Are you lonely without mommy's love? // Joining

If one was looking far enough ahead, they might be able to see a still nursing mom, face soaked in sorrow as she walks away, having to make one of the biggest decisions of her life. Finding enough food to keep her and her children healthy was getting harder by the day, and she just couldn't keep up with the demands of every single one of her needy kittens.

Fearing that her life might end too early, leaving all of the litter to fend for themselves, she knows she has to leave at least one of them behind to make sure the majority survive. It's a decision she wished she didn't have to make, but she prays that if anyone finds the kit that she has decided to leave behind, they'll be treated with the love they deserve. She can't help but feel like a heartless beast as she whispers goodbye, taking one last sight of her son before wandering off, never to be seen by him again.

As the reality of his situation set in for the abandoned creme mink kit, or at least what he could make out of it being as young as he is, he begins to wail for the warmth of his mother. He is only about two and a half weeks old at this stage, and he knew he was the most fussy of his siblings, but the fact he had actually been cast aside makes him want to scream until his tiny little lungs could no more.

"MOM!" he screeches, so loud that practically anyone close to ThunderClan's border can hear. In between the yelling, he sniffles as he thinks about how cold he feels despite the spring weather. Would he be left to his own devices forever now? Would he never find comfort again? The more these thoughts plague his mind, the more upset he gets, and the longer his sobs choke out.
As Howlingstar leads her patrol, vole clutched in her teeth, she begins to ponder the thought of heading back. Their hunt had been successful; one glance at her clanmates’ full jaws is proof of that. Satisfaction blooms within her chest at the sight. ThunderClan continues to thrive in newleaf. The only thing that still plagues her mind is the lack of pregnant queens…Newleaf should bring litters to the clan, future warriors to keep their numbers strong but so far they only have Wrenflutter, whose own kits have been apprenticed already. Thank StarClan she’d been willing to stay in the nursery to raise the orphaned Oak-kit and Acornkit.

She shakes her mind of the thoughts and is about to tell her patrol to head back when the sharp cry pierces the air. Her ears shoot forward as she whirls around to face the direction of the sound. It’s a mewling kit! A mother and grandmother herself, she wastes no time in bounding forward and hopes her patrol follows without needing to be told.

Within moments, they come upon the tiny scrap, far too young to be away from his mother. The vole is dropped to the ground as she hurries forward to sniff the kitten, worry radiating off of her. “He’s only just opened his eyes! Where is his mother?” She mews with wide eyes and knitted brows, already looking around. A kit this young can’t even walk, nevermind survive without protection. Had he been abandoned? His mother killed?

// apprentice tag @PEBBLEPAW

Blizzard Fang, not quite blessed with maternal instincts, picks up Howlingstar’s dropped vole in courtesy before padding closer to the scene. He drops the rodent at his paws and looks down at the small, defenseless kitten. He’s amazed at the visual of the vole being nearly the size of the scrap of fur, to think they were all that tiny at one stage in their lives. ”I smell her,” He meows, noting the scent of milk in the air, ”No fox scent neither… I’d say little kit was abandoned.” He offers his leader insight to the best of his capabilities.

He looks down again at the helpless white scrap, ”He is shivering…”

//apprentice tag; @LICHENPAW

The sound of his clanmates frantic chatter made Tybalt's pelt prickle. He ran towards the sound, expecting a threat, only to come skidding to a halt as the others came into view. They were crowded over a lone kitten. It was tiny. Far too young to leave its mother. The young warrior's expression softened as he approached, the fur on the back of his neck beginning to lie flat again.

He nudged in beside Blizzard Fang, who noted that the kit was shivering. Tybalt leaned down to give the wailing kit a sniff. They were right, his mother was gone and clearly had been for a while.

"Hey, buddy," Tybalt rumbled, sweeping his thick tail around the kit and lapping at the tiny tom's pelt in an attempt to warm him. "You're okay," he murmured gently. "You're safe." It was a rare display of gentleness from the normally prickly and guarded warrior, something that showed itself rarely and most often to the clan's kittens. He looked to Howlingstar.

"Wrenflutter'll take him," he said. "Won't she?" They certainly couldn’t leave him here.
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Squeak Squeak

To say the least, it was a shocking thing to see a kit without its mother, and one as young as this one. Howlingstar had been the first to rush over, and then Blizzard fang made a comment about how the kit could have possibly been abanonded while Stagstrike on the other hand showed warmth that was never reslly present in the tom.

"I-I'm sure s-she would...l-little guy is f-far too young to b-be on i-its own" the young warrior said softly as her teal gaze stayed on the scrap of fur, poor little thing...she couldn't imagine why their own mother would leave it to its own devices when it probably wouldn't of survive. Her eyes flicked towards Howlingstar awaiting to hear what the leaders instruction would be for the little guy, ears perked slightly as she awaited for their leaders words.

another kitten, ditched on their borders. this one, much like the last, was far too young to be alone. it's mother's scent was still lingering. the smell of milk, of warmth. yet the child sat alone, crying and screaming for her to return. it was selfish, unbelievably so. to leave an un-weaned and defenseless bundle of fur on the forest floor. luck could be the only reason it had not yet been made into an owl or fox's dinner.

even so, this kit was not of thunderclan blood. if, on the off chance, he was left here on accident, they would be smart to return the kitten to where he belonged. with his family, to grow amongst those of his own lineage. "should we follow the scent? try and find it's mother," nightbird offered, looking to howlingstar rather than the child.

//app tag @DUSKPAW
The kitten is a little overwhelmed at all the sudden attention on him as he's founds by wild cats he's never seen before. He's weary, as one should be. What if they want to eat him, or kill him! He almost tries running away, but his legs barely worked as he was still learning to walk. As he's shown true kindness, however he lowers his guard and takes in the comfort offered to him, amazed by how worried they all were for him. Could they really care about someone they've only just met? It seems that way, and his yelling turns to whimpers as he feels a little more safe, leaning into Tybalt.

"Abandoned..." he repeats the word he heard from Blizzard Fang, nodding in agreement in the hope to relay that it was indeed the case; he truly was left here on purpose, though he didn't think the location was anything special. "Mom gone...yes..." he mewls, head hanging.

Wrenflutter should be able to take him… if it came down to it. But the Tom is aware the queen has her paws full the way it is, if ThunderClan brings the kit back they should not rely on Wrenflutter to accept yet another child to mother. His blue gaze flickers to Nightbird who asks permission to try and track down the abandoned kitten’s mother, ”I could go with.” The striped Tom offers, his tail swaying confidently.

A mew from the kit surprises him, it all but seems to confirm his suspicious. Still he shares the same thoughts with Nightbird, it’d be best to look and ensure the mother wasn’t still around. They didn’t want her causing them trouble in the future because she wanted her kit back, and to make sure there was no misunderstanding.

She looks to Blizzard Fang, whose keen nose is able to pick up the mother's fading scent. Abandoned...she'd hate to assume such a thing, but it's an obvious option. Of course, something worse could have happened to her. She is reminded of Berryheart, who was found by his mother's dead body when he was only one moon old. He could hardly walk in a straight line, hardly mumble a few words, and desperately needed milk. This kitten is younger than he was, only furthering her worry for him. Stagstrike begins to comfort the kitten and asks if Wrenflutter will take him, which Mothsqueak assures that yes, she will.

"Wrenflutter would never turn away a kit in need," Howlingstar confirms confidently, nodding her head to her clanmates in support. "She will accept him and give him the milk he needs." She turns to Nightbird and gives her a firm nod, brow furrowed. "Good idea. She could be moving her kits; it's difficult for a queen to do by herself." Blizzard Fang offers to go with her and she dips her head to him. "Thank you. Let me know immediately if you find her." The kit speaks, surprising Howlingstar and she blinks down at him with a frown, moving closer to give him a sniff. He says he's abandoned but at this age it's hard to tell if his perception on the situation is right or not. "We will get him back to camp in the meantime. He needs milk and a nest," She asserts, giving the others a glance before she scoops the kit up in her jaws.