were trying their best, he wasn't stupid enough to deny that. But, all the same morale was down with the lose of friends and family and he wasn't one to not try and make believe.

He still hadn't caught anything, thankfully for once in his life this was an issue plaguing most moor runners, not just him. He had always had the most luck catching things around the badgerset den so he figured he would just keep pacing around the grass near it, keeping away from the stale scent of sick that clung around it. That's when he too hears a sob from inside the den. He thinks for a moment that it might be a sick cat, crying for their situation, but that doesn't make sense. They are weak and fragile now, he doubts they would have the strength for sobbing.

He slowly makes his way to the gaping mouth of the den, staying yards back still but just wanting to understand what's happening. Being closer the muffled noise of Snakehiss reverbs out of the opening. A quiet sigh escapes the lilac tom. He doesn't like Snakehiss, but he can't help but hurt with him. Trying to comfort the tom wasn't going to work, it would feel cheap, honestly he would probably get clawed if he tried, that's what he would do if the situation was swapped. So instead he walks slowly back to camp, going to find Wolfsong and tell him of his most recent failure, making sure to note that Snakehiss was currently mourning and might need a minute.

rude words i said, i'm still a mess————————penned by WriteAboutRadish
──ᨒ↟↟ᨒ↟ᨒ↟↟ᨒ── Wolfsong's kits are under Cottonpaw's supervision in the medicine den, left there for him to hunt for more herbs across the moors. It is a fortunate harvest today: he has found several stems of lavender, and though it has medicinal use for coughs, it is...prudent to recognize it will be needed for the loss of more WindClanners to yellowcough. He may not have held this position very long, but it is a reality he could only be unaware of if he dwelled below the earth and never emerged.

Rather than return to camp, he decides to pause by the badger set and check on the remaining three patients. Moorpaw he is most concerned for, given the emotional toll of her father's passing— and paying witness to it. But it is not any of Sootstar's kin he hears grieving, but Snakehiss, a choked sound quickly suppressed, and he knows before he enters that it is Rosepool, and unbeknownst to him, Goldenstrike has left moments before to seek the medicine cat where he will not be found.

He lowers the bundle of lavender to the ground carefully. Snakehiss is a warrior Wolfsong has struggled to respect, and an apprentice he found irritating, but even the most agitating among them should not suffer alone. "Snakehiss, shall I send for your father?" He asks lowly, stepping closer to stand next to him, and crouching when it feels...removed. Wolfsong reaches out and touches his shoulder lightly.
  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge.
    ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know; he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel."
    ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you.
    ★★☆☆☆ KITTING: Thanks to Starlingheart, he's better prepared for the arrival of kits, but any complications will need a little faith and a lot of luck.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you.
    ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.
Loose dirt is shaken from the tabbys pelt as he began to ascend for one of the tunnel openings. The light is a caution of the open moors ahead and before his paws break the surface, Heatherpaw took in a deep inhale before pushing himself forward. The close walls of the tunnel break open to tall grasses and patches of wheat. The emptiness is near dizzying compared to the comfort of the dark, but the tom does not turn back to hide away.

He watched two figures briskly pad away from the sett holding their sick, a mix of curiosity and anxiety building up on already anxious foundation.
He passed Goldenstrike as he approached closer, only to see Wolfsong beat him to the maw of the sett. Heatherpaw stopped himself a rough fox-length away and held his breath as he looked within. He couldn't recognize the voice of whoever was inside, and he couldn't see the dark-pelted tom in the shadows very well.

Wolfsong spoke, and he felt his heart skip. It was Snakehiss- - shall I send for your father? Heatherpaw swallowed hard as flashes of his own mothers fall began to circle. Snakehiss was his friend, though most found him difficult Heatherpaw saw admirable passion and perhaps the occasional unnecessary remark, but he was one of them still. He was a WindClanner, and he lost his mother.

"StarClan light her path..." He murmured quietly, blinking away his own tears.​