camp apple cider feelings / return from involuntary vacation


i knead you
Feb 19, 2024
He had been absent. It was a hazard of being kittypet - sometimes your owner decided that it was far too cold for wandering so you had to stay inside (especially after the 'chicken next door' incident, in which Tiggerbounce had tried to catch one of the next door neighbor's fat old birds but he had gotten his belly caught in the coop and had been mercilessly pecked until Miss Francine pulled him out and brought him back home, very displeased about the whole situation.)

But he had meowed and yowled and cried and whined so much the last six weeks, his person finally gave up and bought him a brand new extra large coat and booties so he would at least be warm in the snow. He positively beamed as their hands ran over the top of his rump, their fingers scritching at the fur at the base of his tail. "Thank you!" he meowed, though he was sure his Twoleg did not understand the gesture as they simply went back to the television without so much as a 'you're welcome.'

His warm gaze flitted between them and the door for a moment. Maybe he should stay just a little longer.... they always seemed so sad when left while they were home....

And then the soft sounds of his owner snoring hit his ears and he felt much better about being excited to see his friends in SkyClan. His owner couldn't miss him if they were asleep!

Without another thought, the pudgy tom hopped up onto to counter and quickly picked up a piece of grilled chicken from the cooling rack, trying hard to ignore how hot-hot-hot it was on his tongue. Surely, this breast would be a good snack for one of the queens, he had even picked the piece with the least fat and drippings on it. With his prize in tow, he was out the cat door in a flash, practically hopping to the SkyClan camp in his excitement (and booties.)

A trill left his throat as he approached the entrance, the now very cool chicken breast clutched tightly in his jaws. "-o'ie! A-ehl-os'! -uess 'oos 'ac-!" speech is in #ffd2d8

Eggshell enjoyed Skyclan. He enjoyed the company of others (even if the Scottish Fold didn't speak much). He enjoyed the wilderness much more than he thought he would, even if the butter-stained boy was still quite useless as a hunter. However, in the back of his head, an ever-anxious brain had to admit he wouldn’t mind being placed in Tiggerbounce’s position.

If Eggshell’s twolegs locked him inside, keeping round-the-clock watch over him, at least they’d be paying attention. The boy would be grateful to see them filling his bowl, even with disappointed expressions plastered on their faces, because it would mean they were there. If the crybaby’s housefolk suddenly started caring again, would he even visit Skyclan?

The daylight warrior thankfully didn’t have time to ponder the dark question as Tiggerbounce burst into camp. His wasn’t a face Eggshell had seen before, and anxiously wondered if the tomcat was someone he was supposed to know. “Uh, w-welcome back…” the boy mumbled awkwardly, eyes downcast as he silently prayed for someone who actually knew the other to step in and save the self-conscious cat from the awkward situation. Amber eyes flicked to the chicken breast between Tiggerbounce’s jaws, hoping to buy time with smalltalk.

“Did you - did you catch that yourself?” Eggshell asked without thinking, now hoping to sink into the earth and suffocate.​
*✧・゚ Upon spotting an unfamiliar cat approaching the camp’s entrance, Sangriakit moves to stand right beside Eggshell. The floppy-eared warrior seems really nervous for some reason, kind of like Fluffykit, and so she shakes her head with a big sigh. They aren’t just supposed to say hi to cats they don’t know! Even if they smell like twolegplace and seem really nice and have… food that smells super good… No. The little torbie stomps her snowy paws on the ground, not quite angry but certainly annoyed with the anxious daylight warrior’s behavior. "Noooo Eggshell, you have to tell ’im to go away!" She doesn’t know this cat, and neither does the warrior at her side, so surely he doesn’t belong here, right? Even if he seems really happy to be here, he might be a rogue in disguise under those weird little paw-things he has on.

She’s not super scared, because she has a warrior with her, but there’s still a tremor in the kit’s voice as she begins to make demands of the strange orange-furred cat. The food in his mouth looks very tasty, almost like some of the food she’d been scolded for trying to steal back at home, and her mouth starts to water as she speaks. "Who are you? What are you doing here? …Can I have that? Are you a rogue?" Her questions are a rapid-fire stream, ending on a much more curious note than they had begun with.

Though he typically doesn’t mind their presence, sometimes — a lot of the time — it’s hard for Greeneyes to keep up with the daylight warriors’ whereabouts. Some of them arrive every day, some once every few days, and some just disappear without a trace, only to come back moons later.

Their twolegs must catch on, must wonder if something is up with their cats for them to leave so often, he figures: twolegs always seem to want to stick their strange noses where they shouldn’t. Do they act like leaders then, confine them to camp like they would a punished apprentice?

Greeneyes wonders if that’s what happened to the golden tom that strolls into camp, a strange clump of what didn’t quite look like prey but smelled of it in his rounded maw and an odd coating to his paws.

Tiggerbounce! “ the lead warrior greets the daylight warrior, padding up behind Eggshell, behind his niece. Part of the tom thought they might have seen the last of the daylight warrior, that he might have given up traveling back and forth. “ It’s good to see you again!

His chirping tone contrasts those he stands with, an ever-nervous demeanor from Eggshell and a never-ending flood of questions from Sangriakit — two, he realizes, who have probably never met the emerging tom. A hooked tail flicks over his niece’s form, a small laugh following.

He’s no rogue, “ Greeneyes insists, “ He’s Tiggerbounce! He’s a daylight warrior — he travels between here and the twolegplace, like you and Coffeekit and Fantastream. “ A malachite gaze shifts back toward the older tom, toward the meat he carries between his teeth.

So… What did you bring, this time? “​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
𓆝 . ° ✦ Circe had been around long enough to notice that the change in weather brought along a change in companions. Daylight warriors, mostly, but birds too. She had met a few of them last newleaf, but none of their names really stuck unfortunately. To be fair, back then was more of a time of stress, what with the rogues on the loose and ... oh and Blazestar. Her head buzzed.
She dipped her head in silent greeting to the small group as she approached from the fresh kill pile.
"Tiggerbounce," She mewed under her breath in a soft greeting but more as a way to get the name on her tongue. She would remember this time! She would! A strong, delicous, nostalgic smell wafted towards her. Oh? Oh!
Oh that looks delicious! Is that for the elders?"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • Untitled5_20231116211051.png

    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
Lots of daylight warriors were beginning to make a reappearance; it was no surprise, their twolegs had been presumably sheltering them from the cold. One such warrior is Tiggerbounce, not a cat Slate is particularly thrilled to see again. "That ain't no rogue. Rogues eat cats like that for breakfast." He informs Sangriakit, speaking from personal experience. Most kittypets did not make it very long out on the streets; after seasons of having kibble fed from a twoleg's hand, keeping cozy and warm in their nests, and being protected from outside weather and threats they were almost always far too weak to survive as a stray. Even the most resourceful kittypet would not likely be able to stand up to the muscle and bloodlust of a city rogue.

As for Tiggerbounce's "catch", Slate did not comment. It smelled delicious, almost like the scraps he would fish out of the dumpsters in the alleys as a youth, but fresher. His mouth practically waters at the sight, a tongue swiping over his lips and his eyes narrowing as they locked onto the dangling piece of chicken. Circe inquires if it's for the elders, to which Slate nearly snorts. Why should they deserve a juicy slab of meat? They would probably complain and prefer a piece of fresh-kill instead.

A deep-rooted selfishness begins to overtake Slate as he gets to his hefty paws and stares at Tiggerbounce expectantly, as if telling him to drop it. Back on the streets, cats fought for food like that. Luckily Slate was no longer starving; however, that did not mean he wouldn't enjoy a succulent piece of chicken.

  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
Tiggerbounce's disappearance hadn't given Applefrost too much of a concern when his scent always led to his twolegs nest during her patrols. She did find it odd, how he had grown scarce during leafbare but as one who lived the life of a kittypet for some years, she figured it was some upwalker nonsense.

"Tigger!! What a wonderful surprise." The flame pointed molly trotted forward to push her nose against the tabby stripes along his forehead. She backed away to beam with prideful awe at the prize he carried. "We've got Bobbie and Butterflytuft in the nursery now, I'm sure they would love it!" Tiny paws carefully lead her friend toward the nursery, making sure there isn't anything in his path to trip over.
