april showers | oneshot prompt

With newleaf finally here the weather had slowly been warming. There was still the odd day where the mornings were chilly or the nights would drop cooler suddenly. It wasn't always ideal but it was much more tolerable to leafbare.

Flycatcher had been out hunting by himself when a sudden burst of rain showered the forest, as was sometimes the case in this time of year. He had tried to hurry back to camp but the ground had turned muddy and wet quickly. After nearly slipping twice, Flycatcher took shelter under a bush, still getting dripped on but avoiding the worst of the downpour. As he waited in his shelter, Flycatcher's mind drifted to another place and another time...to the first time he had experienced rain.

He had been born around this season of the year and as such avoided the worst of the storms early in the year. Flycatcher was maybe three moons old when he experienced his first rain shower, the noise of the falling rain startling him from his sleep and he had then proceeded to panic, mistaking the noise for a stampede. In his worry he has curled up closer to his mother's form, looking to her for warmth and comfort. He couldn't recall exactly where the rest of his family had been at the time, but he has vague memories of a hunt being mentioned.

His mother, Shimmer, had awoken from sleep when she sensed her sons concerns. After asking what was wrong and learning the answer for herself she had only laughed, lips parting in a gentle smile, before giving him a reassuring lick on his head. They had spoken for hours mother and son, with Flycatcher asking numerous questions and Shimmer indulging him as best she could. In the end his fears had passed and they had sat listening and watching the rain outside. Flycatcher felt safe and secure with her and he had been sure that nothing bad would befall him if he ever found himself in the rain again.

In the present day, Flycatcher poked his head outside, looking up at the cloudy sky. He thought of his mother's words one last time and smiled.

"I miss you mum," He said to no cat in particular.