apples to apples | wolverinefang




Ever since that day where Poppypaw brought up smooching the woman finds herself agitated. Annoyed. Murderous. Sure whatever, her feelings are super chaotic now a days. She doesn't feel like her home, the colony that she had been raised up in is her home anymore. Cats seem so dispassionate, angry at one another. Quick to snap and bite at one another. And they expect her and her niece to look after their childish actions. Well, they can think again on that matter. If they want to be healed she supposed they can visit Windclan and then they can waste herbs on their stupidity. The molly knows she will not and she finds a frown on her muzzle as a certain tom again passes through her thoughts. Maybe....maybe for him? No, no! Of course not. She does not play favorites and she grits her teeth as she finds her way out of camp. It's annoying that much is certain and she shakes her head as she pads silent along the boggy marsh. Her tail like a whip slashes through the air and she takes in a deep breath.

perhaps she can just look for a meal, eat it out here. Try to relax and forget about idiots. So she starts her hunt, moving along the marshy ground with ease. Each step is calculated as she steps over dead branches covered in snow. It'll probably snow more and she figured this leaf bare will be different. Harsher perhaps. Regardless she shakes herself and continues on her hunt where she parts her jaws to dind something that will fill her stomach.
