Soft taps to the willows long draping leaves signaled the rains presence. The drops dove into the river with ripples to express it's new addition. Furred and feathered prey seeked cover while the gilled and furless celebrated it's precence. Songs of the frogs and leaping of the fish dominated the sky dwellers songs that now stood to a standstill. The gentle rain then soon became a violent outpoor, not a warning in sight. The sky's grew a temper, pushing the vegatation to and fro as if the earth were at fault. It changed in a flash.. and a feline of so similar temperment sat unmoving by the river.

Petalnose's head raised to the sky with her eyes shut tight as if she were welcoming it. Like a ray of sun, she enjoyed it as much. How others didn't find the peace in it, she didn't understand. The soft rumbles of the sky were like a purr to her.

Her soaked fur gently pressed against a cloudy coated feline, turning her attention to them, "It reminds me when we first really met." She pointed, "Now.. the rain brings more peace than it has had before.. A gift.."

// Talking to @Aspenhaze but anyone can join or post before :)
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Despite being a river dweller at heart, sudden rain was not among the likes of Aspenhaze’s favorite experiences. It’s different when it’s unpredictable, and everyone knows that any form of water can be harsh when it’s in droves. Unlike Petalnose, they shake their head and sniff when droplets fall on their slick pelt. Though, seeing her at peace like this, they quickly gather themself and find comfort it in alongside her being at their side.

When their mate points out that the first time they really took the time to talk to each other was on a day like this, they can’t help but smile. It was raining, wasn’t it? The warmth that fills their body competes with the sudden coldness brought on. “A gift indeed. Though, I wish it wouldn’t come down so fast,” Aspenhaze says in jest, chuckling. ”The river becoming higher means more prey too. I’m glad we have such a steady supply.” Unlike some of the other clans. Not that problems didn’t come to them either, but that is one of the things they will always be able to rely on.​

When it came to rain, Moonpaw enjoyed the soft trickles and sprinklings when it fell, enough to get your pelt wet over time rather than the violent downpour that had come to them today. She'd been sitting to feel the lighter rain as it had washed over her, content in doing this until she felt the thick heavy droplets begin to scatter down and quietly she'd moved for the best cover she could. Eyes watched as Petalnose sat within the rain, peacefully looking up to the sky in comfort before words left her and soon enough the medicine cat apprentice moved from her spot to meet with the two once more.

"Did you two meet before the clans were formed?" She knew they had both been around since the beginning, but Moonpaw hadn't ever thought to ask how they had met. They'd always been RiverClanners to her, here since birth, so it hadn't truly occurred to her until now that they could have met before the clans formed, or potentially not until they had done so, and she couldn't help but be curious. "If you two don't mind sharing of course." She didn't want to pry if they weren't willing to share.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    11 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed

A sudden smile from Petalnose lifted at the jest, nudging her nose to the sky as her maw parted to speak, "Hm, well you probably feel the same of the sudden downpours from your mate." She pressed back with a playful crease of her brows, quickly fading at the intellectual point of its benefits, replaced by a thoughtful look, "Me too.. having to worry less of the struggle is.. freeing."A more serious of tone, as if she were thinking of her past mistakes when leafbare took a hard shove to their clanmates' wellbeing's. It always was a season of test, almost an honor to make it through. It was a war she didn't enjoy attending. No one enjoyed it.

Petalnose was interrupted from her thoughts by Moonpaw's question, "It sure feels as if that were the case." A joking statement of sweetness that clung to it, playfully bumping her shoulder against her mate's. "Nine moons, just before we declared war on that toad." Moonpaw looked grown now, once a small kitten she had grown in friendship with. A rarity it was, almost perplexed how she willingly got involved in a youths life. But gentle in nature the medicine cat was, she guess that's what drew her in. Perplexed she was how she got involved with Aspenhaze as well, something she didn't think she deserved in the first place. Similar personalities they had, although it was evident who had the best patience.
