arcade — tansywish

make peace with your broken pieces .
The white-furred tom hummed, chin leaning languidly beneath calloused paw pads, head tilted slightly as he mulled over other games, tail swishing against the ground, adding to his collection of derbies he would no doubt have to groom out tonight. “I am afraid I do not have many games.” He blinked, pulling his chin away to veer his attention to the queen sitting beside him, yellow apologetic. “I must say, Crystalkit might enjoy a good game of mossball, perhaps?” He mused, ridged claws tapping the earth.

“Of course, if you are willing, I could teach him how to bat it around with the other kits, if you’d like. A game of endurance and quick thinking, defending the ball from the other team.” He added optic crinkling in mirth.

Whitelion shuffled into a more comfortable position. “Are you hungry? Perhaps we can talk more with some food in our stomachs.”

thought speech