apocalypse [ pitch ]


like im in the twilight zone ✧
Oct 5, 2022

As much as she respects her leader, he scares her. Scares her in the fact of the lacking emotion control, was it worth it to exile two different cats? She flicks an ear, deep in thought. Surely, it would come back to bite Shadowclan somehow. They had lost so much recently... Between Briarstars death still fresh on her mind, to Twilightfall succumbing to a stomach ache. Was Shadowclan going to prevail, or fall beneath the very Stars that had 'blessed' them? The red tabby shakes her head with a deep sigh, the leaf-fall chill was becoming stronger, and now was no time to sit around and mope (Canary was right in that regard, she guesses).

She spots Pitch and almost hesitates before she puts on her optimistic front, a smile too natural growing upon her face. "Heya, Pitch!" she greets, rising to her paws and shaking out her pelt from the few pine needles that had collected. "I was just about to go and hunt, care to join me? We can make it a competition!" she chimes, ears perking up as she tilts her head. Fall hopes that this would help soothe frayed nerves. Whatever Pitch would do, he was still her leader, and she would follow to the end of the earth.
