are you ready to go — skyclan patrol


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
.anger makes you stupid ———


——— stupid gets you killed.
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AFTER THE INITIAL CONFUSION OF WHO THE hell everyone was, the male set off at a decent pace, coming to stand along the edges of the river with a scrunch of his nose. The large obsidian-hued brute had come here often to stare at the water, contemplating everything. He let out a tired grumble, obsidian-hued fur ruffling in annoyance.

Youkai made a mental note to burn their damn appearances into his brain. The large brute grumbled, brow twitching. Damn anti-social self. He cursed at himself, his ear twitching with an inaudible huff.

His copper-molten hues shifted to stare at the others, gaze wracking over their bodies in self-reassurance that no one was injured. Of course, the subtle paranoia was his own damn fault. Dumbass. His darkened lips quirked downward, rolling copper-molten hues at the thought. Right. Nothing was going to happen. He should really get that through his damn skull if he wanted to sleep tonight.

The large brute glanced at the river banks, lingering along RiverClan’s territory, willowy tail swishing in thought. “Stay alert.” He rumbled, tone lacking any emotion. His copper-molten hues swept the landscape once more, shoulders slouched, hiding his height with an evident scowl plastered on darkened lips.

@TWITCHBOLT , @SQUALLMIST , @Sporecloud and @Wildboy

thoughts speech

Duskpool's instruction was entirely redundant in Twitchbolt's case- he was perpetually alert, ready to bristle and point a panicking claw to the first thing he deemed remotely a threat. Still, Riverclanners were friends- friends who had helped them. He'd seen it himself, a defender of the camp when Cicadastar himself had burst in and bared his fangs against the thieves. He almost felt like he should grovel at their paws for the help, but- hopefully Blazestar had thanked them enough on SkyClan's behalf.

"Well be- fine." Despite himself, the statement was sincere. What reason did RiverClan have to attack a harmless border patrol- and if there were predators about, they'd warn them, surely. Over moons past he'd gotten better at reining in his own spiralling, and- though there was plenty reason to be a little afraid of falling in the river, he could see little other threat as long as they were careful tiptoeing across the bank.
penned by pin ✧
skyclan is easily scented in the air, and buck is found at yet another border patrol. watching them across the lazily moving river. the waters are calm today, yet the bordering patrol seems less confident than the normal skyclan patrols. they were friendly and calm, but the ones she had spotted so far seemed...nervous. it brings a quizzical look to the deputy. there's a tom that is freakishly large, and buck must assume that the food in skyclan is plentiful and filling. the other tom seems jittery, in a constant twitch.

"skyclan," comes the call of riverclan's deputy, a clear boom across the clearing. "hope all is well." she tries to hide the disappointment of not seeing the ally's deputy once more. perhaps, buckgait should just send herself on the next patrol to skyclan. a silence falls, while ears are pricked forward to see if the other patrol will acknowledge them. though, she can't find any reason why they wouldn't. the clans are strong allies, with riverclan supporting and protecting them.

Not too far behind his deputy is Clay, white paws dirtied and brown with mud. The somewhat-receding floodwaters have left behind quite a bit of mud, so of course the scruffy tom has tracked his paws through just about all of it. Every possible mud puddle stains the pale areas of his pelt, but still he greets the SkyClanners without a hint of self-consciousness. "Hi, guys!" He lifts a paw in greeting, tail flicking happily as he calls across the water to the other clan.

He doesn’t recognize very many of the cats on this patrol—but no matter, that just means there’s more cats to meet! And of course he knows Squallmist, although he doesn’t recall having ever had much of a meaningful conversation with the other tom. "How’s it going? I haven’t seen you guys in a while." His words are just as loud as Buckgait’s, yet much more enthusiastic.

Squallmist doesn't understand why one of SkyClan's newer faces has been tasked with leading a patrol - instead of himself or Sporecloud, or, stars, even Twitchbolt. A warrior who'd barely known who was meant to be on his own patrol, it was a wonder they'd even made it out of camp.

However, Squallmist doesn't waste time wondering just why the dark-furred warrior had been chosen to lead them to the border. No, he has other things to worry about.

It's the furthest he's been out of camp in moons. The last, the sewers - a mission that left him marred forever, left him with half the vision he had when he'd stepped into its stench-filled pathways. The seasons have shifted since he'd last neared RiverClan's border, and with the addition of Duskpool - a name he'd hardly known prior to the patrol's assignment - leading the lot of them, so has the environment.

A half-sighted focus keeps itself on charcoaled paws' careful steps as he trails behind the patrol. Will he ever get used to this, his diminished vision? Squallmist isn't so sure.

The warrior lifts his head as Duskpool speaks, an order to stay alert that Squallmist can't help but snort at. "RiverClan is the least of our worries," he reminds the patrol's leader, dark tail flicking behind him.

The RiverClanners soon appear to greet the lot of them, friendly in nature on their side of the border. Squallmist nods to the familiar face that is Clayfur, glad to see at least one warrior he can attach a name to on the rivers' side. Though, with the mud that covers him, it'd taken a moment before he could recognize the former pine resident.

"Greetings," he calls back, a look of amusement in his gaze, though he can't help the self-consciousness that begins to creep up over the scars that riddle it. "Is the mud treating you well over there?"

It was inevitable, that conversation-making that border patrols entailed- but no every warrior looked to him as an equal, and he was supposed to participate. Despite anticipating the approach, he still jumped a little upon scenting the Riverclanners- and then, hearing their voices. That one- wasn't she the deputy? Oh, of course! First border patrol as a warrior, and the future leader of RiverClan was looking right at him (well, all of them, but his spiralling mind did not account for that) and asking questions! With his luck, the tom that approached was bound to be a lead warrior or something... misfortune tended to tie him into making a fool of himself in front of authority. The time he'd accidentally bashed Blazestar's head in with a squirrel came to mind.

The mud, had Squallmist said? Weren't they water-cats? It began to make sense when wide eyes swept over the tom that had approached, roving over the crusted gunk. He- vaguely recognised him, but- from some sort of hazy kit-memory from long ago. "We're good. No more, uh- invasions, y'know..." Something of a smile curved his lips at the report- thankful for the lack of trouble, truly, and comfortable giving RiverClan that information. They'd been a massive help last time, hadn't they?
penned by pin ✧


It was Wildboys first official patrol, and he could definitely feel the mixture of excited nerves thrumming through his body. For the Daylight warrior much of Skyclans customs and daily workloads were new, but he was nothing if not adaptable. Packed with seemingly endless energy and an upbeat attitude, the painted tom seemed happy to involve himself with just about anything that was going on in or outside of camp, regardless of how much experience he had with it.

"So we're cool with Riverclan, then?" he asked, mismatched eyes of saphire and gold shifting between his patrolmates in curiosity. He seemed to get his answer when a voice called out from across the rushing waters, followed by another, drawing the sleek angoras attention.

He was quick to offer the Riverclan patrol a bright smile and wave of his tail as his own clanmates began to call back to them in a manner that was nothing short of friendly, and Wildboy made a mental note to keep a good attitude with the group of swimming cats.

skyclan - daylight warrior - tom (afab) - 22 moons - turkish angora - homosexual - polyromantic - a cute white tom with mismatched eyes and dyed fur