border are you on the square? are you on the level? — riverclan patrol

Foxtail's olive green eyes land out in the distance, on twoleg nests that can be spotted through SkyClan's dense forest. White smoke escapes through brick chimneys and fades into the sky, and the RiverClan lead warrior is reminded how grateful he is that they don't share much of their territory with Twolegplace. It bleeds slightly into RiverClan territory, and the twoleg camp is relatively harmless.... when twolegs aren't around. Those nests must be huge if I can see them from here, The tom thinks as he brushes his fur against a tree, before briefly looking back to see if his patrol was following in suite. Out of the three clans RiverClan shares a border with, SkyClan is definitely the most friendly... And is the clan Foxtail is least worried about when patrolling their border. He has to worry about skirmishes breaking out at the border with WindClan.... the border with ThunderClan— but not here.

His ears prick at the sound of paw steps, and he pulls his gaze away from the twoleg nests. He looks beyond the river and at the entrance of the lush forest, and his nose twitches as the scent of a SkyClan patrol grows closer. "SkyClan a-approaches," He mews to his three patrol members— two newly named warriors, Cricketchirp & Cicadaflight, and his own apprentice. All of them were inexperienced; Foxtail has never led a patrol to the border, and this will be Cicketchirp and Cicadaflight's first patrols as warriors. Mosspool planned carefully with this selection, and she thought well.

His tail swishes behind him as a SkyClanner steps out of the foliage, and he briefly wonders if they'll see any kittypet warriors. SkyClan calls them "Daylight" warriors, and to his understanding they also have a home back in a twoleg nest. He can't understand why a cat would want a paw in two worlds, and it seems to be benefitting SkyClan, but it would never work in RiverClan. "Hello SkyClan," Foxtail mews to the patrol across the river, dipping his head in greeting. "How's prey r-running for you?" They lost the opportunity to hear how SkyClan was faring at the gathering.... thanks to WindClan and ShadowClan. They heard a bit how RiverClan had been faring from WindClan... a twisted retelling of events. He lets out a tiny, nervous sigh as he brushes his fur against another tree, only hoping SkyClan saw through WindClan's lies.

  • no need to wait for @Cricketchirp , @CICADAFLIGHT & @PEBBLEPAW
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    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    20 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to meghan for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)

"See how the bank is a bit dry here? The river goes all the way down in Greenleaf if we don't get enough rain, but we still do not cross it. Our border is at the river's edge, and RiverClan respects that." Orangestar explains, mostly to Ashpaw, as her patrol clears the sandy hollow. Her paw taps at the cracked mud, trademark frown deepening for a moment. Last Greenleaf, it had dropped nearly to mud. Hopefully they wouldn't face the same problem this time around.

An unfamiliar voice reaches ginger ears and the SkyClan leader looks up, attention alighting upon a tricolour tom across the water. Her tail lifts in a vaguely friendly greeting, though her expression changes very little as she looks over the patrol. A trio of young warriors, the one who had called out included, and an adolescent among them. She lingers upon Cicadaflight for a heartbeat longer, recognition flickering across her muzzle; there was no mistaking whose kit that was.

"Quite well, thank you." She replies, meow curt but not rude. Her eyes narrow slightly. "I don't believe we've met; you were RiverClan's deputy at the last Gathering, yes?"

  • @Springpaw @Ashpaw
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    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

Fluffypaw is close to her mentor's side, but her ears flick forward as she catches Orangestar's explanation to her two young apprentices. "The river goes all the way down in Greenleaf if we don't get enough rain, but we still do not cross it," she tells them. Fluffypaw sifts the earth between her claws, feeling how dehydrated the bank has become. She frowns. "Has it ever dried up all the way?" she asks, turning to Greeneyes and then to Orangestar. "What does RiverClan do if that happens?"

A scent that is rife with salt and fish accosts her senses; she turns away from her patrolmates and looks up to see a RiverClan procession across the river. It's led by a red-patched warrior who Orangestar addresses as deputy. Her mouth rounds into an "O." She surveys him with bright jade-green eyes, then settles her gaze onto the apprentice at his side. A tremulous smile flutters across her muzzle. "H-hi. I'm Fluffypaw. Did you go to the Gathering?"

  • ooc: mentor tag @GREENEYES ; interacting with @PEBBLEPAW
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 7 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.



With his shoulder still holding the twinge of an ache from his healing injury, there was still a lot that Quillstrike wasn’t allowed to do. He was currently barred from hunting, sparring, training, and any other activity that might require him to do anything beyond walking around to get some basic exercise. The only saving grace was that he was nearly fully healed, and that in about a week he’d be able to return to full duties so long as he didn’t strain himself between then and now. It was nothing short of frustrating considering he was a cat who was not only very big into his routines, but who was pretty damn physical overall. Thistlebacks training had seen to that. Whatever the towering, dark-furred chimera lacked socially, he more than made up for in physical prowess and loyalty.

And not having that outlet was really fucking annoying.

But he didn’t want to be stuck on light-duty forever, so he was trying to do his best to keep things simple. Collecting moss, reinforcing the camp walls, and so on. Border patrols were the closest thing to being physically active that he could get, and even so he felt that Rivercans border had been made an exception for him only because the tensions between them were low right now.

With no apprentice of his own and Orangestar taking the lead on greetings, Quillstrike offered a brief nod before turning to focus on his own task of remarking the borders on his clans side, running his chin along the base of a nearby pine before moving on to another. His claws ached to sharpen themselves on the bark, but it wasn't worth the risk of pulling on his shoulder muscles.

skyclan - male - 29 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


————————Apprentice | 8 Moons | SkyClan———————
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆Ashpaw still wasn't sure what to make of clan life - of being an 'apprentice'. It was... strange to be taught so much, so freely, and without any derision. Some days the young apprentice still waited for the other claw to come down. For now though, the ex-Rogue was happy to learn and strengthen - they hadn't eaten so well in... forever, and though they were still scrawny, muscle was beginning to define the albinos pale coat. "What if the river goes down, or what little remains is closer to their side of the..." Ashpaw began to ask, trailing off as the RiverClan cats make themselves known. The apprentice watched them quietly - there was no hostility in their crimson gaze, nor wariness. Just... observation.

[penned by Delphy].


————————Warrior | 43 Moons | SkyClan———————
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆RiverClan... Bazza could still remember the sting of their claws and, more importantly, the downright rudeness of their warriors. But if the wiry tom held any resentment towards the water loving clan that had chased him out of their territory none of it showed in his emerald eyes as he sauntered on up and lounged on a low-lying tree branch, basking his short tan fur in the warm sun. Bazza was loving the hot weather. "Y'know mate I still reckon claimin' to 'own' a stretch of river bank just ain't mossball. I mean strewth, where are folks s'pposed ta drink. TwoLegplace? Callin' the filth y'find there water is an insult to spirits everywhere." the new warrior snorted.

[penned by Delphy].

The first cat Foxtail's eyes land on is no other than Orangestar, leader of SkyClan. Two apprentices pad by her side, and she seems to be focused on one more than the other... but she lifts her tail in greeting, and Foxtail dips his head back. He glances over at her patrol-mates; his patrol looks quite... small compared to them. He can see at least three apprentices mingling with their mentors, and they ask curious questions about the river. He admires their curiosity, but his ears prick forward as the SkyClan leader focuses her attention onto him.

"I don't believe we've met; you were RiverClan's deputy at the last Gathering, yes?"

Foxtail freezes as her curt meow reaches his ears.... evidently catching him by surprise. Oh StarClan, how did he not see this coming? It's probably more than just SkyClan that believes he's the deputy of RiverClan; if the gathering wasn't cut off short, Lichenstar would've announced him as a new lead warrior! "You're c-correct, I don't believe we've m-met!" The lead warrior stammers his words and he tries to keep his paws calm, still caught by surprise by her question. "I am Foxtail, but n-no... I'm n-not her deputy. I stood in as her d-deputy..." He's certainly not her deputy— there's way more qualified cats for that honorable position. He still feels honored she chose him to stand in, especially at his first gathering as a lead warrior; he just wishes it didn't end the way it did.

The lead warrior brushes his fur against another tree, and he expects his patrol to move on without any trouble, when his gaze catches a familiar cat lounging in a low-hanging tree. He lets out a gasp at the sight, as the sun shines on the SkyClanner's fur, and they bask in the sun. It's.... It's the rogue that trespassed into RiverClan territory to drink some water! They're a SkyClanner now? He honestly feels surprised, and his ears pin back as the former rogue mews. "Y'know mate I still reckon claimin' to 'own' a stretch of river bank just ain't mossball. ... where are folks s'pposed ta drink. TwoLegplace?"

Foxtail frowns, and he can't help but wonder what this... rogue told SkyClan about his "experience" in RiverClan territory. By the sounds of it, the new SkyClan warrior still doesn't seem to understand what he did wrong! He wants to shake his head, but the nervous lead warrior holds his head high. "The i-issue we had with you is that y-you trespassed into our t-territory," The lead warrior meows carefully with his words, his tail nervously swishing. He glances over at his patrol-mates; Pebblepaw might recognize this cat, but Cicadaflight and Cricketchirp won't. They weren't there that day, when the ex-rogue trespassed. "We a-aren't denying you access to water. You're f-free to drink from the river, as long as you do it on your s-side of the border..." Where does this new SkyClanner think his clanmates drink water from? The Twolegplace must not be an option for all SkyClanners— not all SkyClanners are "daylight" warriors, after all....

  • 82418929_FoLQDUUK9zQigyb.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    20 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to meghan for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)


RiverClan, that's the clan that this 'Otterbite' that she had heard about from Edenberry resided, right? She hadn't heard anyone go by that name here yet so she saw no need to be anything other than friendly. With a pep in her step as she trotted towards the border to meet with the rest of the SkyClan patrol that had already arrived. Her paws stopping when she reached everyone, an inquisitive look thrown Bazza's way as he and Foxtail exchanged words over the state of the river. "Twolegplace water isn't all that bad y'know, you just gotta know what's gonna taste bad!" The daylight warrior chimed in with a laugh, was it really all that bad if they had to drink water from there? Apart from the distance anyways it seemed like a perfectly viable option.

"Besides I'm sure that he's very sorry for trespassing that one time, right Bazza?" She glanced at him then glanced over at Orangestar. While she was confident that this wouldn't turn out into some kind of skirmish or anything like that it would probably be for the best if pleasantries were exchanged and an official apology was given. At the end of the day there was no real heat behind her words, merely given as a suggestion from a fellow clanmate.

She took the time to glance over at the other RiverClan cats that seem in attendance, they seemed like a unique crew! One apprentice amongst those that gathered was a surprise to notice considering how many apprentices were currently with the SkyClan patrol. Maybe there weren't that many riverclanners? Surely she would hear if there was a small population, maybe they had an over abundance of kits or warriors rather than apprentices? Florabreeze honestly didn't pay attention at the last gathering she was in attendance of so if anything had been flagged regarding her thoughts it flew over her head. It didn't sound like anything actually news worthy had happened at the latest gathering either, not from RiverClan at least.

After a beat over trying and giving up on remembering the state of RiverClan she decided that Quillstrike had the right idea with remarking their side of the border. With a wave from her tail and playful nudge given to Bazza she turned to brush against the stray bushes and trees that laid around them. Staying close enough to hear whatever else was said though, since she was curious about the clan across the river still. Wanting to also hear if Fluffypaw and Ashpaw's questions and hypotheticals would receive answers from either the SkyClan leader or from the other clans patrolling members.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}


————————Warrior | 43 Moons | SkyClan———————
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆Bazza shook his head ruefully."Of course mate, plenty of water for us here in SkyClan. Ain't us I'm talkin' 'bout, though. I meant back when it was jus' me, meself and I. I crossed yer territory back then, sure enough, because I just thought it stretched t'the river bank on mistake." the wiry tom replied, scratching behind their ear. "Back home that dirt wouldn't fly, deprivin' folk of water when it can be so hard t'get. I s'pose water ain't that rare round these parts, but it still..." the ex-Loner trailed off, a rare flash of displeasure on his face as he tried to find the right words. "It ain't right, blockin' access to somethin' that all folk need. Selfish as a crocodile in a billabong, I reckon. A safe, cool place t'have a sip and a yarn should be somethin' freely available to all folk clan or nah. Bah, that's jus' my reckonin', I s'pose the wonderful cats who took me in're guilty'f the same thing. " Bazza drawled, with a shrug as a smile returned to their face like the warm sun of spring after passing cloud. "It is what it is."

[penned by Delphy].


() padding after foxtail, discomfort prickles at the pelt of the blue tabby. it isn't that he's nervous- after all, skyclan hadn't caused any trouble at the gathering. still, the idea of interacting with any stranger is not appealing. pebblepaw separates from his mentor to brush up against a weeping willow that lines the bank, coating its trunk with his scent as the opposing patrol approaches. he can recognize orangestar, and he thinks maybe he's seen quillstrike before, but the rest are new.

snow dappled paws carry the apprentice back towards his group, brushing pelts with his cousins as he returns to his mentor's side. orangestar calls out a conversation to foxtail, and pebblepaw finds himself addressed by a cream and chocolate cat maybe a moon younger than him. he lifts his tail in greeting. "yeah, i was," he'll tell fluffypaw, ears flicking. "i'm pebblepaw!" he'll offer a smile to the other apprentice on the patrol as well. ember eyes flicker towards another cat, who ambles forward and speaks in an odd lilting tone. brows furrow as foxtail responds, eyes widening at the mention of trespass. the opposing tom looks familiar now that he mentions it, spotted coat something he remembers caught between his mentor's claws. hrm.

"foxtail just said we don't stop cats from drinking the river water," pebblepaw's young voice will ring out, eyeing the now known trespasser with suspicion. skyclan is nice, and he's sure orangestar wouldn't allow an evil cat to join their ranks, but this tom seems... rude. "if you can get to the river without trespassing, you can drink. it doesn't only flow right here." and besides, this isn't where you come from. trailing off, he allows the conversation to end, aware he might be invoking bad blood between the clans.

  • // sooo late on this oop- " #848DAE"
  • 84189003_LZ0oLRva90zRWKW.png

    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblepaw's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.