Anyway the wind blows ||o, fire prompt

Mar 15, 2024
☾ ⋆*・゚ It was safe to say he spent his time worrying about trivial things. All in all, the looming threat of a fire was constantly in the back of his mind, as was the loss of the sun. Much too overwhelming to spend much time thinking about and too important simply to forget about.

Quietpaw’s stomach rumbled, it seemed smarter prey had already fled from this area. That’s the whole reason why there were so many of his clanmates aimlessly search the not burning parts of the moor. To fill hungry bellies, both inside the camp and the ones who ventured beyond. ‘Was everything really going to be okay?’

They walked, sniffing the ground. Ears up. Searching. Waiting.

The weather ain't the way it was before. The air was filled with grime, no matter which way you went. Dark clouds rolled high in the sky with no promise of rain. He was no stranger to the wind, and yet it behaved strangely. harshly whipped one way or another. Until it finally settled on blowing directly at the patrol. This was a hot wind. No, this was not wind at all!

Thick, heavy smoke encompassed everything around him, burning up his watery eyes forcing them closed. “Need to move," he tried pushing his voice to get over the howling sound, his mouth filling full of smoke and ash. It burned his lungs. Quietpaw couldn’t stop the coughing that overtook him. He lowered himself to the soot covered ground curling his tail around him. ‘Why was this happening? We were only looking for food.’ His mind and body were at war, with one trying desperately to remain calm and find a way out and the other trying desperately to rid himself of hot smoke.

‘This will pass, he’ reasoned, ‘everything will be okay; it will pass.’ He prayed, swore, and cried. Maybe because of the smog or just because he was genuinely scared that he wouldn’t be able to breathe again. He had many good frights in his life, but this? This felt like divine punishment perhaps this was the wrath of starclan? Quietpaw for once took initiative and rose to his paws once more shaken but determined to find his way out.

  • ooc: Prompt: While out on patrol, a particularly heavy cloud of smoke and ash rolls right over you. And it seems intent on lingering. Outside the safety of camp, does pessimism finally begin to weigh you down? As your lungs fill with smoke, are you still sure you can escape it?
  • 80508107_B83QKHmhxOUTsYy.png
    Quietpaw — he/him ・ 7 moons ・ apprentice, Windclan ・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    A timid mostly black tom with white markings on his chest and backTags
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There were a lot of young Windclanners to account for, she was already tired of helping herd them all to camp before they could bum-rush themselves into the fire on a dare. Quietpaw isn't an apprentice she worries about, he's a smart kid smarter then say Featherpaw and could take orders without backtalk - she still is watchful of him just as she is with her own apprentice. She doubts he'd willingly run into trouble but lately trouble quiet literally was surrounding the moors drawing closer and closer by the moment. The stench of smoke in the air drowns out most trails and the rattle in her lungs leaves her a worse hunter then ever but she refuses to lay down and let others provide for her. She normally would leave the flank of the patrol, to chase after the first rattle in the long grass or faint taste of a scent but she stays very close today. She's avoiding running but all the same is she guarding the cats she patrols with.

Her hackles raise, the scent grows heavier with every pawstep and her eyes begin to water. Something similar had happened when she'd been sent to the border of fourtrees before running into flames and thick black smoke. The wind carries the flames filth onto the patrol, swirling smoke blinds even the keenest of vision and she has half a sense to hold her breath. She hears Quietpaw sputter, she's not panicking enough to join her voice in with his so readily she just jumps into action. Her eyes squint open and she pads swiftly to them, they'd been cowering but just as gets closer they rise onto their paws. She'd bump her shoulder against them getting close so they wouldn't need to open their eyes wide to see her. She speaks a fragment of an order "Back the way we came" her voice is spoken through half gritted teeth, she gestures with her head. It was what felt like to her the smartest course of action.

Yet she doesn't move first, she waits for Quietpaw to lead to make sure he didn't return to cowering. She's forced to take small gasps, better drinking in some smoke then asphyxiating herself.