oneshot ARMS TONITE ♡ Oneshot

It was as if a tide fell upon her; closing heavy lids stone shut. The silent battle had been lost again from the inescapable need of sleep. The surge of the rapids seemed to fill her ears; peace. Home. Were they home? Countless times they were driven out.. robbed time and time again. Was this real? A heavy breath rose and pulled back, the lick of the river pressing at her paws. It was chilling.. it felt real. The stars she stared at each night littered the sky, but it shown brighter. Brighter than ever.

At first she was in awe, mix matched gaze gluing on each stretch of sky. Then it hurt. It was too bright.. It was a spotlight. Her fur prickled. This didn't feel as if it had good intentions; her intuition sparked unease. She felt scolded.

A metallic taste seeped from her maw, it dripped and landed into the shallows below her. She looked down at her reflection, unease and confusion spilling into her gaze. Blood slowly washed away from her paws. Did she kill someone? Did her anger finally become uncontrollable; Untamed.. feral?

Petalnose searched and she didn't have to look far, just beside her was a familiar coat. Blood spilled from her neck and terror was frozen into well known eyes.


Her jaw gapped open to speak but it was only a crack of her voice. She felt sick.. disgusting.

I couldn't have.. I'd never..

Fur rose and she began to back up as she looked upon her reflection again. What happened?

Did I kill her? Was it really my fault?
