private appeal ღ harrierstripe

Ever since the day of the disagreement with Snakehiss where she tried to offer the ebony tom some comfort, Whitepaw has mostly kept to herself and in her thoughts. She felt nothing good about the situation, and honestly, with the rogue attacks and moving from territory, she hadn't had the time to think about her feelings regarding the encounter. She truthfully didn't understand Snakehiss's hatred toward her, as that's what it was. The two, for being kin, were never close, and he didn't seem to hesitate in throwing vitriol toward her when she tried to offer some comfort over Rosepool's death. Whitepaw didn't enjoy disliking people; she could acknowledge that she was typically very forgiving even when she'd been slighted. After all, it was normal for some to have an off day. But Snakehiss... the tom was hardly likable, was he? She recalled him bullying clanmates and very few cats willingly conversing with him. Was Heatherpaw a friend of Snakehiss? It seemed likely, given the older tunneler's willingness to bear fangs toward her during that confrontation. Then there was also the weirdness surrounding Cottonpaw and Snakehiss. Her kin almost seemed to be flirting with her friend; was that a sign of something? She liked Cottonpaw and could respect her choices. But would being around Cottonpaw mean she'd have to deal with Snakehiss even more? It wasn't a fun notion, given their previous encounter.

Shaking her head, the albino girl sighed as she explored beyond the Burnt Sycamore, grimacing as the ground squished beneath her paws. She didn't like this territory and longed to return to the moors. Its ground was too soft, and the smell burned her nose. With another soft sigh, rose-hued eyes stared down at the marshy ground before she bumped into someone with a surprised squeak. She blinked up in surprise before realizing who she bumped into. "Oh, Sorry Harrierstripe." She murmured softly, flicking an ear. "How goes hunting?" She asked a moment after, hoping the moor runner was having small amounts of success. Shadowclan's territory was awful to navigate; hunting probably wasn't an easy outcome, especially when reduced to Carrion Place. While the tom spoke, she observed quietly as a thought occurred to her. Harrierstripe, at least definitely when they were younger apprentices, seemed to like Snakehiss a lot. Is that still the case now? "Harrierstripe, I had a question," She started, a light frown on her maw. "How do you feel about Snakehiss?" She continued, thinking back to the other night and the weird way he beckoned Cottonpaw over to huddle for warmth. Cottonpaw was close with her siblings; how did her brothers feel about it? Harrierstripe seemed to like Snakehiss as far as she could remember, so maybe he was okay with it. Addervenom didn't seem likely to like such a scenario, however.