camp ARCHITECTS [✦] den repairs

56cdhj1b2dx // (<---- cat walked on my keyboard)
Little Wolf does not mind doing the more mundane tasks around camp, the everyday things that needed to be done. Sure, she knows an apprentice could sort through the freshkill pile, or bring prey to the elder. But then she would be left with idle paws and right now her head is swirling with too many thoughts, almost none of which she wanted to acknowledge. Today, the nursery was in need of repairs. There was a draft coming from a hole in the wall of bramble that encompasses the den. She had already gone out into the woods, gathered fresh supplies to weave into the den, including some moss if the queens wished to have fresh bedding. With her supplies clutched in her jaws she had promptly made her way back to camp. It had taken a couple of trips to round everything up but the ebony molly was determined.

When finally she had everything she set to work, weaving the den back together with her paws. She is just about finished and she goes to step backwards, admiring her handiwork when suddenly a fat drop of water, leftover from yesterday's downpour, hits her on the nose. "Oh mouse dung" she swears quietly. The hole needed to be fixed but when she stands up on her hind legs she is quick to find that she cannot quite reach. She settles back onto her haunches, head tipped up at the roof of the den and eyes narrowed in frustration.
Much like Little Wolf, Leopardtongue disliked having nothing to do, but she had also found that if she were to get things done early on and then taken a nap there was no longer a need to worry about idle paws, time moved quicker when you fall asleep after all. If something important were to happen or if something were needed to be done, she was glad to be woken up to help, but there were very little times when something like that happened, so the female slept to pass the time. In times where it took her longer to actually fall asleep - for this reason being the oddly wet but also dry at the same time ground - she opted to listen to what was happening, and when Little Wolf came into the camp with supplies to fix the nursery, eyes opened.

She watched for just a second to figure out what was going on before getting up and making her way over, she saw the water fall onto the other, and saw her try to reach the spot in the nursery only to realize she was too short. A soft hum came from Leopardtongue's throat as she looked around for a moment before looking over to the other. "If none of the taller warriors come near we might have to stack apprentices on one of our shoulders." She jokingly offered, soft smile forming soon on her maw. "Don't worry, it'll get done." The queens and kits will have a hole-free nursery to sleep in by the end of the night, Leopard would let Wolf stand on her back if need-be.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 32 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally


Brackenleap had heard taller warriors and twitched his ears in the direction of that conversation. He was a taller warrior, after all, and if something concerned him it was only common sense to listen. Leopardtongue continued on, reassuring Little Wolf that some task or other would be completed, and Brackenleap examined the scene. The two warriors were poking at the nursery walls, and that was cause enough for Brackenleap to get to his paws, shake out his pelt, and amble over.

"I could be of assistance?" he offered, his lanky form an advantage in this scenario. He tried to spot the problem and frowned thoughtfully while he looked. Little Wolf had gathered quite an abundance of supplies and Brackenleap was suitably impressed with her efforts. They could go beyond repair and into reinforcement with this bounty, or even ensure the elder's den was prepared for its first inhabitants! The idea warmed him.

But first, he had to help fix whatever problem Little Wolf and Leopardtongue had identified.​
( ) Hailstorm also became a little maddened by not having any duties to do, he liked keeping himself preoccupied and assisting where help was needed so long as it benefited the clan and his clanmates. There would never be a moment where the longhaired warrior would never help someone with something or hesitate in offering help when it was obvious when they needed it. Hence how he stumbled across this situation with both ears perking up and hearing the mention of taller warriors, ah, this was his time to shine.

Hailstorm was the opposite of Brackenleap, he wasn't lanky like the other tomcat but rather bulky and large for his size. His whiskers would twitch lightly and would speak up "I heard ya needed some shoulders to stand on, mine are available." His tone playful before nodding at what Brackenleap said and adding with a lopsided grin on his maw "I'm here to lend a paw as well. Just let me know what you need done." His warm eyes following Little Wolf's gaze seeing what the issue was and he'd take a step forward standing near the ebony she-cat giving her a little shoulder nudge to potentially ease her frustration.
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Okay, Batwing wasn't huge like Hailstorm. That was just cheating. He was nearly matching him in height, though. The nursery was quickly becoming crowded between the two taller cats, so Batwing just poked his head through. Squinting gently, his eyes adjusted, and he skipped his vision over each of them. He traced Leopardtongue for just a heartbeat longer then the other, before opening his mouth. "Could stack three of us and then have to squat. What needs to get done in here, anyways?" Apparently, not only was Batwing clumsy, he could be blind too. Batwing glanced around expectantly, waiting to see a giant hole somewhere.​
Rainbowkit doesn't know why there are so many warriors around the nursery, but they like company! Rainbowkit saw lots of the same cats every day, and new cats let him see new faces and hear new voices. Rainbowkit sits by Little Wolf's feet, cause she was the one they knew the best and also cuz' they could. " What'cha doing? " they suqeak, a sleepy twinge to their voice cause they were napping not too long ago. Rainbowkit doesn't mind being woken up though. Their ears shift from warrior to warrior, trying to make sense of the conversation. Were they trying to patch up the drip spot? Rainbowkit hadn't know that was somethin' that could be fixed! " Sunfreckle got dripped on too. Can I help him not get dripped on? " he blinks expectantly at the big warriors. They like helping cats. They wished they could help Sunshinekit too.

  • OOC:
  • rainbowkit & [ raine ] [ bow ] : sunfreckle xx rabbitnose 2nd litter. littermate to sunshinekit & emberkit. younger brother to mousepaw, sparkpaw & frecklepaw.
    —— amab. they / he ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    —— currently 2 moons old.

    a typical size for their age. warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. early signs of a thick ruff to come can be seen in plush cheeks and a thickening tail. sports long curling whickers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.

The dripping nursery was a source of more stress for him and he wishes he could help fix it proper but he is too distracted with Sunshinekit lately, sickly and drowsy and he was so hesitant to leave their side even for a second so all the big red tabby could offer was his words of encouragement. Rainbowkit has wiggled off to go greet Little Wolf and he almost scolds him to come back but stops himself, it was fine to want to be helpful and if he was a bother the other warriors would shoo him back to the nest theirselves. He had to stop being so obsessive with his hovering but it was hard not to.
"I think some of the roof has worn away..." Sunfreckle comments, tail tucking around himself and his still sleeping kits tighter; he has moved them to a nest in the corner temporarily to be out of the way. "It drips a good bit over my spot there near the back." His lone front paw lifts, gestures upward toward the corner, he always liked the nest in the back because he liked being pressed against the wall; it made him feel like Rabbitnose was there again and he longed to have his mate back with him while he slept but until the kits grew they were seperated again. The newest kit found and added to his little family was not very vocal, a smudge of blue among his ginger spotted offspring, but they were wiggly and the movement was a good enough indication of them being healthy as well he hoped.