are you better off alone - family time

Jul 8, 2023

The disappearance of Echolight had been a sudden shock for the family. Lilacstem was quite broken up about it when she found out and could imagine the pain Brightshine felt over it. Both of her kits now lost to her. A small mercy that neither were dead but it was of little comfort to the family when they should have been with them in WindClan still.

Although Echolight was gone, she had left her own children behind in her disappearance. Much like how Lilacstem had helped raise her niece and nephew once upon a time, the lilac calico had tried her best to be as involved with the kits as she could, regardless of whether they wanted her attention or not. Some time had passed now and they were now all official warriors of WindClan and Lilacstem wanted to see how they were all settling in to their new lives within the clan. After gathering them all up, Lilacstem found a nice secluded spot for them all to chat, away from prying eyes.

"Sit, sit!" Lilacstem urged, gently nudging the cat nearest to her when they lingered standing up. "I want to hear all about how you're all settling in as warriors!"

@Larkfeather ! @sparkspirit @Morningsong~
It had hurt for a while, but...he hadn't let it for long. His mother was a memory; she was part of the bloodline that tied him to WindClan, but so too was she tied to the part of him everyone hated. After Mallow, Pollen, Ember– who's to say that she hadn't just walked away too? Perhaps she had chosen her life as a kittypet. A family of traitors. The worst parts of WindClan. Looking to them now makes his chest begin to ache. His paws twitch to walk away, yet Lilacstem urges him to sit just as he reaches the threshold of turning away, and he sits. He doesn't know why, but he sits. Sharp blue eyes glance between his littermates. They seem more eager to remain than he. Of course they do. Weaselclaw had taught him what they were.

Whatever it is, it wasn't family. Still, his paws refuse to leave. "It's good," he answers shortly, his eyes not meeting Lilacstem's. "Weaselclaw taught me well. It's strange to be on patrols without him."

  • ooc:
  • sparkspirit, sparky. dmab male, he - him - his.
    ──── moor runner warrior of windclan; is very loyal to his clan.
    ──── 09 moons old. born on 12.15.22, and ages 85% real time.
    ──── echolight x elmbreeze, adopted by yewberry. brightfam?

    a long-limbed, trim mock tortoiseshell tom with mostly black fur splashed with the occasional patch orange. he has a singular white mark on the back of his neck shaped similarly to a lightning strike, and a small scar across the bridge of his nose. his eyes are a shocking electric blue.

    his apprenticeship has treated sparkspirit well. a newly-named warrior, he is lean and well-muscled, with paws accustomed to long treks throughout the moorland. he is deceptively sturdy and heavier than one might expect.
  • "speech"
When Lilacstem rounded them all up to have a nice talk, Morningsong happily followed her and took a seat. He hadn't been particularly busy, still adjusting to being a warrior and not having training or as many duties as before. He didn't have to tail after someone, didn't have to wait for orders.... He was.....

Free? In a sense.

"It's taken a little getting used to, but I think I'm settling in good!" He said cheerfully.

"It's nice to be in control of my life, rather than following someone else's schedule." He adds. "It's kind of like....I've been set free, so to speak."

He glanced to Sparkspirit, noting how he never looks at them. He wonders why at first, but not for long. He's always been distant, and Morningsong wonders if he just wants nothing to do with his family anymore.

These were thoughts from the back of his head, born of negativity. Which means he should pay them no mind. He's not trying to get depressed.

"I'm glad to finally get to talk to you again though, Lilacstem!" He added, genuine cheer still ringing in his voice.​

Eventually, they sit down and respond to her questions. As always Lilacstem listens dutifully. Sparkspirit's response is short and brief. Despite the clipped manner of his response, he says he is settling in well and Lilacstem can believe it. It was a shame his mentor had been Weaselclaw. Oh, he was a fine warrior to be sure, but his attitude, like many in WindClan, left something to be desired. And hearing that Sparkspirit thought he had taught him well, Lilacstem feels a pain deep in her soul. The calico nods in acknowledgement, her expression neutral, but her thoughts are running away with her. She can see the way he doesn't quite meet her eyes and holds himself back as if being in the mere presence of his family will taint him somehow. Mhm, maybe he taught you too well...

Morningsong seems more cheerful and engaging at the very least. Lilacstem had never trained formally as an apprentice. Her parents had taught her everything she needed to know and a lot of her skills were picked up from experience. Still, she could understand Morningsong's opinion of feeling as though he was more free now. He would still have duties to attend to but she imagined it was much more relaxed compared to the more regimented duties of an apprentice. "I am glad to hear you're all settling in well," Lilacstem says, a content smile flashing on her lips. "You've become such fine young warriors. You do our family proud."

Larkfeather didn’t think about her mothers disappearance, because Echolight wasn’t gone-gone, she was coming back. Her mother had to come back.
Therefore, Larkfeather only reflected on fond memories, whether they be from her childhood or more recently.
The visit from Lilacstem is a pleasant surprise, and the lilac warrior happily takes a seat in between her two brothers, pondering on her aunts question while they answer.
She thinks Sparkspirits answer is strange- while she didn’t ever like to stop and think about Weaselfoot, her siblings idolization of the lead warrior always caused a curious side-glance from her.
She agrees more with Morningsong, nodding slowly along until he finished his piece.
”I think it’s going okay, I like my new routines!” Larkfeather chimed, her answers painfully generic but she opted not to dive any further, but that was typical of her. She liked to keep things surface-level.
Lilacstems praise does earn a more genuine beam from the young warrior, however. ”I’m excited for the future, especially with all of you.” Larkfeather adds with a to-and-fro glance to Sparkspirit and Morningsong.
