sensitive topics APOTHEOSIS | joining


Jan 1, 2023

( HI first of all sorry for the length lmao i just have lots of muse for her! no need to match it at all. TW for both brief and detailed mentions of self-deprecation, unreality, religion, death, blood, and gore - the sensitive parts have been separated by a dash. ALSO a lot of this is like... what she thinks rather than what is actually real dw dw its intentionally vague )


To bleed is to live.

She remembers the first rabbit she ate. Blood swathes around her cowls and tongue, a taste so alien yet so inviting, like the ambrosian river to the parched throat. It drips down her chin, a stream of wine-red upon sandy coat, staining her with the stripes of gauche esse. Strokes of feverish warmth stoke her stomach. It becomes part of her body, and its blood becomes her blood.

She remembers the first wound she drew. Scarlet emerges from the surface of sallow skin, a fountain that tempts her to plunge deeper to see just how rich the red can get. It dribbles along the edges of fleece and fur, standing against the pristine greys and whites, as the stark sun stings at the naked body. A flash of russet against alabaster, an exposed streak of stone along the banks of snowdrift, a sharpness that leaches through softness. If she must revel in such glory, then she shall bathe in the thrill.

She remembers the first bite she made upon her enemy. The same metallic tang floods her senses, and a ravenous appetite croons upon her cradled gut as a lust that seeds itself upon the impressionable soil. It is the same blood as the rabbit, the same comfort of the knife she knows, and the same bond between her and her prey. The blade shows no discriminate discernment, thus cleaving through flesh in abundant indulgence all the same. She wants more, more than it can give her.

She remembers the first feline she killed. Crimson flees from gaping orifices, spluttering ungraceful and unfettered anathema, but she sees naught but beauty in how the red fights to escape. Only liquid moves after the body ceases, quavering into a slow ebb like a lullaby that, too, would fade into a strident silence. Choking out what word it can offer the sullied air, the vessel fails and curls upon itself. A floret holds upon fringes of tints until its petals wilt and melt away, and it is left a barren, bowing stem.

And she remembers the first time she bled. It is a flush of adrenaline from a familiar claw's inflection, rosied rushes clamoring to where the lesion had lain its stake, a swelling that gifts more heat than anything else she has felt before. It hurts, but she barely notices the pain. It is a relief of camaraderie. It is the realization that she is alive.

She is alive, and she bleeds.

A splitting migraine wakes Melusine from her slumber as if something tries to pry her very skull open, as cold claws of heaven render her unguarded and uncovered. Her damp pelt reeks of the stench of death, as it permeates throughout her entire being, sinking into bones and melding to earth. A wet puddle of something clings to the back of her cranium, as it soaks an otherwise-pristine fur, with the cold forenoon's drafts blowing upon it. Her world spins and words barely emerge from her mind to meet her tongue. It is unlike her to be so... vulnerable.

She rolls into an upright position with all the strength she can muster and joints snap as if they had fallen into disuse, though have only been contorted by a rather ungainly positioning. Whatever has happened to her has left her in ruin. The Abyssinian-colored feline stares at the particular color that this something takes as she places one paw to it, as it smears along the edges of abraded paw and pad, like a splatter of dark varnish splayed across an unblemished canvas. A stroke, a glory, a want, a floret, a realization. A weak smile floods her visage, as it lingers at the tapers of her crane-esque features, as if the clay that made it up had not been molded for so long. Prints of strained hand lay upon the world-weary feline's countenance, battered yet unbroken. It's blood. I'm bleeding. Which means...

Her sudden urge to jolt to her feet sends a searing bolt of electricity through her head, as the heavens deliver her mortal body a divine intervention and remind her of the permanence of transience. Rasping groans leave her throat, as though dust and dirt had collected in the pipe, as though a thistle had lodged itself upon the base of the burdened lung. She hangs her crown to face the shadows below, as an uncertain head bobs and dances to an arrhythmic melody, and her memory swims and lilts upon the waters of amnesia. She feels more aqueous than solid, as if returning to the ground that had weaned her. She is tired, and it yawns over her as an ambient yet heavy shadow. And yet, her spirit does not dull. I survived.

But, where is everyone else?
Even with her limited mobility, she senses no familiar presence to accompany her to this destined world, and long whiskers twitch as if in disbelief. That could not be so. They are meant to come to this new world together. She does not allow the flame of hope to even falter, for the notion of denial is far stronger than any dose of reality, and she would rather drink from the well of dissent than allow her defeat to define her. Thus, the spirit of fire planted by Fortuna germinates evermore. Have I failed us as the Lamb? No, that cannot be. I did everything right. They will follow.

It takes hours before she is even able to stand, and by then, limbs croak as though they pride themselves upon brittle glass instead of tempered tendon. The leakage from the back of her head stops, though the moisture still persists and fur forms into thorns of caked ichor. She faces the morning's light, squinting and shying away from such brilliance, as if it is to deign her instead of exalt her. She, child of the golden dawn, shies away from the very rays that would have held her in gentle grasp. She could not help it if it is to burn so ostentatiously. Still, it shines upon her wound, if she herself is not the wound upon its sight. Her weakness makes her a sorer sight in this new world.

Hm. This does not feel as... glorious as I imagined it to be. Is rebirth meant to echo through her very hull? Is the snakeskin of yesterday meant to grieve the morrow? Will her regrets remain by her hallowed side forever?

She paces around the empty hollows, circling about the trodden paths of her forefathers, washed away by the unforgiving swathe of a nature beyond her. She recognizes as the place that had birthed her, the place where she learned of her purpose, the place where she had gained Fortuna's blessing. Now, only ghosts howl in the stead of rapturous chatter, as though only the wind played through instruments of creation and civilization, and her history deteriorates into a rust-rimmed memory. Where are you? Where are you? Please, give me a sign. She prays, more to Fortuna than anyone around. Destruction rings upon each sullen twig and den. It is loneliness in its most honest form - a brutal pleasantry, a wisp upon the wildfire of the wilds.

Then, a ruddy hue flashes upon the edge of her eyesight, like the hare that hops through harrowed wildgrasses. She finds the strength to move towards it, and the first motions are cautious and wobbling, as though a newborn fawn tangling in its gangling legs. Excitement dons each paw step, and gradually it becomes faster and faster. Truly, life is spurred by little spurts of hope such as this. They are the morsels that Fortuna is gracious enough to provide, and they are enough to live by for her.

But what she sees only drains whatever complexion is left of the whittled cat, and her claws dig into the ground, for the flight of the fledgling is always marred by catastrophe. Her mother's mangled body catches upon a holly bush's branches, head downwards and limbs suspended, as though more of a motionless doll than the woman that had given her life. Her ivory eyes peel open and crooked mouth lays agape as if in mockery of her own ironically grim situation. She does not bleed.


It has been a moon since Melusine faced that grisly sight. Still, it ruminates within the affixes of dreams and nightmares alike, as the specters that haunt the insides of her skeleton, a whispery melody of an inevitable tragedy. The solemn bell tolls, just as the unfulfillment of her one purpose does. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It should have been me. She thinks it every day, but she doubts Fortuna actually forgives her. Still, she bows.

She nearly collapses at an unfamiliar border, fatigue washing over her as the waves shoal over the coast, hugging at its side as it continually consumes at its attenuation. It is remarked by an overwhelmingly unfamiliar scent that rubs against her nostrils - it is the smell of the oak trees and their mighty shadows, the small of a culture that blooms through the roots and shades of the forest. She breathes out a hoarse whisper of winter, laden in the shivers and wavers of her own state, of whose frame threatens to crumble under the paper-thin weight of the air around her.

Still, Melusine composes herself for the clan cats, and manages to stand up on her four feet. She has heard of the clans and the colonies from faint stories woven by her parents, though none had even been drawn in a positive light. She is nothing but hesitant, but she has no choice. If she is to fulfill her purpose, then she must nurse herself to health. They are my blood-kin*. They will help me, I am sure. She has heard of the clans' bleeding hearts, and how she could wring them in her favor. She doesn't know what else to do.

* blood-kin : the term she and her family uses/used to refer to a feline, no matter their affiliation or familial relation

since the time that she left camp to now, nightbird had picked up on many different scents lingering amongst the bitter air. they were all normal, faint prey trails mingling with those of thunderclanners who had crossed the same path. nothing sent alarms through her head, yet she still treaded lightly, a stony gaze trained on the outermost parts of the territory just in case another clan's prey decided to cross the scent border.

the molly had been walking ahead of the hunting patrol she joined earlier in the day, trudging through snow that seemed to climb higher by the hour. her keen gaze had not yet been satisfied by spotting any food, but something hit her senses. it was new, the scent of an unrecognizable figure. momentarily her mind drifted to other patrols, but this was no clan scent. narrowed eyes honed in on a figure, standing patiently at the border. waiting.

a sharp flick of her tail told the others that there was someone up ahead, even though they may have already scented the stranger as well. nightbird took it upon herself to approach, only growing more confused at this strangers behavior. the majority of those thunderclan took in happened to stumble across their territory, but this seemed deliberate. so what did they need?

"what do you need?" came a simple question, eyes raking over the other's appearance. it would be a waste of breath to explain where they were. obviously the feline knew. she just sat, small frame nested in the snow. stoically composed, nightbird would just watch until she answered.
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Nightbird was Lightpaw's mentor but she had been allowed to come along as well given her own was currently sickly and coughing in the medicine cat den from a chill born from a tumble in the snow; it wasn't serious she was told but she was still left dejected and without her mentor to lean on. It was perhaps why she clung so tightly to the dark warrior's side with every step, she wished she could return back to camp and instead help clean the snow rather than be out roaming the territory that remindered of their new code born of blood. This was their land and no others and her days of trekking across it to visit her father in SkyClan seemed like such a distant memory now.

The she-cat at their border holds herself so proudly and with such an elegance she almost does not realize how poor her state is until a more skeptical glance is given. Even then, Moonpaw's eyes are as wide and pale as her namesake, almost adoringly regarding the stranger whose fur while clinging tight to a bony frame is almost glowing like the sun rising in the distance; her pelt a thousand sheathed blades and tapering near the ends where they seem to almost darken into an eclipse-the black tip of her tail a shadow behind her.
Moonpaw is not aware of how intently she is staring until she blinks and moisture fills her eyes and she raises a paw to wipe them furiously before striding forward to stand alongside Nightbird's dark and constrasting form. They looked like a mirror, the sun presented before the darkness that would take it in order for the moon to rise. If she were the spiritual sort she might consider this sunset visitor some kind of omen, but such things were left for Berryheart to decide; he was their prophet to the stars.

The older she-cat spoke, demanding answers and Moonpaw attempted to raise her head to look more formidable next to her, to mimic the regality she was observing at a distance. Though it was obvious the other paused at the scent markers to wait for whatever reason, she did not share Nightbird's disinterest in avoiding pleasantries or introduction and she willed her voice to be stronger than how she felt, "And your name, please."

Like Moonpaw, Mousepaw is left mentorless for a day, and like hell if she was gonna be left in camp! Nightbird is cool, she's dignified, and besides, the tortie is sure the stoic black she-cat likes her just a little. Even if she doesn't show it. She hums to herself, distractible as ever. Mismatched speckled paws rise to bat at rogue snowflakes, while acid-bright green eyes flick from frozen-over bramble patch to oak trees leafless and uncrowned.

"We're never gonna find anything to eat," she complains loudly, aiming for one of the less-than-talkative she-cats on this patrol to engage with her. She's bored, she's regretting her decision. Should've stayed in camp to pester someone.

But soon, their afternoon takes a turn for the more interesting. A beautiful stranger with a pelt like a bloody sunrise stands in their territory, looking for all the world like a she-cat made from flame-colored ice. Mousepaw's eyes go enormous, round. Nightbird asks what she's here for, and Moonpaw, in her quiet manner, asks for the she-cat's name.

Mousepaw figures they'd covered the basics. "Wow, you're pretty," she gushes. Her tail frisks behind her. "Where are you from? What'd you come to boring ol' ThunderClan for, anyway?" Her nose scrunches up. "Oh, we didn't say that, did we? This is ThunderClan. We're ThunderClan." She gives Moonpaw and Nightbird an unreadable look. They'd forgotten to say it, but she wouldn't forget.[/color]

A thin-framed feline comes into view first, like a corvid crafted of twilight talon and daggered plume, a beast made of crooked shadow and silhouette. A simple question floats upon bated breath, and she seems to bear no malice nor hostility towards her, which comes as a surprise to the guarded molly. She knows that the outside is cruel, and yet no cruelty abounds. Melusine's own unblinking stare meets the stranger, almost avian in the way olive eyes dance around her surroundings, an ungraceful gait of a winged bird tethered to the cold earth. Melusine is a one-winged butterfly - a beast bleating upon an unfamiliar realm, attempting to float upon newer wings. She still flies, as askew as her flight may be.

Melusine has rarely seen any feline outside of the Diviners before today, for the walls of her home keep her fed with woven myth and legend, saturating dreams with the rosewater of a goddess' blessings. She has only seen outsiders upon the battlefield, and underneath her as they bleed out. All that she happens upon, she leaves in ruin. Hackles rise as panic flares within the Abyssinian cat, and suddenly the weight of her own loneliness falls upon her, as if a mercurial cloud that clogs the throat and burdens the lung. Yet, she keeps her balanced limbs planted on the ground and her senses honed. Nervousness clings to her like a miasma, and the smog seeps into fantastical visions of what the outside is like. Threads of saccharine are stained by reality, but it does not perturb her, strangely.

Then, a smaller feline stands beside the other stranger, this one of lighter autumn-tawny and winter-white tones, and she marvels at the variety she sees for a split second. The adolescent asks for an introduction that had never graced Melusine's tongue, and a streak of self-righteousness rushes through her senses before it fades away as the comet does upon the bleak night. All the cats that had weaned her had known her name. They knew her purpose. But not here. The cats here are divinely unaware, ignorant of the harbinger that stands before them. Still, she humors them. "... Melusine. That is my name." She meows in a phlegmatic manner.

The next feline calls her a word she had never described herself with. Pretty. Perennial flowers are pretty. Evening skies are pretty. Never she, war-torn warrior of golden ichor. She owlishly cants her head to the side, a curiosity then flushing through angular features, softening the edges and tears of her countenance. This is the first she hears of this Thunderclan that was, apparently, so boring. "I came here for shelter. I lost my home. I promise I will aid your clan to the best of my assistance." Melusine dips her head, as her parents instructed her to do. Formalities are important, as many cats place an importance on perceived respect. She does, too.

voices of the apprentices rang out from beside her with curiosity driven questions. nightbird would just keep her gaze focused on the cat before them. she was watching for anything that would denote ill intentions. a stranger was just that, even if they came in the form of a well composed, elegant creature.

the woman introduced herself and the dark molly gave a flick of her ear in acknowledgement. an odd name, most definitely not one found within the clans. yet, the respect for the borders as well as her formal tone had her believing that melusine may have originated from something like one.

she had lost her home, needed a place to stay, a story thunderclan had heard time after time. they harbored a benevolent leader, one who gave the wandering souls a station, often without second thought. nightbird had no doubt melusine would be allowed refuge, but she lacked the power to make that decision. "whoever's the quickest, run and get emberstar," her stare on the newcomer broke as she glanced to moonpaw and mousepaw. she didn't care who went, just that they made haste. the weather was getting too cold to be sitting out here chatting senselessly.

"you'll have to wait here for our leader," informed the dark furred feline as she once again met the other's eyes. an introduction was left to the void as to not waste a breath when the air seemed brittle enough to snap. the molly would remain silent after. her name and reasoning for being here had been stated, unless any questions arised there was nothing more to say until the flame tipped leader arrived.
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