private Arsonist’s lullaby ♥ Beesong


It seemed a new problem arose into Petalnose’s messy and confusing life. Sleepwalking had become a recent issue. The patched warrior had nearly plunged herself into the deep depths of the river to her demise. Luckily, that wasn’t the case and she awoke once she had made it to the banks. Last she had interacted with Beesong was when she was last discharged for her poisoning. She wondered if the medicine cat had known her ingestion was intentional. Petalnose claimed she had not remembered why, though that was the last thing she had remembered. The only thing she remembered. She knew well of why and she worried whether Beesong had caught onto to her lie. It wasn’t something she was proud of, especially since they had saved her life. She respected the medicine cat, she was thankful under the veil of sadness for her existence. She was sure it wasn’t easy fighting the death that almost dragged her into either of the underworlds she belonged to.

Petalnose did not want to approach the other for the very reason of her night terrors and sleep walking. It didn’t seem possible to rid of. It didn’t seem worthy to get checked out for. She didn’t want to bother the busy medicine cat with something so small. She grumbled at the very mention of it from clanmates, telling them off to leave her alone and not to bother Beesong about her. Though, a npc guided her to her den, nudging her forth like a shy kitten. She turned her head to hiss at them, lashing her tail in an annoyed manner as she watched them turn away. She grumbled once more until she realized she was infront of Beesong. She flinched as she looked up, not noticing him at first in result of poor peripheral, fur rising in an uncomfortable manner. “I uh- I’m sorry to bother you.” She meowed quietly, bowing her head to the ground to avoid more eye contact. She stalled giving the reason of her forced presence, sulking like a shy kit. It was almost obscene for the bold she-cat, normally she wouldn’t care for another cats thoughts of her if she wasn’t already having a break down. But she worried this time. She felt she owed the other, he had seen her in at her lowest point. Where she wanted to let go. It pained her to be in the medicine den again, it brought bad memories to her. Would she have to mention the fact she was remembering too? Though, the details of what she had remembered were a secret she wanted to keep to herself. She was sure she would be pressed to share them. Petalnose swallowed painfully at the thought.

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whiskers twitch as the scent of another fills the den, muted by the aromatic herbs he sorts, but the minute change is noted by the healer anyhow. beesong turns away from his storage, his good eye flickering from the NPC who scurries out of the makeshift den to the flustered expression of petalnose. her flinch is met with a tilt of his chin, a low hum reverberating in his chest as he waits for an explanation; she does not give him one. instead, he receives an apology for being bothered, which earns a quiet huff from the healer. "i'm the medicine cat; being bothered by others is in my job description," he half-jokes, eyes narrowing in a silent demand for her to spill whatever's troubling her.

it's strange to see petalnose sulk, as if she's a kitten being scolded. beesong doesn't know her, outside of passing interactions and the incident, but it isn't a secret that the she-cat is far from shy. is she really that disgruntled about having to see me?

at the very least, whatever's bothering her doesn't seem to be life-threatening, given her stalling.

beesong hums to themselves again. "you haven't eaten another poisonous plant, have you?" the joke is in poor taste, and they realize this almost as soon as it leaves their mouth. the cinnamon tabby forces themselves not to outwardly cringe, their curled ear flicking against the back of their skull for a heartbeat as guilt clouds their gaze. "sorry. that was a shitty joke." they don't know the reasons behind petalnose ingesting foxglove moons ago, whether it had been accidental or purposeful, and the conversation had never come up between them... whether it was because petalnose was busy recovering or because beesong was busy trying to keep the rest of the clan alive. but beesong had resolved to keep an eye on her from afar once she'd been released from their care, to make sure that it didn't happen again, accident or not.

he brushes a paw up one foreleg, clearing his throat as if to clear the tension in the air. "so, what do you need?"
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Her heart continued to race as she took another step into the medicine den. Memories of the pain she felt rushed through her once again. Her stomach stirred as it once did as it tried eliminate the last contents of the deadly flower out of her system. She wanted to turn the other direction but it was too late. The medicine cat had already acknowledged her.

She forced soft chuckle at his first remark, nodding her head and adverting his gaze. Though she could feel it on her, she couldn't bare to take another step and simply sat down in her spot. Though the joke made her freeze suddenly. She'd normally get snappy at it and offended if it was a different environment but she forced herself to let it go. Though, it wasn't easy. She probably would've shoved it back down her throat anyway, she knew better to get harsh around someone who saved lives, especially hers. Don't be so sensitive all the time. She swayed herself and brought herself out of it with a shake of her fur. "No.." mewed uncomfortably, blinking long at the painful memory and furrowing her brows. The warrior nodded at the apology, noting that he didn't mean it in the way she thought he came across.

Petalnose lifted her head at last to finally meet his gaze, "I've been sleepwalking. I don't... Know if you can do anything about it. Though, everyone has been telling me to go to you. I've been having some vivid... dreams? I-I guess they're memories." She announced, forcing herself to muster up more confidence, "I guess they just want me to let you know? Though, I don't know the wonders of medicine. I think I've let that known already." She shrugged her shoulders heavily, curiously looking upon the herbs. She knew she'd never be a medicine cat, one being that she'd never give up the thrill of being a warrior and she was clueless when it came to herbs except the herbs she knew that could do opposite effects. That was a secret to herself. Until they'd find out, she was going to be insistant on acting clueless.

Petalnose respected and adored the medicine cat. His life must have been far more busy than that of a warriors, barely having the luxury of breaks that sometimes came with being a warrior. "How are you, by the way?" She meowed with a soft and geniune tone, blinking her mix matched eyes curiously. She did worry for him, though she also didn't want it to just be about her. She didn't want to be offered too many questions as well, the she-cat easily became uncomfortable. She wondered if Beesong was the same, watching the other intently for any signs of unease.