are we still friends &. passing out

they needed sleep. stars knew it like they did, and yet here they were, walking into camp with a fattened frog dangling in their jaws. their brows furrowed as their vision blurred in and out with a huff. they turned to the fresh kill pile, dropping the frog on their and turning towards the rest of the hustle and bustle within the camp. cats leaving for patrols, coming back from patrols, doing things within camp to make the camp stronger, kits playing, elders telling stories... shadowclan was a good clan. and all of it was their responsibility. they're gonna be okay. we will all be okay. they tell themself, trying to believe it. there was a lot working against them right now, but they had to be the voice of reason and hope, even if anyone else didn't want to be.

taking a few more steps, chilledgaze suddenly felt very dizzy. their head began to throb as their vision zoomed in and out of focus. shit. taking in a deep breath, they tried to get some cat's attention, but they could barely keep their eyes open.

"hey... d-do me a favor and get me some wet m-moss..."

they asked before their breath became shallow for a moment, and their eyes rolled to the back of their head and they dropped to the ground, passing out within the clearing.

//tldr, chilledgaze has passed out from exhaustion brought by their insomnia! despite what others might think, they actually do try to sleep but insomnia kicks their ass <3 they dont really need medical attention but have your characters react however!
  • Crying
Reactions: nico

Today had been quite busy! Busy-busy-busy! She is considering finding Smogmaw or Frostbite to go hunting with her when she feels eyes at her back like a curse being placed and her fur prickles uneasily. The queen turns, ears lifting upward and a smile gracing her features in warm greeting as she regards the sleek black cat staring at her and she prances over assuming the stare had been some kind of silent demand for attention. Whatever did Chilledgaze need? Was she being sent on a patrol? No, it seemed it was something else entirely...
"Wet moss? Sure! Whatever do you need-" And that was as far as the bicolor molly got before she watches the deputy drop unceremoniously onto the ground at her paws and the rest of her sentence is punctuated with a shrill cry of alarm as she dances back in place startled. It takes a moment, a sharp gasp to reclaim the air spent shouting her surprise before she leans over them and begins to knead her paws experimentally onto the dark form now dozing away in the middle of camp. They do not get up but there is a heartbeat, there is a pulse, had they simple fallen asleep? Was it actually true that they had overworked themselves as Frostbite had scolded before? Halfshade gave a concerned and airy sigh, head shaking as she turned to look around for any other cat available to assist in dragging their deputy to a proper nest to rest.

  • Betonyfrost worries. Of course she worries.

    No one was more deserving of the title of deputy, but Betonyfrost worries. Deputy is a big title, and Chilledgaze is just one cat. It's a lot for anyone to shoulder. (but maybe, just maybe, if they had someone to share the burden with--?) Who is looking out for Chilledgaze while they so selflessly tend to the clan? (would they even have time for Betonyfrost?)

    But suddenly none of that matters.

    Later, Betonyfrost will think that she felt the fall coming, even from her distance. Had she been closer, Betonyfrost could have caught them. In the moment, in reality, it is that Chilledgaze is standing and then they simply aren't.

    Betonyfrost moves as if jostled by an outside force; stumble-steps as if she is being pushed and a distinctive lurch as if she is being pulled. Betonyfrost is at their side in an instant. It feels like she's taken entirely too long.

    "What happened?" She asks, louder than she usually speaks, "What were they saying before--?"

    Her words die at the sight of Chilledgaze. Betonyfrost cannot look away from them. She's never been able to. This close, she can see the individual hairs that cover their face. She loves them, she loves them, she loves them, and Betonyfrost could live the rest of her life content, if only she could be this close always. With a marked gentleness, with a hesitation that trembles the whole of her leg, Betonyfrost closes Chilledgaze's eyes with the softest touch she could manage.​
  • Code:
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 14 moons | tags
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

The lead warrior turns her gaze toward Chilledgaze, copper eyes gleaming with excitement at the rotund frog the deputy carries in their jaws. "Wow! For me! Y'shouldn't've," she says, springing to her paws.

But her stride slows and then halts, and her brow furrows with confusion. Chilledgaze is mumbling, breathing strange, and their eyes all but roll to the back of their head before they collapse in a heap of jet-colored fur.

She hisses. "Damn it! Shoulda ate the damn frog yourself, you bogwater brain!" She lashes her tail. Chilledgaze is working themselves to death, and briefly, a pang of guilt clenches in her belly. Should she be doing more to help them? Lead warrior is still such a vague, amorphous title to her -- what is it, exactly, she's supposed to be doing? Especially when Chilledgaze tries to do everything themselves?

She meets Halfshade's eyes and gives a curt nod. She'll help the other warrior drag Chilledgaze into the warrior's den, into the nest they apparently don't sleep in. She steps forward but stops in her tracks again when young Betonyfrost comes closer, puts herself hairs from Chilledgaze's face. Flickerfire gives her a bemused stare.

"She ain't dead, you frogbrained fool," she says. Something about the way Betonyfrost is looking at Chilledgaze is making her wildly uncomfortable. "Do something useful and help us put 'em to sleep." Her voice takes on a rare authoritative tone. With a flick of her ear, she approaches Chilledgaze and sinks her teeth into the black and white warrior's scruff.

- ,,

Chilledgaze is unquestionably overworked, to the point of apparent exhaustion. During the last time which Smogmaw had noticed the deputy, they seemed dead on their feet, as if an unexpected wind gust could blow them right over. Part of him wishes Frostbite was successful in making them catch some sleep, because having a lethargic second-in-command didn't help with the clan's image.

It isn't Chilledgaze's fault, the burnout. At least, that's a concept he'd been dwelling on. For the right-hand person to be caught in this state, they must be pulling a lot of weight, meaning Pitchstar is pinning an unfair bulk of the responsibilities onto them. This is of course a claim based on zero evidence, but Smogmaw held onto it for now.

Or, then again, it's entirely possible they're just shit when it came to time management.

StarClan willing, this is the nap that'll break the trend, whatever the case.

"Let's move sleepyhead outta the public eye," says the warrior, coming up beside Halfshade on begrudging pawsteps. It did not look like a pleasant sleep, yet it's sleep nonetheless. All that really matters now is tucking them in. "I dunno, I didn't hear anything," he remarks curtly, answering Betonyfrost to the best of his ability. "Maybe they'll remember when they wake up. Gonna help us move 'em?"

His gaze darts to the bi-coloured queen nearby, and then to Flicker, who both appeared ready to trawl the deputy into their den. He gives a nod in their direction to indicate similar intent, before lowering his head and planting it into their tummy. Seeing how the scruff is occupied at the moment, he decides to play the part of the bulldozer.



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Frostbite watched with a long sigh. He muttered under his breath "What a surprise..." And went to fetch the wet moss Chilledgaze requested.

He was burning inside. He was angry. Angry that Chilledgaze had been pushed to this point. They shouldn't have been. He partially blamed himself for not trying harder to get them to sleep, and now he was going to be unbearable about it. He didn't know what their problem was exactly, likely more than one, but he sure was going to be a nag.

Returning with the wet moss he joined his clanmates around Chilledgaze and set it down.

"I got the moss." He said flatly.

Now what. What does he do with it. Does he put it on Chilledgazes head????? Their mouth??????


He feels stupid.

He decides he is going to find a way to help his deputy rest.