It wouldn't be the first night they've spent together... Pinkshine doesn't think she could ever possibly forget the night Featherspine said she loves her, even if it had been sleep - addled and hazy... She would've truly been a monster then if she had torn herself away from her side in the middle of the night... Or maybe that's just what she had told herself at the time... Could both be true? Pinkshine's starting to think so.

Even before that, sometimes she'd wake up with an arm or tail encroaching on Featherspine's space. ( Had that been some sign too, that he had never bothered her about it? ) Either way, its obvious that if they'd keep sharing a nest, for like... ever, even... they would definitely need more space. So Pinkshine sets about her mission! She would dismantle her nest, get rid of the old bits and weave the still - good bits into Featherspine's nest, easy! Then it'd be their nest for real!

Any passersby would find the calico furiously scraping apart her nest, humming a cheerful tune as she does. Maybe there were other, better ways to go about it... but this way was fun! So fun even, that she just had to extend the invitation to others! " Anyone wanna help me destroy this thing? " she calls, paws still working as she does. Maybe if she was lucky, she could snag someone to do her bidding... um, help her out... With round eyes she'd add. " Or maybe even get me some bedding...? "

OOC: optional tag for @FEATHERSPINE :3 <3
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Moons and moons ago, if one were to tell Featherspine (or Featherkit, he supposed) that he would find truest belonging at Pinkshine's side, he would have scoffed without trying to learn much else. There were many things the chocolate molly cursed her younger self for, but that most of all was what she would regret- not seizing this happiness sooner, resisting it as if it were something poisonous. He would not be so foolish to say there had always been something special between them... that she had always loved her. But didn't that make it more special that he did, now? And that she always would?

They were still young. There would be many, many moons ahead of them, if Featherspine could help it. There was no use dwelling on what could, should have been.

For once, he did not work himself to the bone- not with this. Pinkshine seemed so taken with the idea, the symbolism of knitting their nests together... of throwing everything old out and making something new and beautiful for the both of them. No, Featherspine was content watching her- yellow eyes gazed with a distinct sweetness hardly-ever carved, and strangest of all a small, but very real, smile lay close-lipped and settled on the molly's face. She was not too close, as she watched her... but was evidently observing.

Brightness in her eyes, smile on her face, her mate (and it was funny to think of it now, but in a wonderful way that made his heart tumble) gazed at the masses, inviting them to help. Featherspine's nose crinkled, but with a small grin rather than a grimace. "Oh, p-p-please save her p-p-poor, frail p-paws," she joked, voice sardonic but light all the same. Usually he would find himself discomfited
by such a plain show of emotion, but how could she deny it on a day like this?
✦ penned by pin
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