are you sick of me | rampaw


too young to be singing the blues
Dec 28, 2022
Strawpaw doesn't mean to stalk their peers, it just... happens. Like just a while ago they had slipped outside camp to observe wherever Rampaw had gone, followed him and just watched. No malicious intent just morbid curiosity, place to place until Straw decides to show themselves, getting bored of the endless walking. They purposefully crunch on the snow, leaning in hard to make the signature noise underfoot, head tilting to the side as they stare. Hopefully he turns around because this little game was ... old.

"Why?" their question is simple, straight-forwards at least in their mind. Rampaw should be more considerate... Their paws were hurting. "Play... with me..." they drawl out slowly, lazily, still unblinking. Just anything, anything but walking! "Tunnels..." wistfully they sigh it out loud, they miss the tunnels where it wasn't so cold, where they could squish the insolent worm beings beneath their paws. Speaking of which... Wormfur had been getting on their nerves... And so had Wormpaw... And Wormkit. All of them, actually. They all were on their bad side...

// @RAMPAW !
the snow continues to crunch under his paws, unlike someone, he does not care to mask them. eyes ever moving and roving, scanning the rolling hills for anything aside from this blank sheet of snow. he only figures someone had snuck up on him when he hears the familiar crunch, but he is no longer moving. the tom moves quickly to face whoever it is head-on, little fear shown on his face. that is until he sees who had followed him.

the little worm freak. the tom's eyes roll as he settles into a more neutral position, still not moving away. play? like games? he can't help but scoff. "we ain't kits anymore, straw. besides, can't fit in those tunnels like you can." it's a bit of a sore subject for him, really. often times, the apprentice feels out of place. windclanners are supposed to be lean, but he's built more stocky. narrow enough to fit through the tunnels and glide across the moors, but he struggles with both. he's not the quickest, nor the most agile. and that pains him. makes him feel insecure in himself; as if he must prove his strength in other ways.

"ya followed me jus' to play? i'm not touchin' those worms if that's what you're trying to get at." there's clear disgust as he talks, nose scrunching and eyes narrowing. but he draws closer to the tunneller, simply so they won't have to walk further in the cold. he liked straw well enough, so he had no problem making their life a bit easier now that he's aware of them.
We aren't kits anymore, makes their head tilt. He speaks of not fitting and they blink, confused. They could make that happen... They're good at digging, they like digging, they'll dig a Rampaw-sized tunnel just for him. Well... theyre also good at flinging snow on the other, too. The thought makes them slightly laugh. "NO worms." just at the mention of them Straw scrunches up their nose. NO WORMS! Straw would CRUSH them all if they could.

(But then, who would keep them company in the tunnels?)

"We play with... Hm..." and yes, that is exactly what Straw does but they don't omit that out loud cause they liked Rampaw, he was silly. It sucked to see that a lot of the clan didn't think Rampaws Bileberry joke was funny... They thought it was funny. "Freeze tag.... Tag, you're it." they scoop up a pile of snow and chuck it at him, saying it regardless of whether or not he got hit. They turn to start trotting away, oh, they liked this game already.. But totally unaware that this was not how freeze tag was played.
they're still, it almost unnerves ram when they aren't moving around or speaking. he feels they might just evaporate into thin air, like some ghostly apparition. straw is just strange enough to not even be real. they confirm with him that there will no worms, and ram lets out a breath of relief. he hates those things, which is another reason he doesn't go into the tunnels. something about them. too small and wriggly it's weird. they're weirdly pink. although straw seems weirdly upset with the notion of the things. he can't really understand if they like the little creatures or not.

he continues to watch the colorful apprentice, silent as they try and figure something out. it's solely up to straw to keep ram's attention on them. thankfully they're pretty good at it. at the mention of freeze tag, he was going to give his approval, before he was viciously blinded. bright white covers his eyes and a chill seeps into his short furs. no, of course, straw could not aim at the large section of him that was long-haired. they had to go with the thing most susceptible to the cold. oh, that freak has done it.

while strawpaw trots away, ram follows in hot pursuit. his head low as he aims to ram strawpaw over, hard enough to have their face in the snow but not hard enough to hurt the thing. just something to surprise straw, although he thinks of that as an impossible feat. "freeze tag!"