
'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — A lot had happened this moon and the thought of it all is dizzying to the medicine cat, he hopes that the next few moons are more merciful to his clan. He believes that they had suffered enough, lost too much, and mourned each loss to their ranks quite heavily. Gentlestorm draws a low breath as he departs from his den being less tired than he had been before the last few days and he could feel himself finding sleep easier compared to other nights, he thinks about Dovekit attacking his tail due to sleeping during the story he had been sharing. A soft chuckle leaving his maw though his dark honey gaze catches the sight of a familiar chocolate coat does he turn in their direction and immediately perks up seeing that it's Copperfang. He wonders if the other tom is pushing away the uneasiness more easily than him considering the both of them had been on that one patrol in search of herbs only to stumble upon the unfinished meal of the wolves that had once run rampant in their territory.

He knows that cats are still wary to go out alone at the fear of potentially finding one of those grizzly canines still out there and the plush coated tom doesn't mind being shadowed by a warrior or two whenever he goes out, he feels safer that way. Gentlestorm decides to approach the warrior perking his ears as he does so "Copperfang, would you care to join me for a quick hunt around the territory?" There's a small yet sheepish grin beginning to form on his maw as he says this only to add with a light chuckle, "I'd ask you to join me to search for marigold but you know how... That ended." He uses a snowy capped paw to brush the fur on his chest down to hide the slight unease he felt at the memory and his eyes focus on the other tom awaiting his answer. He wouldn't blame the other but admittedly Gentlestorm wanted to get out of camp even for just a heartbeat and it was safer to go in pairs than by himself, he can't risk Thunderclan potentially losing their only medicine cat.

This was totally not a way to go back to overworking himself again to distract himself from his thoughts and feelings after everything that has happened. He, at least, had slept for a few hours and felt like he could work for an entire moon. I think that's unhealthy... Gentlestorm thinks but brushes away the thought deciding that it's fine since everyone has their own coping mechanisms and that was just his.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    53 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking

Unfortunately, Copperfang wasn't coping with the uneasiness more easily than Gentlestorm was. When spending time with his clanmates during the day, thoughts of what had happened within the past moon lingered in the shadows at the back of his mind where it could go unnoticed, then reared its ugly head while he was in the warrior's den past sundown, listening to the song of the crickets as he tried to sleep. It had lessened a little over time, but only really until that day at the gorge. When he first closed his eyes, he saw snow-white bones and scraps of deer fur, and then the second time he tried after inevitably failing, he saw a black shape tumbling down into the mist, eventually vanishing into nothingness. Eventually, these flashes would resolve and disappear only to be recalled when prompted, but for now, they stayed. It was fairly easy for him to swallow his unease, to push down the remnant sorrow and horror and not let it show, even if he knew things like grief were best discussed.

You don't need to carry the entire forest on your shoulders, little fawn. You've barely lost your spots. His mother's words from many, many moons ago come to his mind in the haze of just waking up. Rising from his nest, the copper-furred tabby stretches his limbs as far as they'll go without disturbing others still resting, and he exits the warrior's den to come out into the daylight, the sun bringing out the russet tones in his pelt. He doesn't get very far when he's approached by Gentlestorm, which is certainly welcome - he smiles warmly as the medicine cat speaks, eyes glittering with their usual brightness as opposed to carrying some of the cloudiness they've held lately. "Of course, I'd be happy to join you. It'll do us well to go out while the weather's this nice," he nods as he speaks - his whiskers twitch at the comment, knowing how he kept recalling that memory on his own. It prompts him to wonder the same that the other had been about him - how had he been handling it? "That's right - did you ever end up getting any? If you need, I'll keep my eyes open along the way."

Ultimately, keeping himself busy as a distraction was what he was doing, too. He'd somewhat noticed the way that Gentlestorm had launched himself into his work lately, more than usual, but - even if he'd wanted to say something, it was rather hypocritical of him. So he kept it to himself, at least for now.


'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — The pale tom returns the warm smile nodding in agreement about the weather being nice and it reminds him that once newleaf ends it'll begin to get a lot warmer. Too warm for his liking unfortunately and it doesn't help either considering that he has a plush coat, he sighs quietly after a chuckle escapes him "Newleaf is so much kinder than greenleaf. It gets so miserably hot sometimes or perhaps, I think it's that way due to my thick pelt." Perhaps when the time comes he would stop by the river once more to splash around in the more shallow water to keep cool or stay inside of his den and pray that he stays cool considering that he should be the only one in the medicine den when greenleaf arrives (or he hopes so). "I need to learn how to swim before then," He jokes quietly though a part of him wonders if he's truly joking considering he still remembers how he and the rest of his denmates at the time had been complaining about how hot it was, he still recalls joking about it then and some of the cats there agreeing with him.

"I only found one marigold a while back but we need more since we oftentimes get injured," Gentlestorm says with a roll of his shoulders and nods when Copperfang offers to keep an eye out for any while they hunt, "I'd appreciate it." He purrs in gratitude motioning for the warrior to follow him out of camp and the pale tom pricks his ears forward becoming attentive of their surroundings, one snowy paw placed in front of the other as the pair of them walk. Dark honeyed eyes trying to catch any trace or sight of prey or herbs nearby but turns to the chocolate tom and clears his throat out of habit "I'll be honest... I stand out like a sore paw while hunting," The large healer stops talking to motion to his pale coat that stood out against the thick, lush green foliage and dark skin of the trees, "I do so much better during leafbare. I was basically invisible." Hunting had never been his strongest suit but fighting and combat were skills that he excelled in, although, he had no reason to put such skills to use as of late. His snow dipped paws had been used to patch up his clanmates and mare sure that they didn't gain any infections, illnesses, and dressed stilled bodies with rosemary.

Despite his plush coat making him a lot more visible, he doesn't seem to mind and still finds solace in being out here with the intent of bringing back prey for his clanmates especially the newest kittens that tumbled about camp and enjoyed raiding his den. Littlekit had eaten some of the honey and Meadowkit had chewed up a laurel leaf only to spit it out accusing him of trying to poison his clanmates but it only makes him happy. This meant that the kittens were healthy and doing well if they were getting into trouble, his ears twitch at the sound of buzzing and notices that there are a few bees flying about. "Have you ever had fresh honey before?" Gentlestorm asks the tabbied tom and nods in the direction of the bees knowing that the nest wouldn't be too far.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    54 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking

"Oh, yes," he meows in agreement about Greenleaf, despite the shortness of his pelt in comparison to Gentlestorm's thick fur, "it can feel quite hot even for me, so I cannot imagine what it's like for you." And his mind goes the same place, too - going for a swim, though he was very hesitant to do so, not as comfortable in the water like the cats of RiverClan, who seemed to be born to do so with sleek glimmering fur and sinuous bodies that moved like the fish that they were so fond of eating. He'd prefer to only enter the rushing water of the river that crossed through the territories if he absolutely had to. Still, he lets out a little purr of amusement at the joke - or half-joke. "It would certainly keep you cool - with fur as thick as yours, you'd be set for the rest of Greenleaf."

As they exit camp, his ears prick for any sign of prey - or danger, StarClan forbid - eyes scanning the forest around them carefully, over the leaf litter, bushes, and gnarled roots of old trees, even more cautious than usual. It's hard not to be on guard after the recent dangers that the clan had faced, and he will not let anything slip by him, especially while not out alone. He was certain that Gentlestorm could handle himself, that was not the concern - but he would not forgive himself if he failed to spot danger or failed to at least try to protect him while they were together. His expression almost begins to steel, drifting back to the wolves once more, then his companion speaks again, and it softens again.

"It'll be Leafbare again before we know it. The cycle of the seasons seems to go faster each time through," In his experience, at least. The years seemed to get shorter as he got older; things moved faster, full speed ahead at all times, without much rest. "I'm certain you're a fine hunter regardless." He dips his head temporarily, turning his gaze back to the forest floor when he remembers he's supposed to be keeping a lookout for marigold, too.

Copperfang had heard the buzzing too, of course - another sign of Newleaf incoming - but he hadn't thought much of it. "Fresh honey? Not in a very long time."