duskclan are you coming home? - discovery

Rumblerain has scouted too close to the WindClan border. They know it as soon as they see movement off in the distance, half-familiar pelts faded in their memory moving around the tunnels at the edge of the territory. None of them are Juncoclaw's, however, which only adds to their worry. Rumblerain's teeth grit as they turn tail and disappear into the grasses once more; running until the moors turn to scrub and Highstones looms over them. They'll deal with that later.

"No luck," they pant to their nearest Clanmate. White-tipped tail flicks. Stars, how could they lose her? They keep expecting to see blood, to find her lying in the melting snow. Just like they'd expected with Badgermoon. Just like they'd never found. "Has anyone else found Juncoclaw yet?"
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Knowing where their searches may inevitably lead had the rosette tabby's fur bristling and eyes looking more snakelike by the second. There was no greater torment than being denied one's birthright, the desire burned within Nettletongue's heart like a forest fire... how frustrating it was to be unable to extinguish those flames. It was a distraction from their mission for her to be in the search party, doubly so when her interest in finding Juncoclaw had waned: a missing cat was as good as dead, she did not put it past the pretenders in WindClan to have killed her, she'd have deserved it if she hadn't taken one with her. A wrinkled nose dove into the tall grasses despite such an idea and found nothing but pollen for its troubles, the tabby shaking her head and recoiling in disgust at the discovery. Stalking away, the figure stalked towards the seal point further ahead, the she-cat casting Rumblerain a confused look as they stuck their tongue out for the world to see. Eyes rolled, absent of her venom. "No, I am not a tracker," she mewed matter-of-factly, ears pinned to her skull. Strong muscles and claws like talons were meant for killing anyone that stood in Sootstar's way, not finding lost children.

Another once-over of Rumblerain caused Nettletongue to step forward. "Conserve your energy, this... clanmate should've known better than to leave the camp alone." No one needed the warrior out of commission for the rest of the day based on a fantasy, there was too much to do, too few to do it. Her attention fell upon the unsearched horizon, tail lashing behind her. Damn it, would she have to persist in looking for this needle in a haystack? It seemed pointless when Juncoclaw's scent hadn't arrived at their nostrils yet. "If it is closure you seek, I will tell you now she is dead." If not in body, then in spirit. No one away from the pack as long as Juncoclaw had been would benefit from it - if the Journey cats were anything to go by. It was a cold bluntness the tabby spoke with, a learned malice from someone who had made a habit of watching loyalists as if they were birds in a kittypet's window. "And if she is not, and somehow she returns to us, then Sootstar has forgiven Juncoclaw for this harebrained journey of hers."

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