Spring had finall arrived in twoleg place, and Johnny was all the happier for it. While he knew he could have chosen to stay indoors on the colder days to spare himself the bite of the wind or the falling snow and rain, it felt wrong to take the easy out when his twolegs were out in the world somewhere doing whatever it was they did while he stayed back to guard the nest- something that would be extremely hard to do while locked inside.

Luckily though, today was a good day, one that spoke of the warmer weather to come. While the air was still cool by most standards, the sun was out and shining, warming his fur whenever the gentle breeze stood still long enough for the heat to settle into his pelt before being washed away once more.

Today Johnny was set on the fence of the back garden, amber eyes looking wistfully out at the forest beyond. Ever since Thistleback had taken him into the woods to show him the life of a wild cat he'd found his paws restless and his heart torn. It had been fun to explore the forest, had offered him a glimpse of a life he'd never known before that moment. And he'd be a liar of he said a part of him didn't long to just hop off the fence and go back. He knew he could, that nothing was stopping him save for the arbitrary set of rules he'd set for himself, and yet...

He didn't, remaining in his place on the fence.

He had already protected his twolegs nest while they were away, would chase away the stray that wanted to tip the bins and guard the flowerbeds and gardens from critters and birds looking for an easy meal. Abandoning all that just to satisfy some stupid, selfish want left him feeling guilty enough to keep from pursing it, even if the days were longer and lonelier than they should have been.


New face, new life. Seemingly pensive, the thing was, perched at the very edge of their small, small world. He'd never been like that. Dawnglare had stuck to the world he ruled and knew until his time was deemed complete. Twolegplace would not always miss his face, however. He's connected by more than a thread– thickest of the silk any spider has to offer. Humming, swaying... It was his home, always and forever. SkyClan was a mere obligation, all of them were. Easily crushable– ants beneath his paws. It'd be fun to watch the carnage; what may befall them if he were not there? If none of them were. (If the stars had never meddled; had never let their biases get ahead of them) Would they still rip each other limb from limb? Tear throats over the prey that crossed a border? Or would it encourage carefulness... appreciation...

What did this one expect, from there? Was their head fuzzy with the same things Blaise's had been? Thoughts wandering... gone stupid for little more than a wretch, for the children that came with her– them. Was it the same for this one? A family? A new, strenuous life? Dawnglare gazes up at him with a close-lipped smile. Wide eyes, assessing. Glacial eyes scrutinize, along with the moon comes the tides, comings and goings of forever feeling. Right at the base of the world's fence, you may not see him immediately, but, large and willow-swathed as he was, you could not miss him forever. Especially when his tail sways to the beat of his breath and he demands attention so wholly. "Hello, puny thing. Hi." His words condescend, but his tone does not. Lucky, this one, to find someone like him in a mood so joyous.

Without further word, he would carelessly join the other atop where they perch. He sways for a moment, any semblance of balance barely seeming quite so, but he fixes himself, soon enough. How could he not? Fallacy; nothing less. Near immediately, he thinks to reassure them of what they were not missing. The forest is not worth your time... The trees are ugly, the faces, even more so. In the end, he does not say it, but a giggle still spills out regardless. His eyes slit against the sun, this face.

He could not say, for he knew nothing of their worth to begin with. Perhaps they did deserve such eternal damnation; and if they did, well, he would take great pleasure in seeing that very thing... He stares for a moment. (Too long, uncomfortably) "And what of the sun, hm?" The tom leans forward, gaze unwavering. "If you held it– You– What part of you would burn?" Kittenish, he blinks. "How fast does it melt, sun-shine ♪?"


Sometimes, Johnny wondered if it was this place that was strange, or the other places he'd lived in before coming here. At first the tom had thought it odd; cats walking in the trees, slipping out of the forest to so casually approach him as he kept watch on his guarden fence for any trouble or danger that might try to cause trouble in the yards around him. But now? Now his eyes searched for them, his heart leapt at the sight of shadows slipping amongst the branches of the trees, and more often than not he found himself hoping that one of them would stop to say hello.

Perhaps comically so, it happened more often than one would think.

Thistleback had been his first run-in with a clan cat, and to say he'd left an impression was an understatement. Johnny was practically startstruck by the other tom, everything from their rough elegance to their skills in the trees finding itself fascinating in his eyes. From Thistlebacks views on kittypets to the drive and devotion he showed for his clan and family, he'd immediately succeeded in earning the patched tomcats respect, especially after showing him the Skyclan camp.

After that was Ashenclaw, another Skyclan cat who apprently had humans in twolegplace somewhere. They'd sat on the fence and talked for a while, and again, Johnny had felt an admiration for the tom that seemed entirely unique to the cats of Skyclan. While the amber-eyed bobtail had felt pride for others before, he'd never really envied or looked up to another cat, choosing to set and follow his own trends because he was the only one valuing those things at the time. But Ashen and Thistle? They were cats that seemed to share a lot of the same beliefs as Johnny did. Both cared about others and believed in working hard to keep the ship running smooth, were willing to sacrifice their time and energy for those around them simply because it was the right thing to do.

And that appealed to Johnny.

Hell, all of Skyclan appealed to Johnny.

He'd been itching to return to the forest ever since Thistleback had told him to come back whenever he wanted to visit, but his paws never seemed able to take him from the fenceline. Maybe he didn't want to seem desperate by going back so soon, maybe he didn't think he really had a right to just pop in and say 'hello' while everyone else was working their asses off to survive, or maybe he was just afraid that if he went and spent actual time there, that he'd like it too much. And that last one kind of scared him. He'd spent his entire life being a good, responsible cat. He guarded his twolegs property and kept the yards safe from troublemaking strays and critters, helped the kittypets when they were being bullied by loners, and so on. And he felt obligated to that life now, just as much as he felt the desire to want to explore something else.

Trapped in his own whirling thoughts but still vigilant to his surroundings, it didn't take Johnny long to spot a figure heading toward him. He immediately perked up as since the cat seemed to have come from the woods beyond, but he found he didn't recognize them despite running through the faces of the Skyclanners he'd met the day of his visit to their camp. A quick sniff of the air revealed the tell-tale scent of his friends clan, and so he kept his hackles down and his muscles relaxed, having no intention of harming one of Thistlebacks cats.

"Hello, puny thing. Hi."

The words caught him off guard, his blink of surprise surely giving it away, and while his mouth opened as if to reply, no words fell past his lips. Puny thing?? What was he supposed to say to that?!?! Especially when the tone was so... un-matching to the words used.

A response didn't seem necessary though, because a moment later they were leaping up onto the fence to join him. There was a moment where it seemed like they might lose their balance and Johnny instinctively lifted a paw to try and help steady them, but withdrew it when they suddenly righted themselves and began staring at him with wide eyes. Ears twitched back, uncertainty causing his shoulders to stiffen, but they twitched forward again when the stranger began to speak.

Kind of.

Johnnys confused look definitely doubled in that moment, because while the other cat was deifnitely talking he couldn't for the life of him understand what he was saying. "Oh, um... Is this some kind of riddle?" he asked, not wanting to be impolite to what was surely one of Ashen and Thistles friends and clanmates. "Lemme see. Maybe... My eyes? My mum always told me staring at the sun would make you go blind, so your eyes would probably burn and melt long before you ever got anywhere near the sun."

Speechless, the thing is speechless! Gaping like the leech they are, though their posture certainly didn't match... Not soft and slimy, far from wriggling, no. It would take the slightest bit of effort to pry them apart, and he could only hope their guts would not burst forth for similarly. Of course, there was no way to know for sure without trying the theory...

Spinning, spinning, he still watches the other with wide eyes and a smile. So luckily for this one, his claws remain sealed to the bleached wood. Not yet, would this throat be slit... There is time to prove themselves, still, though the scale was already tip-tipping... The tide was already not so strong... More than riddles it was. A riddle implied that it held no value, that it was simply there to perplex and confused. Oh, he would hope this is an answer one could get right. His gaze sharpens, somehow, impossibly more attentive with what is presented... Sacrilege, hardly less. Such an...interpretation. Dawnglare's eyes only narrow.

Miscommunication, maybe? His head lolls with the extent of his consideration. "Every one has stared at least once. I would love the sun, if I could," he tells him. For a brief second, he glances to their very subject as conversation, before it flits away. Effectively burned, it has more than once. Heartbreaking, the sadness. "And what sins have you made with them?" There's a slight edge to what he says, now. Was he getting through? Was he understood? The strangeness, unbearable. Wisps of his tail flick impatiently behind him.


Unnerving. That was the only word he could think of to describe the cat before him, scrutinizing him in a way entirely different from Thistleback, and yet, Johnny still felt as if he were being appraised in some way, judged. It was enough to make him shift uncomfortably beneath their wide eyed star, even moreso once he realized he hadn't given the stranger the answer they were after.

Okay, so not a riddle. A metaphor, then? Maybe they weren't talking about the sun at all. But then, what? He found himself just as eager to give them the answers they sought as he was frustrated that they couldn't just come out and say what they meant, but the former seemed to win out, wanting to make a good impression on this Skyclan cat. So, he tried to put the pieces together.

Something you've looked at. Something this cat would choose to love. But sins? Against the sun?? Not the sun, he reminded himself. The sun was just a stand in for something else...

"I-I haven't made any sins." he replied, because surely, even if he had no earthly clue what this crazy cat was talking about, he hadn't done anything so wrong that it would be considered such a thing. He was a good cat, right?

"M'sorry, I don't know what your talkin about." he admitted with a frustrated sigh, figuring the entire thing would be far less painful if he just said as much. "Can't ya just say what ya mean instead of making me chase my tail tryin' to figure it out? Your a strange one, that's for sure."

The words weren't unkind in tone, but it was clear that Johnny was frustrated and perplexed by the entire thing. This cat, with their strange body language and cryptics words, was far more unnerving and confusing than any of the other Skyclan warriors he'd met, and he wasn't really sure what to do in that moment, not wanting to be rude, but also very much feeling as if they were speaking two different languages.

Oh, the impossibility of it all. Young and naive, this one. Blissfully ignorant to the weight of their own actions. The vivacity of which the any is pronounced– Dawnglare cannot help but bellow in full-bodied laughter. He nearly tips right off the edge of the fence, body trembling with rancorous laughter. A screech or a song, depending on who indeed listened. "HAH–! YOU– Oh, you haven't–!" Petering off into a broken wheeze, his claws dance across the bark of the fence, scraping splinters across the wood.

And oh too soon, it's over, trapped behind a seemingly placid smile. He looks at the stranger the very same way he had before. Leaning slightly forward, maybe, a glint in his eye, maybe. I don't know what you're talking about, they say. Yes, that much was obvious. Perhaps there's more honor in admitting your cluelessness than disrespecting anything through guesses. A waste of time this has been, or perhaps not, since now he knew not to do it again. The nerve to pretend that he was in fact the problem and not themself, was a further foul on their end. An eye at a time, Dawnglare blinks.

No, they are not worth his time. Dawnglare would abruptly stand, briefly casting shadow upon his mottled form. He smiles, still. "Goodbye." They're lucky he affords them so much as a farewell. Their eyes will melt into puddles, eventually. He is gone, in but a moment.


He isn't sure what to make of the sudden burst of laughter, ears twitching backwards as he lips part, but he isn't sure what to say. Is this cat crazy? Thistle had never said anything about a madman living among his ranks. And then they're leaning into his space, eyeing him with blues that seem to look right into him, and he can't help but lean back, trying to reclaim some of his space.

He's not even given a moment to respond though, because in the next breath their smiling a Goodbye. to him and leaping down from the fence. For a moment all he can do is watch them go, amber eyes wide and expression utterly baffled.

"W-what? Hey, wait! I don't even know your name!" he called after them from where he stood ont he fence, but they were already disapearing into the foliage of the woods.

"Ah, I'm losing my head!" he growled to himself, giving his head a fierce shake. Had that even been real? What in the actual fuck had just happened?